Halo - Friday LFG Thread

Friday LFG Thread

Posted: 17 Nov 2017 08:09 AM PST

Welcome to the r/halo LFG Thread!

This thread is for finding groups to play any of the Halo video games! Make sure to mention which game you're playing, what the events are, and to list your GT. Here is an example of how to construct your post.

 **GT:** Vorked **Game:** Halo 5 **Event:** General Matchmaking and then we can move to custom games. 

If you have any questions please message the mods.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Halo:CE had the best physics

Posted: 17 Nov 2017 07:01 AM PST

Halo CE Legendary in a nutshell

Posted: 17 Nov 2017 02:54 PM PST

Thought you guys might like these Halo-themed plywood wall pieces I made

Posted: 17 Nov 2017 12:59 PM PST

Everything Will Fade

Posted: 17 Nov 2017 03:48 PM PST

343, Please, do not continue with the BR and Gunfighter starts

Posted: 17 Nov 2017 10:11 AM PST

The H5 magnum has been hailed as a favorite by most competitive Halo players. Lets face it, this community is not that big anymore and there aren't that many new players coming in. Why wouldn't you try to keep your current player base happy?

Additionally, the magnum does not nerfed to make it as shit as the BR. Please.

submitted by /u/175015b
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Take out BR starts from HCS!

Posted: 17 Nov 2017 09:14 AM PST

343i please take out BR starts from HCS and leave the normal magnum. This primary loadout change in HCS is two years late and everyone is already adapted to the H5 Magnum. How can you change the primary loadout 2 YEARS after the same starts.

Also, please update the HCS playlist so we can play the rest of the HCS maps and gametypes including the new Oddball, not just only Oddball!!!

submitted by /u/Lil_Integra
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Not Destiny or Battlefield

Posted: 17 Nov 2017 05:25 PM PST

Hey guys, I haven't booted up H5 since Destiny 2 came out and that game is running dry. From my experience in the Destiny 2 crucible it is an attempt at Halo multiplayer that doesn't even come close. Basically, what have I missed in the Halo scene and I'm glad this community is the salt fest that is Destiny 2 or the dumpster fire that is Battlefield 2. Thought? Edit: Battlefront*

submitted by /u/Snuggiebear225
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Up up and away!

Posted: 17 Nov 2017 09:14 PM PST

The Anniversary Throwback playlist is FANTASTIC

Posted: 17 Nov 2017 01:29 PM PST

I have never had more fun in a halo game than im having now. I wish the playlist was just slayer but either way im loving this. Modern Halo with the sprinting and killer melees plus the god level magnum and all its animations. This is hands down of the best experiences I've ever had with this series.

submitted by /u/TeryonTheHuman
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I recently renewed my XBL Gold subscription.

Posted: 17 Nov 2017 09:12 PM PST

Hey guys! The other day I renewed my XBL Gold subscription after a year and I wanted to celebrate by playing some customs FFA with the community! Shoot me a friend request at THE IRON GRUNT4.

submitted by /u/TV-Toonman
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It sucks that the anniversary playlist has H5 settings on.

Posted: 17 Nov 2017 10:16 AM PST

I'm not gonna lie, I used to like Halo 5 the first 3-5 months but I'm done with it and I srsly prefer Classic Halo. I would play MCC but my friends don't have it, so when the h3 playlist was announced on h5 I was really excited but this new playlist has the H5 settings back on. Why? I would like the anniversary playlist to be a classic halo playlist with classic maps, not the same as every other playlist on the game. The h5 settings really ruin a map like Damnation for example.

submitted by /u/AskiFusion
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Marlin the Elite: The Movie - These guys don't get enough recognition for the work they put in!

Posted: 17 Nov 2017 06:56 AM PST

I really like Halo HCS Oddball

Posted: 17 Nov 2017 08:04 AM PST

Please don't take this gametype away 343. It's literally the only one I'm liking rn.

Edit: Am I the only one who likes the Gun fighter magnum? I prefer the original for competitive gameplay though.

submitted by /u/geeker90000
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Need advice on an old Halo 3 film clip

Posted: 17 Nov 2017 01:55 PM PST

I have a lot of old film clips saved on Halo 3 from 2007 and I wanted to watch them again on my Xbox One X and possibly record a few for YouTube. However a lot of the film clips don't work anymore on the backwards compatible versions of Halo 3 on both the Xbox One and Xbox One X. When I play the film clip, it gets a third of the way through and then displays an error and won't continue. I've tried this on both the regular and mythic versions of Halo 3 but it's the same result. Other people downloading it from my fileshare have the same results too.

The film clips do still work fine on the Xbox 360 versions of Halo 3 but I was really hoping to watch the film clips again in the upgraded version of Halo 3 on the Xbox One X. Does anyone have some suggestions for how to fix this issue and get the film clips to work on the Xbox One? Thanks!

submitted by /u/generalheed
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HeadHunters. Recreated by Flammingrunt

Posted: 17 Nov 2017 09:16 PM PST

BR/Gunfighter Magnum Is Horrible

Posted: 17 Nov 2017 03:57 PM PST

It's been said, but 343 is known to ignore fans, so I'll say it again. These settings are horrible. The BR and Gunfighter are both way too inconsistent, not to mention the team skins we paid REAL MONEY for are almost useless unless you at all times have the gunfighter out.

submitted by /u/Xman478
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[Question] Super jump video I found a long time ago. Took hours to set up and involved dying repeatedly to get grenades. Anyone recognize the video?

Posted: 17 Nov 2017 07:26 PM PST

Halo 2 maybe?

submitted by /u/Pixelated_Fudge
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new gametype for Halo 2 vista Project Cartographer?

Posted: 17 Nov 2017 06:39 PM PST

What's the difference between "The Art of Halo: Creating a Virtual World" and "Halo: The Great Journey... the Art of Building Worlds" -- besides the fact that the latter covers more games?

Posted: 17 Nov 2017 06:35 PM PST

I know the first one was made around the time of Halo 2 so obviously the second one is newer and chronicles everything from CE to Reach, thus having concept art for more games. My question is more about whether or not the first one has concept art not seen in the latter or if the latter encompasses the majority of the concept art shown in the first. Hopefully that makes sense.

I'm curious since because the first one didn't have as many games to cover, I wonder if it shows more co felt art from CE and 2 than the newer one as a result. If anyone has both books and knows the answer, of appreciate the insight. Thanks!

submitted by /u/thehypotheticalnerd
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Thanks for the delivery!

Posted: 17 Nov 2017 07:34 AM PST

Good evening Spartans. I have a question. I want to make a playlist in Halo: MCC for split screen 1v1-4v4 battles. can you suggest the best maps to play on so that people don't spend half a match looking for the other players? Your help is greatly appreciated.

Posted: 17 Nov 2017 06:22 AM PST

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