Learn Dota 2 - Easy ~1 min introduction on direct movement & why it's useful.

Easy ~1 min introduction on direct movement & why it's useful.

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 03:32 AM PDT

What exactly is highground? And why is it so hard to breach?

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 06:01 PM PDT

What exactly is highground? Other than the games where one team has so much of a lead they just storm uphill and decimate everything. In my games I would (sometimes have the aegis) say to my team I'll go hit the tower, back me up, usually to bait out bkbs abilities or make the enemy overcommit to killing me. What are the pros and cons of that?

How is breaching the highground in higher tier games done? How is that different and what are the biggest smh scenarios you see in lower tier games?

When my team is pressuring highground, I like to push at least two lanes in to spread out attention but the enemy simply sits in their base as 5. Do we back off get farm and smoke gank someone before advancing?

submitted by /u/freshshine1
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The extremes of Dota 2: A guide to understanding Dota through understanding the extremes of the game.

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 09:23 AM PDT

I had this idea yesterday. Basically I have a theory that if you learn and understand the maximum extremes of what can happen in the game, it would make understanding the lesser versions of the extremes a lot easier. So I've decided to write up this post explaining what they are!


Tidehunter - Ravage

Ravage is the largest AoE disable in the game. It has a 1025 radius that gradually expands out. At max level it disables for 2.8 seconds and does 380 damage. Buying a refresher orb gives you a colossally sized disable that lasts 6 seconds and does good damage.

Enigma - Black Hole

Black Hole is weaker then ravage in a lot of ways, it only has a 420 radius and can be stopped by any sort of stun. (and bkb piercing stuns). However the tradeoff is that it pierces BKB, and does WAY more damage. If you place Enigma's E before you black hole, you'll do 21% of their HP (as a percentage, not as a raw number), plus the 600 damage of the Black Hole itself (at max level). If you buy scepter your ult will automatically apply a casting of your E when you use it, which stacks with your E itself, for 42% of their HP done. If you refresher orb and do it again, it goes up to 84%. (And you can cast your E again if you're not worried about getting disabled for another 21%, which is probably not even needed to do 100% of everyone's HP) The strength of Enigma is that he can literally 100% to 0% 5 heroes by himself at the same time.

Storm Spirit - Ball Lightning

Every day that I wake up and see the sun in the sky I thank my lucky stars that Storm Spirit isn't in the meta any more. Ball Lightning is an ability that allows you to zip around for the cost of mana. The more mana you spend, the further you go. (In a very complicated formula based on percents and blahblah that I'm not going to go into here). Where an enigma and a tide's initiation range is limited to a max of 2440 if they have blink + force + aether lens (which they probably will never build all 3 of those anyway),a storm spirit who is loaded up with bloodstone charges can single-handedly redefine what is in position and out of position, launching instant disables from well over 4000+ units away. The only limit is your mana pool. This can even be an AoE disable if he gets an Aghs Scepter. Very spooky indeed.

Forced Hero Movement

Forced Hero Movement is pretty much the strongest thing that exists in the entirety of Dota 2. The ability to pull an enemy from their comfort zone into 4 of your teammates and murder them can be the sole difference between an unwinnable situation and a favorable one.

Batrider - Flaming Lasso

Flaming Lasso disables an enemy for 4 seconds (max lvl) and forces them to move where you do. Blinking on an opponent, lassoing them, and force staffing yourself away can drag an opponent 1000+ units (depending on your move speed) away from their teammates. You can even do it to more then one person with aghs and/or refresher.

Earth Spirit - Enchant Remnant

Enchant Remnant is ES's Aghs upgrade, which allows you to turn an enemy or ally into one of his stone remnants. You can then move these stone remnants over 3000 units via a combo of geo grip and boulder smash, not including your blink/forcestaff initiation. This is far enough to kick someone who is pushing your highground from your T3 tower into your fountain and have it attack them, it's THAT far. The reason it's not strictly better then Lasso is because you only get it with gold, not just at level 6.


Lina - Laguna Blade

A level 3 Laguna does 850 pure damage with aghs and also pierces spell immunity. Refresh it for 1700 damage of BKB-face-melting goodness. There are things that can do more single target damage, but not through BKB.

Necrophos - Reaper's Scythe

Scythe does % based damage depending on how much health someone is missing. (If you paid attention during the Enigma part, you should know why this is good.) A level 3 scythe can kill someone when they have 52.63% of their max health (before reductions). That Centaur who has 5000 max life? You just did a 2500+ damage nuke to his ass. Weak to BKB and glimmer capes though.

Hard Carries


Ursa's Fury Swipes passive applies a stacking debuff to the enemy, which makes each additional attack on an enemy do 40 more damage per hit (at max level w/ talent). The first hit would do 40 bonus damage. The second 80. The third 120. This goes on for literally infinity. NOTE: Infinite damage for zero gold is pretty good.


Sniper has the longest basic attack range in the game. (I mean, he's a sniper of course he does. With his passive, a hurricane pike and his level 25 talent, his max attack range tops out at 1190. A blink dagger is 1200 range. A tower has 700 attack range. It's really, really far. Being able to do unimpeded damage from a billion years away while the enemy tries to push your highground is really, really good.


Spectre has a passive makes her take less damage and also makes damage dealt to her get dealt to all enemies as AoE damage. Spectre can buy an item that makes it so if she stands around you, you take damage (Radiance). If you hit her to kill her so the burn damage will go away, Spectre's passive will hurt you. If you hit Spectre you will get hurt. If you don't hit spectre, you will get hurt. Spectre can also buy a heart which makes it so if you don't kill Spectre all of the way dead, she'll show up 10 seconds later with full HP. Spectre can also use her ult to globally stand beside you and burn you at any point she wants to. When you add all these things together, you can simplify it to when Spectre exists and has gold, you die, regardless of whether you ignore her or hit her. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. A very powerful situation to put an enemy into.


Medusa has 2 things going for her. The first is that she can auto attack 4 (5 with talent) heroes at the same time. So that's good. The second is that her Mana Shield ability makes her the tankiest hero in the entire game. Using her mana as HP effectively gives hero 150% HP. When you buy an item like Skadi, the +25 str gives and +25 intel gives you defense, on top of the +25 agi for damage. Hits lots of things + never dies is a good combo.

Naga Siren

This hero is kind of dead in the meta, but that might change. The gist of this hero is that she gets 3 (4 with talent) Illusions of herself. If you get a radiance, you can farm 4 places at once and push. With a manta, that's 6 places at once. If you've ever played against a good Naga, you know the feeling of being oppressed as literally every single lane pushes at the same time (while she also farms the entire jungle at the same time, of course)

Also a special note that LC and Pudge can scale infinitely due to their permanent stat-gaining abilities, and that silencer can (almost) scale infinitely with his intelligence stealing passive.

Defensive Abilities

Dazzle -Shallow Grave

Grave gives a unit complete death immunity for 5 seconds, even when you have only 1 skill point in it! (cooldown/cast range changes with points). The only thing in the game that can go through it is Axe's ultimate. Breddy gud.

Oracle - False Promise

Similar to shallow grave, except that all the damage you received during the duration gets applied to you at the end of it, it doesn't just go away like grave. The tradeoff is that it lasts twice as long (10seconds at max level), and that all the healing you receive while it's on you is doubled. Really, really good with heroes that have lifesteal and attack really fast (like huskar). Dies to Axe ult as well, as well as other things that shallow grave does prevent (like AA ultimate or self-suicide abilities)



This is another hero that's kind of dead in the meta, but should be noted. Broodmother is the hardest tower pushing hero in the game. A good solo offlane broodmother can literally kill the T1, T2, and T3 tower in her lane completely by herself in the first 10 minutes of the game. This is due to her spawn spiderlings ability, every 10 seconds (8 with talent) she can spawn 4 (at max level) spiders that attack for 18-19 damage (32-33) with talent, and also summon their own little spiderlites when they kill things. Spiderlites do 9-10 damage (23-24 with damage). So basically, she summons units that do roughly a quadrillion damage and they melt towers. The tradeoff is that the units are so weak that one nuke can obliterate all of them at once. Takes a very high skilled player to play.

I'm sure there are some more extremes that I forgot to include. Let me know if you can think of any of them, or if this is something that's helped you out!

submitted by /u/DONGPOCALYPSE
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My friends asked me why I was going to the Internationals and what dota 2 was. I decided to make them a video, might as well share!

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 07:28 PM PDT

How to teamfight as a hard carry?

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 11:38 AM PDT

Returning player getting into ranked here. I find myself able to win lane and get a gross amount of farm pretty often on heroes like PA and AM, but my win rate with these heroes doesn't seem to go over 50% very much. It's unfortunate because I really enjoy playing these heroes.

I guess my weakness lies in the late game team fights. Honestly, most of the time I find myself looking at a clusterfuck of spell effects, having little to no idea as to what exactly is going on. I'll buy many usable items like BKB, Abyssal blade, Manta style and Satanic and then panic trying to get them all off at once.

If I'm playing PA for example, what is the proper etiquette to fighting? Do I generally want to wait until their main damage dealer is open, then start wailing on them? Do I aim for their tank when they hop on our carry? Do I pick off the casters in the back?

How do I act exactly late game? Farm, try not to get caught, and wait for my team to find a good initiation? I'm a little confused, as most guides I read don't seem to go into detail on this. I'm open to any advice or suggestions, much appreciated!

P.S. How do I counter Legion Commander blinking and blade mailing on me when I'm playing a carry like PA?

submitted by /u/feedmeattention
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[DOTABUFF] Been spamming Lich, check out a loss of mine?

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 06:18 PM PDT


Can someone check out this match to tell me how I could improve? I feel like I did really well considering we lost all of our lanes except the one I was in. I also had a stupid Omniknight flaming and being an overall putz, which didn't help. The PA went offlane, blah blah, it could have been worse I think. How can I improve?!

submitted by /u/SnakeGandhi
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What to do after taking mid t1 in a winning matchup

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 07:52 PM PDT

Hey guys,

For a couple games now I've had the scenario play out where I am able to outlane the enemy mid and manage to take their tower somewhat early (anywhere from 7 to 12 minutes). The thing is, I can usually solo them at that point so they tend to let the wave push into them and keep it in front of their t2. The question is, what do I do at that point? I usually play farn heavy mids like storm or invoker, so I usually clear my jungle then, but it still feels awkward, especially if I take the tower super early and I can't clear the jungle efficiently at that point. So what should I do?

submitted by /u/drfiz98
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Don't be afraid to pop your skills. You may not get a rampage, but you could win your game.

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 08:26 AM PDT

The title kind of takes away from the meat, but I figured I would offer some advice I see a lot of newer players struggle deciding when to use their big skills like golem, black hole, ravage.

It seems like simple advice, and you're probably thinking "Oh I use my ult", but did you sit and wait just to get that 3 man black hole where you didn't manage to kill anyone, or did you use it to lock down their out of position carry when your team was there to kill them.

Yes you will miss some ult, and yeah the enemies or even your teammates might laugh for using your big ult to lock down their carry, but it works I promise you.

Reference game: https://www.opendota.com/matches/3274305924

In this game the invoker was putting reasonable amount of pressure on my drow and was looking to be a bit scary, so any chance I could I'd black hole him and just let my drow go to town. While I also had a good team following me up I just kept him locked down and shut down his farm, with him gone it setup my team for victory with ease.

The last think I will wrap up with though is even though my advice encourages you to use your skills, doesn't mean it's always the best to use them at the first sight of an enemy, sometimes it is worth waiting on those 3 or 5 man black holes, but seriously don't just camp on it for 10+ minutes waiting for that rampage you may or may not get.

submitted by /u/avatera32
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New to the game, jungling questions

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 05:31 PM PDT

Is farming the jungle from the start viable? And if so how do you do it

submitted by /u/DMlad
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Misconception about what happens when you gain mmr

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 05:26 PM PDT

I keep seeing people on this sub saying "X mmr is hell" or "need to get out of the trench" and shit like that. The reality is that it's not much different as you climb mmr in terms of game quality, it's just that everyone is better in general. People will still flame and feed and if you think your games are going to be super high quality as soon as you hit 3k mmr for example then you will be disappointed. If you want better quality games you're best off finding a good ihl or some stacks to play with instead of grinding solo queue. However if you just want to get better at the game as an individual or see your number go up (or down) and don't care about having high quality games then go for solo queue by all means (personally I do pretty much 50/50 between solo queue and party/ihls)

submitted by /u/Mapex_
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Great video by D2bowie, Things I learned with Faceless.ICEICEICE Enigma in 7.06

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 11:13 AM PDT

A few questions

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 10:58 AM PDT

I've got a list here, so be patient please.

  1. Why pull creep waves (and do you pull yours or theirs)? What advantage does it give?

  2. If you use shadow blade does the damage boost only work on auto attacks or abilities and items as well?

  3. Sometimes purple numbers and some eye looking icon pop up, what is this and what do they mean?

  4. What I the difference of a regular dispel and a "strong dispel"?

  5. What determines respawn time?

  6. TP to towers, it gets slower with each hero. How much do you have to wait in between TP before it doesn't stack?

  7. Are top/bottom and safe land the same distance?

submitted by /u/Shadow-guardian0
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Is there a radiant side advantage?

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 10:48 AM PDT

Not a troll post.


After reading this, it seems that radiant have some sort of advantage over dire. My stats also show a higher winrate while playing as radiant.
But since I'm only 3k, I don't know if it's a coincidence, luck, random teammates, or I'm just bad.

Is it true? Does radiant have an advantage over dire? Or is it just a coincidence? If these advantages exist, what are them?

submitted by /u/C_Sha
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How do I beat a BS mid with Lina?

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 10:03 AM PDT

I've lost my lane twice recently to a BS mid with lina, I'm not sure how to beat him. I can't out CS him, so he's healing up all damage I do, and outfarming me.

submitted by /u/pewpewlasors
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Looking to round out my hero pool, who should I learn next?

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 11:50 AM PDT

Hey I'm new to doto. Been playing for about 2.5 weeks now (with the exception of a week or so of attempting to dota in 2013). First week was the worst but I'm seeing solid progress (https://www.dotabuff.com/players/38015492). Currently I'm trying to keep my hero pool small so that I don't get overwhelmed with things to learn and can really refine a few heroes. The heroes I'm focusing on are PA, TA, Luna, LC, DK, Lina, WR, and CM. I don't really do much CM but she has an arcana and seems really good. One thing I want to have out of my hero selection is a general covering of all of the major roles/tasks/expectations a team could have of a player. Is there anything that these heroes just can't do and if I was to add one more to the list to round it out, who would that be? I've spent a lot of time learning the game in the last two or so weeks and have watched a lot (10) of the Day9/Purge videos - atm my goal is just to try and have all my trends going up. Also I know TA may seem like a weird character to include, but I think she is a really well designed character and enjoy playing her. Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/neogeek23
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Trying to draft an aggressive offlane strat for scrub-tier battlecup. Please halp.

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 11:43 AM PDT

So far I'm working with something like this, http://imgur.com/a/8CbYT

...with ogre being the third in the offlane, not jungle.

Obviously the draft is subject to situational fluidity, and please understand some of my team have very limited hero pool, which I am considering.

Without boring you with too many details, I'm open to suggestions/you telling me I'm a moron.

submitted by /u/StongaBologna
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Just hit 4k playing mainly carry. Now trying to focus on playing support.

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 11:31 AM PDT

Hey guys, as the title states I recently hit 4k (international ranked) and I've decided to only play support and pos 4, maybe some mid until I try climbing again.

dotabuff: http://www.dotabuff.com/players/81042659

So my question is, what are some key points to supporting? I won't be able to always play carry so I should be comfortable in a support role. I've played some but my positioning seems to be off, aka dying more than killing. My idea of warding has been to ward ahead or ward areas where the enemy might go if we are pushing. If behind then ward jungle entry spots or just defensively in general. Other than that I guess some tips on roaming. I'm used to sitting in lane with my carry, stacking and pulling but I know I should leave if they can solo the lane.

Any tips or pointers are highly appreciated!

submitted by /u/chrissypiss
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Why do players use Smoke of Deceit?

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 04:39 AM PDT

I can see its use for going into the Roshan pit undetected (although I've never bought it), but besides that this item looks to me like a waste of gold. Why do pro players use it at the start of the game? This seems absolutely pointless and the effect runs out before the runes spawn anyway. And how is it useful for ganking when it reveals you when you go near them? You usually have to hide in the fog anyway to catch them by surprise.

submitted by /u/verenei
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Are they any up to date websites or videos displaying advanced mechanics and tips of certain heroes?

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 08:22 AM PDT

I am 2700 mmr and have decided to limit my hero pool to 25 heroes in hopes of climbing to 3k and beyond. I can play pretty much every hero decently, but I don't know advanced mechanics (interesting uses for spells, tricks such as attacking during invis fade on bounty hunter, etc) for most of them. Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/Chimpanzoo
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Starting as offlane or support?

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 12:36 PM PDT

Hello fellow learners!

So I'm playing unranked games to try and learn "the DoTA's". It seems like the hard carry and mid get snagged right away.

Can you share some thoughts on whether new players should grab support or an offlane hero? I feel like I am more effective playing an offlane - but I have more wins as support. might be just because I am terrible at the game.

How do I decide where I should be playing to get the most increase in skill?

submitted by /u/guttersnipe82
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When should you leave mid to gank/what indicates the end of the laning phase?

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 07:22 AM PDT

When i play a mid hero (for example Sniper), i know that the meta, with the addition of the extra creep, indicates that you should stay in your lane and outfarm the opponent mid hero.

But this should happen until what time? until you take their T1? or maybe until your opponent mid hero is going missing? And what happens if your offlane gets ganked by three heroes? should you tp to help?

In my games, i usually try to stay in lane pre-10:00, even when ganks start to happen. But more often than not this results in me being over-farmed but this is also true for most opponent heroes since the rest of my team is getting rekted

submitted by /u/henryk3
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Need help

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 08:17 AM PDT

Guys should I on (v-sync) Yes or NO? GPU: i7 , GPU: GTX 1060 6GB. Monitor: Asus 144hz

submitted by /u/king_mjdc
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Visage Mid?

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 08:02 AM PDT

So I've been seeing a little bit of visage mid recently. As a mid 3k trash player I'm wondering when he's effective and what you buy on him.

He doesn't seem that effective as a mid since he's mainly a nuker and falls off somewhat into the late game. I'm guessing that he's being picked in the same vein as veno core these days to kind of wreck the early/mid game and just win from there.

submitted by /u/Necroshock
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Cannot climb out of 1k MMR hell (SEA)

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 07:56 AM PDT

Good evening, I am a SEA player who calibrated early and due to that, got 500MMR only 20 days after my first match of DOTA. I didn't even know what jungle was at the time I calibrated my MMR (had 300 XPM,GPM). After climbing for roughly 5 months, I am just stuck in this 1k pit. I mostly go pos 1 or 2 only because most of the times when I trust my teammates pos 1 or 2 spot they usually fail their lanes and end up feeding. Tried pos 4,5 really doesn't seem to have that much impact in this skill range. When I play pos 1 or 2, 90% of the time I win my lane over the enemy but somehow still ends up losing due to poor communications or just some misplays as a team. When I play pos 1, I mostly pick Anti-Mage and when I play pos 2, I mostly pick Invoker,OD,Lina,Ember Spirit,Storm Spirit(depending on the enemy's lineup). I honestly don't know what to do anymore and would appreciate some tips or feedbacks to climb out of this 1k MMR skill range.

OpenDota profile

Example matches:

AM match

Invoker match

Ember Spirit match

Lost matches:





submitted by /u/Oranjun
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