True Dota 2 - Arc Warden in 7.05

Arc Warden in 7.05

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 12:13 PM PDT

What is the best way to play Zett in 7.05? Is he more viable now?

  1. middle or safelane?
  2. midas after aquilas or after a core item?
  3. lategame carry, ganker or magic-damager nuker?
submitted by /u/alex007sirois
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When to build phase boots as riki?

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 11:29 AM PDT

Tranquils seem like the best choice. When is it better to trade the regen and survivability for damage?

submitted by /u/Tiencha69
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Is there a hero that, in the 2k bracket, is good in almost every situation, and builds the same items nearly every game?

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 01:45 AM PDT

I want to try an experiment where I spam the crap out of a hero. I also want to build the exact same items every time, in an attempt to become 100% perfectly in tune with the power spikes etc.

I know that this is really simplifying Dota a lot, but I'm curious to try this out regardless. I'm also not sure that there is really a hero that fits all of these guidelines.

So, what's the best choice of hero and item build in this scenario?

submitted by /u/CryyoGenesis
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Why people build echo sabre in Slark?

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 12:21 PM PDT

Slark already has pounce, which locks the opponent.

You get 2 hits instead of one to open on someone, he doesn't have particularly the highest dmg so I would say you would get 100 extra dmg initially on a combat.

It's an item that has no upgrade option and as soon as you've got some stats item stacked, it becomes sort of useless in comparison with what else you get.

Good points: mana regen, +10 str. But for 2.6k there's definitely better options, no?

If you start instead with an aquilla and get a ultimate orb you get potentially a lot of benefits while being closer to skadi.

submitted by /u/rakeee
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Weird interaction with Ember Epirit I found

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 01:12 AM PDT

Im sorry for not being able to provide a video demo of this. But bare with me since i think this is very interesting stuff.

If ember spirit is traveling to a remnant, and along his path if there is an enemy unit, if you use SoF during your remnant form, you attack the target and leave remnant form. Later on, while your hero is next to the target, i think dota still thinks youre travelling by remnant, so what happens is very weird. Your remnant will explode, and you will appear to where your remnant is. Something else i found that during the time where you physically are at a location, you can press the activate remnant button and still continue on your path. I think this can be exploitable in a scenario where you are escaping from a teamfight, so you press remnant and SoF immediately after, you will be save during this time to right click and cast spells as you want BUT, if you get banished, eulsd, die, or black holed, you will not go to your remnant.

To make this more clear. X is ember, Y is enemy, and Z is his remnant(s). you will be in this position in a straight line X---Y---Z. Press Activate remnant then immediately SoF the enemy unit. You will be in this position --XY--Z. Once the remnant explodes (about 1 or 2 seconds) you will apear on your remnants location ; --Y--XZ.

If youre demoing this, try placing a bunch of remnants to make it clearer. so i did this and found that each remnant would burst at 1 second intervals, and i appear on the last remnant. During the explosions, my physical hero is behind the enemy i SoFd. I found that you are not invulnerable during this time. Dying makes you stop bursting remnants. Being eulsd also stops the explosions. Being silenced does not affect it at all. and disables such as call and duel dont affect it either. Black hole will stop it though.

Some cool things i learned, if you place remnants on an empty camp, creeps will not spawn during the time remnants are exploding even if you physically are not there. The minimap also shows the location of your physical hero. Also if youre in a situation where you successfully do this, and lets say, Legion commander duels you. you will escape the duel and the ult will be wasted.

I realize that this is very similar to the Earth Spirit rolling boulder into chronosphere interaction.

Note, i have tested this both in lobby and demo mode. same results.

submitted by /u/HowIsBuffakeeTaken
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Everyone can farm: The upsides and the downsides(let's talk about it)

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 03:31 PM PDT

Disclaimer: I am discussing this in the context of being 4k solo, hovering around there recently

I think that patch 7.00 and associated talents and well the clearing of the jungle treewise through map changes has made it so that everyone can farm

To elaborate on this, there quite a few places where any ranged hero can hit a camp from high ground. This makes it so that almost all ranged supports can casually generate some money by chilling next to that camp when they get the chance. A more lengthy method of jungling for ranged heroes involves hitting the camp and then running away, attacking the camp creeps again right when they turn around. Melee supports like Ogre and treant combine high health regen and natural damage to be able to take on camps once they reach double digit levels without losing too much health or mana.

For carry heroes, many of their kits actually revolve around farm anyhow. The same goes for cores, even offlaners.

The net result of these factors is that everyone can farm and I see supports that get a kill or two (or just don't want to play support) becoming greedy and farming jungle, not buying wards because they are saving for aghs/blink/glimmer/etc. It can go so far that 20 minutes the carry will farm 2/5 of the jungle and all lanes are pushed because his supports can jungle and perhaps the mid is one of the heroes that soaks up all lane farm(meepo, tinker, alch). Accommodating this play is pretty easy if you aren't a dogmatic carry player, buying the wards is still worth it.

There used to be cool deals you could make with supports to get them farm and levels, like them babysitting you until you had the farm and levels to do jungle and then letting them take lane. Supports spent time getting stacks ready for carries and making the most out of nothing. However, this only sometimes punished greedy way of playing support enabled by everyone being able to farm jungle(and bounty runes, might I add) creates a different farming environment for the position 1 and 2 can not keep up in farm and truly carry unless if they get kills - because the farm will not be there for them.

Is this greediness supports now can have a good thing? I'm sure it is part of why supports feel so relevant all game in general. Higher mmr players, do you find that supports trend more towards enabling carries at higher mmr, or that this has happened in your bracket as well? When you play support, do you consciously try to get farm and items now?

submitted by /u/Navebippzy
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Teach me offlane omniknight

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 01:05 PM PDT

when do i pick it, what are my goals?

i have been playing enigma as a space creator/lane winner when possible, other wise I just make sure i get decent farm on enigma, how do I play omnikinght, what are my goals for lane items etc.

submitted by /u/lpokijuih
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How do I farm faster as naga

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 02:59 AM PDT

I feel like when i take too long to get radiance and the enemy team gets too farmed before I can do anything. Does anyone have tips that can drastically improve my farm speed?

submitted by /u/coneballsI5
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Echo League Sweet 16: Scenario Scoping

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 11:20 AM PDT

Link to post:

One of my longer posts so I don't have too too much to add, I'll just note that NCFC's game 1 draft is full of romantic love. Skywrath who is utterly friendzoned by VS (posts's title pic). Axe and Sven who I suspect are all up in each other (I'm not positive, haven't watched siractionslacks lore vidoes or anything).

Anyway wish us luck in the quarterfinals because if we lose I have to write about pub drafts.

-gg worst captain ever

submitted by /u/mjjdota
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Should Silver Edge break be purgable?

Posted: 21 Apr 2017 10:10 PM PDT

Just thought this would allow heroes like timber/BB to come back into the meta again

submitted by /u/17heym
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Should I continue the hard path, or should I do this 'easier' path?

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 04:45 AM PDT

so, i've been playing Dota 2 for a while, 5 months to be exact and I've never played any MOBA or RTS before. When I first calibrated in my main account, I just calibrated too fast and got 2k mmr. I played mostly mmr and never get better, stuck in 2k, even got 1.8k at the lowest. I created a new account, and decided to get better. Here I am now, creating new account, smash down the normal mm, rekt Normal Skill bracket even VHS bracket, i finished with SF in 21/2/13 in 4.2k avg normal mm, next match was 4.9k avg with the highest mmr on that match being 5.4k mmr. I was so excited, but then I thought "What's the point being 4k avg on normal mm, but i will get 3500 mmr upon calibrating."

so I just wanna ask, should I boost my main 2k account or continue this second account and get 3.5k mmr instead of the avg i get in normal mm. The thing i hate in 2k avg matches is the all carry strat, and the pinoys talking their own language.

submitted by /u/Everless5
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How do you save your carries from rupture as a support?

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 12:12 AM PDT

In the teamfight, how do you save your carries from rupture as a support? Glimmar won't help, forcestaff is impossible, magic immunity isn't gonna help, eul bloodseeker is just 2.5s and other enemy will kill your carry. Most bloodseeker go dagon radiance blademail now and solar crest is also not so effective... It is even hard to save that than doom.

Guys, team fight, now just bloodseeker alone. It's about my helpless carry cant do anything in TEAM fights.

submitted by /u/ICEunicorn
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Butterfly on Phantom Assassin ?

Posted: 21 Apr 2017 04:09 PM PDT

I was recently watching Invictus Gaming vs iG.Vitality in the Zotac Cup Masters China Qualifiers Grand Finals, and I was kinda surprised when I saw BurNIng getting a Butterfly on PA after his Desolator and BKB.

He was behind on farm, playing against a Weaver, which is a good MKB user, and Invoker, good Bloodthorne user. Is this a viable option ? I mean it countered the crit Earthshaker he was facing but is it worth the 5k5 gold ?

I know the stats are excellent for PA on the Butterfly but it doubles down on the MKB/Bloodthorne value for enemy, which they probably gonna build anyway facing a PA.

submitted by /u/Tuwzz
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When I have additional units under my control why does dota seemingly randomly select them? What setting have i messed up?

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 06:58 AM PDT

I have never been very good at micro, but I noticed in the last few months a new interaction with my control settings but I can't figure out what it is. Basically when I get another unit under my control, wether an illusion rune, hod creep or pugna's ward the game will select that as my main unit even if I don't click on it. The unit can be half way across the map and suddenly I'm controlling it instead of my hero. But I don't think I'm pressing any commands to make that happen. Is there a microing setting that i accidentally activated? I only have had this issue in the last three months or so. Any thoughts?

submitted by /u/gekogekogeko
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Best offlane void itemization?

Posted: 21 Apr 2017 05:50 PM PDT

Match ID: 3130472127

I was solo offlane void against morphling, and they had a BB, so vlad -> silver edge seemed good, but didn't work out so well in game. Not sure if my team was just bad, the items were weak, or both. I got a lot of farm 1v1 vs morphling and wanted something I could carry the game with (max. team fight damage output). What do you guys think are the best void items here for the first 9-10k gold?

The game was roughly 5k average.

Edit: I ran some tests in demo mode and below is a summary. Lvl 14 void vs 15 armor dummy. All tests had PMS+wand+agi tread and DPS was measured during lvl 2 chrono:

manta+diff = 370 DPS

cryst+manta = 320 DPS

SE+vlad = 210 DPS

mael+manta=330 DPS

daedelus+manta = 420 DPS

mjollner+manta= 401 DPS

manta+mael+diff=467 DPS

manta+diff+crys=459 DPS

manta+diff+bkb=391 DPS

So looks like the winner is manta+diff+mael/bkb.

submitted by /u/Dat_Speed
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Question about a pa build

Posted: 21 Apr 2017 11:30 PM PDT

So recently I've noticed a lot of people going crit on pa. Why is this a thing ? Like from my understanding getting a crit item on heroes with natural crit is pointless, and I always assumed this was correct as you never see jug, CK, brew, pa (at least I didn't see it until recently). So am I missing something, like a weird interaction? Is it just for the damage and not the crit? Because if so I feel like there's probably better options.

So yeah, basically why am I suddenly seeing people build crystalys/Daedalus on pa

submitted by /u/HailCthulhu
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