Guild Wars 2 - Literally unplayable

Literally unplayable

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 05:59 AM PDT

I honestly like the direction our PC is going

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 09:35 AM PDT

Something that really struck me by the time A Crack in the Ice rolled in was the reaction to Braham falling out with us. Now, we can all agree that the Eirsson is making a huge mistake and being reckless as shit, but what stayed with me is the extreme way a lot of people reacted to it. "OMG HOW DARE HE. HOW DARE HE, WE'RE THE COMMANDER, WE'RE THE ULTIMATE BADASS IN THIS GAME, WHY CAN'T WE SMACK HIM UP THE HEAD FOR THIS. IN FACT WHY CAN'T WE KILL HIM RIGHT THERE. I WISH I COULD KILL HIM RIGHT THERE. I HOPE HE DIES IN THE EXPANSION. I HOPE -WE- KILL HIM IN THE EXPANSION. WHY IS OUR CHARACTER SUCH A PANSY AROUND HIM NOT SHUTTING HIM UP?"

One thing is that a lot of people act as if personally insulted, and in fact I don't know what this says about them and their power fantasy fix

But the other thing, and I think this is the most important, is that they're getting a wrong idea of how this story is unfurling. The Commander is not supposed to be a Mary Sue everyone in the room at any given time must bow down to.

Let us consider, regardless of race, our character starts out as just some faceless nobody trying to make ends meet in the world. Depending on our background choices, they suffer from one hardship or another. Their family is dead, soon-to-be-dead or never had family to begin with, friends killed or stuck on a golem for life, grudges to settle, literally born with a destiny to fulfill....but nevertheless they manage to overcome such hardships, and by their hard work they begin standing out and get tangled into the massive deal that is saving the world from the Elder Dragons currently destroying it. And they face even MORE hardships, and they lose even MORE allies and close friends, and most will continue to haunt them for years, but in the end they actually pull it off, right? They go and kill Zhaitan! They're at the head of the literal world army opposing the dragons, they even got to be pals with Destiny's Edge and help get them back together! They can do this!

But it's after Zhaitan that things start going down the crapper, don't they? Scarlet shows up and causes destruction and misery everywhere, culminating with leveling goddamn Lion's Arch to the ground. And then she wakes up ANOTHER dragon, and MORE innocent people die, and the world's army that is supposed to overcome this gets curb-stomped after you worked so hard to mobilize everyone, and even though you do manage to kill this new dragon another friend and LEGENDARY hero has gotten killed along the way, not to mention one of your closest and longest-running allies up to this point had to die by YOUR hands to end this dragon.

And now? The world around you is literally coming apart, the Pact is in shambles, the group of legendary heroes you had on your side is done for good, and you can't even get your friends together to replace them because everything seems to be working against you, it's just one bad thing after another, and that is BEFORE you suddenly learn that everything you've gone through to save the world from total destruction has actually helped MAKE EVERYTHING WORSE. And you STILL have to keep going and spear-head the movement to keep everything from going over the edge because someone has to

The Commander goes from strong and hopeful to increasingly doubting themselves because the burden placed on their shoulders is getting to them, and it's come to a head in these last two LW3 chapters in which you come across as really exasperated, clearly jaded and sarcastic but trudging along to save Tyria no matter the cost. Your character is not perfect, everything is going out of their hands, just seems to get harder the more they fight, and as the vision of Caladbolg said, may not be able to save the world or even themselves at this rate.

And all of THAT is infinitely more interesting to play as than another Chosen One crap

submitted by /u/Monstrum27
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Cosmetic Auras Need an Overhaul

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 12:09 PM PDT

I wrote this post several months ago but didn't post it because I figured I'd be wasting my breath, but with more auras added to the game in this recent patch, I feel it needs to be said.

Unifying Auras and Aura-like Effects:

Right now in game there are various and inconsistent sources of auras and aura-like effects.

These include:

  • Legendary weapons (Twilight/Sunrise, Bolt, Quip, etc)

  • Armor pieces (usually shoulders, i.e. Nightfury, but we also have the Rime-Rimmed Mariner's Rebreather which is a breathing apparatus.

  • Exotic upgrades (Chak Egg Sac, Preserved Queen Bee, Poly-luminescent(s), etc)

  • Infusions (Moto's Bauble, Ghostly, Phospholuminescent)

  • Enrichments

  • Outfits

  • AS OF THIS WEEK: Legendary trinkets

Because of how inconsistently auras have been implemented, they come with a list of problems:

  • When auras are tied to armor pieces, players essentially lose an armor slot because it's being used to equip an invisible piece that just has an aura.

  • When auras are tied to upgrades, infusions, and enrichments, the auras can't be used in all game modes, i.e. PvP.

  • Additionally, when auras are tied to exotic upgrades, using the aura subtracts from the player's raw stats when they could be using ascended gear instead. (Seems as of this week ArenaNet is making an effort to solve this issue with the new recipes to convert exotic upgrades with auras to infusions.)

  • Additionally, when auras are tied to infusions/enrichments they become inaccessible/unusable to players who can't yet afford ascended gear.

  • When auras are tied to outfits, players have to cover up their whole entire armor set just to get an aura they like.

  • Sometimes players want to use an item (usually legendaries) for its raw functionality such as stat-swapping without the visual clutter of the aura. This can usually be solved by transmuting over the legendary skin ... but what do we do with these new legendary trinkets?

All of these problems and the ones I'm forgetting could be solved by putting auras into the wardrobe, or making an auras equipment slot.

To keep backwards compatibility, let players who have these aforementioned items unlock the auras similar to how they unlocked skins for pre-owned items when the original wardrobe system was introduced.

In addition to solving all the inconsistency problems, unifying auras would come with some new benefits:

  • Players would have new reasons to craft more legendaries.

  • You could limit how many auras a character can equip at a time.

  • Players can equip items previously tied to auras without displaying the aura.

  • You could release special and steeply priced GEM STORE auras. (Don't shoot me, I'm just trying to speak in ArenaNet's language :P)

submitted by /u/chrish162
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Program for Tuesday's Announcement.

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 09:01 AM PDT

Why the New JP is Fantastic (Spoilers?)

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 06:55 PM PDT

While I appreciate them in a certain sense, I've not been the biggest of fans of the JPs in season 3. I am not going to say anything that hasn't been said before, so I'll largely avoid commenting on them other than for comparison.

I am a big fan of the one in Siren's Landing, though, and for three reasons that I think make it really and truly great.

1) The scale of the puzzle is always visible, serving to taunt, to motivate, and to inspire. When looking at it from the ground, it's incredibly daunting, but at the same time it calls in challenge and makes you want to ascend all the way to the top. Some of the other puzzles this season and even back to the Silverwastes puzzle have also been grand in scale, but you only really come to appreciate just how big they are by going through them. This one is more like El Capitan or another of those mountains that just seem to inspire adventurers.

Even better, the scale continues to be daunting all the way up. As I climbed and looked up, I was over and over again left shaking my head at just how far I still had to go even for having been at it for so long. I remember the first moment when I thought, "wow, I might actually make it!" (This is what it looked like). This was a great experience.

2) The puzzle never felt cheap. I sincerely respect those players who really like the difficulty of puzzles like Chalice of Tears. However, while I don't mind difficulty, some of these puzzles just felt like the difficulty was cheap to me. This has all been said before, but they featured difficulty that came from the need to make incredibly precise jumps and glides, or to do a lot of guessing and retrying about which way to go.

I've always remembered my experience at launch of discovering on my own Sharkmaw Caverns and Tribulation Rift. Sharkmaw impressed me because, while there was definitely a measure of uncertainty and trying to figure out which way to go, it never felt like blind or random guessing but more like genuine exploration. Tribulation Rift impressed me because I found it difficult, but I didn't feel like the difficulty was from being off by a pixel here or there. In fact, I remember specifically saying to myself while doing it, "wow, the jumping/landing is much more forgiving than in other games," and yet it still felt challenging in a good way.

That's how this puzzle felt. It started off relatively easy, but definitely did get progressively more difficult as you progressed. The thing was that it never felt like I was just being asked to do something absolutely crazy, and it never felt like I was a misstep away from losing 90% of my progress and needing to start over. The way that gliding was integrated into it the JP in order to allow you to recover was very nice. While in some of the more recent JPs the checkpoint system felt like a lazy attempt to mitigate the negative impact of relying on finicky jumps and guessing, in this one the checkpoints felt like they were at worst just a timesaver for resetting on your own, and at best almost unnecessary.

3) This felt like a callback to more classic jumping puzzles like the two I mentioned above, but on a much grander scale and done to a much greater level of perfection. As I said, there are a lot of players who like the "new style" that we've seen recently, but there are also many who have been wishing for something that was more in the spirit of the puzzles that first made JPs famous in this game. This is that puzzle.

submitted by /u/lazerlike42
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Expansion Teaser Wallpaper

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 05:59 PM PDT

I was able to find the background image Arenanet used for their teaser page. The image is split in three parts, the only edit here is combining them as they appear on the website.

submitted by /u/Pathos_Vermilion
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Major Chronomancer bug: Illusions trait line doesn't correctly reduce cooldown of Continuum Split

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 05:56 AM PDT

There's currently a fairly noticeable Chronomancer bug and I'm hoping I can get a bit of visibility / confirmation on this bug.

With the Illusions trait line, we get a minor trait called Master of Misdirection, which decreases the duration of our shatter skills by 15%. This means that Continuum Split should have its cooldown reduced from 90 seconds to 76.5 seconds.

Here's the bug: if you have the Illusions trait line and cast and end Continuum Split manually, you will get the reduced 76.5-second cooldown of Continuum Splt. If you don't end it manually and it times out on its own, you get the full 90-second cooldown.

GIF of the bug: CLICK

This exact same bug occurred with the release of Bastion of the Penitent on February 8th. It was fixed in a later patch on February 23rd. I'm hoping we can get a hotfix on this rather than needing to wait weeks again for it to be fixed!

submitted by /u/StepW
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EU down? :/

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 12:32 PM PDT

New Legendary Accessory and Weapons Total Cost []

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 11:20 AM PDT

Hey all,
I've include the new legendary recipes.

Legendary Crafting Cost
Aurora (Accessory) 1650g
Sharur (Hammer) 4189g
The Shining Blade (Sword) 3783g

The price of many materials has increased. I'll recommend you to wait to let the market stabilize if you are working on a legendary weapon.

Legendary Prev Now %
Elder Wood Log 1s 95c 4s 04c +107%
Mithril Ore 53c 1s 42c +167%
Mystic Coin 99s 00c 1g 17s 00c +18%
Amalgamated Gemstone 1g 92s 00c 2g 17s 00c +13%

It seems is a good time to sell mithril ore and elder wood.

submitted by /u/Jolu_Thief
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Is Queen Bahar supposed to look like that?

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 12:15 PM PDT

[Spoilers] Episode 6 and Episode 5 should have been switched (alternate timeline)

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 10:34 AM PDT

Episode 5:

Chapter 1 is mostly unchanged. Instead of mentioning the Fire Island base, Marjory mentions the White Mantle base from episode 6.

Chapter 2 is the first (second) instance from Episode 6. We infiltrate the base, and randomly run into the Shining Blade Exemplar. She tells us that "Lazarus" is a fake, but he has an aspect, the eye is following aspects, and the eye is up ahead. Finish the instance the same.

Chapter 3 is the initiation instance. Now, this is hard to adjust since it kinda feels shoehorned in anyways. Maybe the Shining Blade tell the Commander that they know how to find Balthazar, but they literally can't tell the Commander unless the Commander takes this magic oath, otherwise they will die. Afterwards, they tell the Commander that the Eye of Janthir would be able to track down Balthazar if the Last Mursaat were to die.

Chapter 4/5 brings us to the ship to Siren's Landing. The events of the episode play out mostly the same. Instead of talking about Braham, the Commander and Taimi have a conversation on why Balthazar lied to flesh out the plot a bit more.

Final Chapter plays out the same, for the most part. At the end, you get a vision showing Balthazar in the volcano at Draconis Mons, setting up the machine, followed by the vision we got here in episode 6. Commander and Taimi have a discussion on the vision, and decide they need to stop him in the Fire Island Chain, before he activates the machine.

Episode 6:

Chapter 1 would be chapter 2 of episode 5. The pre-episode tidbit is Taimi discovering the location of Balthazar, it's INSIDE one of the islands (Draconis Mons). Maybe we get an instance for securing transportation, or something about druids, something like that. Personally, i don't like locking the areas behind instances but all the episodes do it.

Chapter 2 and onward would play out the rest of Flashpoint, mostly unchanged. The time gap can be attributed to Balthazar stealing a piece of technology and - believe it or not - NOT magically knowing how it works.

Final Chapter is after the end of Flashpoint. After the Dragons go nap nap, we get another epilogue instance. We discuss with Taimi about Braham & Jormag, and where Balthazar has gone. The Commander recalls the vision showing them the Crystal Desert, and decide that that is where we must go next. Perhaps when Balthazar vanished he left residual energy that comes from the Searing Brand, and we deduce that we have to follow him into the Crystal Desert.


That's my take on a revised version of the events of Episode 5 and 6, switched around. This makes the living story climax at the end (Jormag, Primordus, and Balthazar) the same as LS2 with the Shadow of the Dragon. It gives us a reason to do the whole killing of Lazarus with an angry god on the loose. Fixes a few plot holes - Shining Blade initiation, Balthazar and his extensive knowledge on the machine, etc.

submitted by /u/Bladekill990
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I desperately need(/want) better options to hide/reduce visual clutter

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 01:07 PM PDT

With the addition of the newest fractal (which I enjoy immensely, please keep up the good work) and seeing the videos of the new legendary trinket it just made it very apparent for me again how the biggest difficulty in fights for me is usually seeing through all the particle storms and explosions and effects and glaringly bright rays that shoot ouf of every character, their armor and their minis these days.

We got the option of 'Effect LOD' a while back (together with gimping many great effects regardless of the setting), but that doesn't cut it because it's still very inconsistent and doesn't allow me to choose what I want and don't want displayed. Which ends up obscuring combo fields or allies effects like Feedback at times, making coordination harder.

It also doesn't help how many new items just get increasingly shiny and visually noisy and how with increasing age more and more people get legendary weapons (or armor/trinkets now).

On TOP of all that, particle effects scale with the enemy model size (for some reason). However, enemies become gradually bigger to compensate for all the particle noise and make you able to tell their animations apart - which then increases the actual visibilty of particle effects. It's a vicious cycle.

Now we also got some effects like the Poly-Lumi thingies and Queen Bee/Egg Sack converted to infusions.

From what I gathered, the desire to 'disable' other players' special effects has two camps:

  • people like me who just want to see what's going on without having to adjust settings between fighting and just enjoying the game graphics
  • people who argue they spent a lot of gold and time on 'prestige' items who insist other people must then look at them all the time

The problem for me is that it's simply detrimental to the ability to play the game. Which is a known issue (the devs themselves said there's too much visual noise in the game, especially in regards of PvP which is why infusions don't work there).

Just look at this fight, the enemy is ginormous yet it's hard to see what is going out if you don't know all the animations and the timings by heart.

There are probably better or worse examples, this one just always stuck to me as especially bad.

So where I'm going with this is that I'd really like to have an option to simply disable other player's special effects / legendaries without necessarily turning on standard character models, which are too far on the extreme ugly spectrum. Let me remove the blade trail of the max size Norn with Feather backpack using Sunrise and spamming 100blades. Let me disable all the random particle effects that explode in 500% their original size on big enemies. Let me turn off 6 on top of one another stacked infusions that turn the character into one sizzling blob of colour noise.

I know it's arguably not very important (at least in PvE; even though I'm advocating this for PvE since it's the biggest issue there), but with the new fractal in particular or some raid encounters I really feel like im fighting the graphics and the nearby players' particle tsunamis and not the actual enemy.

submitted by /u/MolokoNoir
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Lounge Pass Tome?

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 01:18 PM PDT

Any chance of getting an inventory container for all the lounge passes similar to the Tome for the Living Story teleports?

submitted by /u/noctiseques
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[Art] My Thief Slashing at a Mesmer's Clone

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 09:59 AM PDT

Southsun Cove is Broken

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 07:07 PM PDT

Teleports you right back to LA and takes your silver. POOL'S CLOSED.

submitted by /u/MGdawgz
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Can the Portal Tome please open ON TOP and not UNDER the Inventory?

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 11:28 PM PDT

[WARNING!] Don't go to the new map at the moment!

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 07:51 AM PDT

If you can, don't go to the new map (Siren's Landing).

Went there for the LS3 Chapter and it's literally unplayable. When I finally reached the map after being stuck in the loading screen for about 5mins, ppl where complaining about massive lags. I could move, but neither use any skills nor items. The minimap does not show anything for me besides a massive brown blobb.

Luckily after relogging I was back in LA. A friend of mine is stuck on the map with the game crashing everytime she tries to port out.

submitted by /u/Morgan_Gorgoroth
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Login issues: "We are working on it"

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 12:40 PM PDT

[Spoiler]I hope this helps understanding what is going on in the current LS and who are all the "new" characters.

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 05:15 AM PDT

The sound is a bit... well let's say bad but he explains the events of gw1 pretty well and in about 9 mins per continent/storyline.
GW1 Spoilers obviously...

Prophecy Story
Factions Story
Nightfall Story
EotN Story
Especially Nightfall and EotN should be interesting for ppl that haven't played gw1.
I hope this helps, if this is a useless post, I am sorry.
EDIT: Fixed links.
EDIT2: These are not my Videos. If you want to say thank you, please tell the creator by commenting on the Video :)

submitted by /u/craffity
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Let's talk about Fractal Avengers

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 12:35 PM PDT

While it was only a single line in the patch notes, fixing fractal avengers makes a dramatic difference in how T4 fractals are handled. They have been broken for months, and I would wager a good number of people who do daily T4s today have never seen them functioning properly. So consider this a heads up/refresher:

What are they?

Fractal avengers are blue ghostly humans that spawn on the location of any player that Downs in a fractal above level 70.

What do they do?

They stand still for a few seconds, then attempt to stomp the person on which they spawned (they cannot stomp anyone they did not spawn for).

Why are they important?

Downing in a T4 is supposed to be more important than it has been with the avengers being bugged. No longer can you chill in the downed state and wait for your team to wander over to res. Or wait for the half-health elite the team is pecking at to die so you can rally. You will generally be stomped in either of these cases.

How can they be dealt with?

Quite a few ways, actually. The avengers can of course be killed with damage, though this isn't generally the most efficient method. In addition, AFAIK killing an avenger will not trigger a rally.

Instead, it is often easiest to remove their target from them or to interrupt their stomp. The former is possible by having the stomp target move out of range of the avenger (thief 2, mes 2, ele 2, necro transfusion, search and rescue) or by stealthing the stomp target. If any of these things happen, the avenger will fizzle out of existence.

It is also possible to interrupt the avenger during the stomp animation in any of the ways one would interrupt a player performing a stomp (stun, daze, fear, etc). Should this occur, the avenger will once again fizzle out of existence.

Tl;Dr: With avengers functioning properly again people need to be proactive to counter them if they want to save themselves or their team-mates from a fateful stomp. With a little knowledge as to how they work, however, they can be dealt with easily enough.

submitted by /u/Riedar144
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[SPOILER] When the reference is just right.

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 06:08 AM PDT

Lazarus skills during The Rise of the White Mantle: Necromancer

Lazarus skills during The Justiciar's End: Elementalist

Lazarus skills during Living 3 ending: both.

Well played guys <3

submitted by /u/removedquasar
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Guild Wars 2 Forum - Game Release Notes - Game Update Notes (build 7)

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 05:20 PM PDT

New Patch Causing Crash to Desktop?

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 12:34 PM PDT

I keep getting a CTD when I try to enter fractals. Anyone else having problems?

submitted by /u/zanobi_gw2
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Home instance node placement needs a serious redesign

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 10:13 AM PDT

Now that the Orrian Oyster is finally buyable I went and checked it in my home instance (usually Rata Sum if not any other Region Daily) and wow...

Why did ANet place this one SO far away from everything else? I don't know about other instances yet, can only check back next few days, but this one is really out of place.

There are other cases where nodes in some homes are placed very awkwardly. The petrified wood node in Charr Homes comes to my mind.

As a daily home instance gatherer I hope ArenaNet does revisit the Orrian Oyster in particular, but maybe others aswell.

submitted by /u/slashy1302
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Dear Arena Disco and Disco Wars 2. Pls give us a option to Turn off Auras from Buffs and Infusions.

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 04:08 PM PDT

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