Learn Dota 2 - Crash course on 7.0?

Crash course on 7.0?

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 01:38 PM PDT

I haven't played since just before 7.0 came out. Going to try and play with a friend tonight but was hoping for any upto date resources on what the backpack is and pull timings, etc.

submitted by /u/Pepiopee
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What makes Magnus such a viable hero in pro games?

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 12:28 PM PDT

I know why some heroes are really good in pro games and not good in pub games (e.g. Io, Earth Spirit) because of their skill cap but what makes Magnus so special?

I see him in pub games on occasion but I really don't see why he's so good.

submitted by /u/TimbersawDust
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Just came back from a long hiatus, and now I cant seem to win.

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 07:47 PM PDT

It always feels like there is something missing from my game atm. I really don't know what it is. Is it my farm? Positioning? Game sense? Here is my dotabuff:


submitted by /u/letsgodevils123
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Question on console commands for meepo

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 03:31 PM PDT

I know there is a console command that allows you to use same skill from multiple units without having to TAB through them. But I recently got a new PC and all my saves are gone.

It was very useful when playing meepo because you could throw the net without having to cycle through your next meepos as long as you have all your meepos selected.

Does anyone know the exact command for this???

submitted by /u/nallaaa
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Now is the best time to join the /r/learndota 2 discord!

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 11:05 PM PDT

Are you new to dota but want to know what's going on in the major? Are you new and want to get better? Are you a high level player that wants to help newbies? Then join the discord! https://discord.gg/MyQZHdY

submitted by /u/Trentdeni
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Any tips or general guide for predicting players in the Fantasy Challenge?

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 03:22 PM PDT

Looking for a good video to explain dota 2

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 04:08 AM PDT

Got a friend wanting to get into dota 2. Was wondering if there was any good videos to explain the concept of the game

submitted by /u/franchise1140
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Road to 2k

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 06:11 PM PDT

Just putting this here... hoping to get to 2k in the next 200 games or so. If you have any general tips, drop them below. Wish me luck.

submitted by /u/Ecnen
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When is Skadi better than basher and vice versa?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 10:10 PM PDT

I think these are both items that help you stay on top of your enemies, but I'm not sure when one is exactly better than the other. I like to play agi carries like Spec, Jugg, PA, etc. I feel like a lot of the time basher is a better item because it transitions into Abyssal which is better in teamfights, but skadi gives better stats so it can be enticing. What should I ask myself when determining which item to buy?

submitted by /u/SublimeDonkey
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Fluxuations in win rate

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 01:55 PM PDT

How much can my winrate with a specific hero, or overall winrate start to fall before I should be worried?

submitted by /u/TheMutantHotDog
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How to play and counter roaming Monkey King?

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 07:38 AM PDT

Basically, the title. I've been watching pro games and Monkey King is a really popular pick at the moment. I often play in pub and rarely see Monkey King, but just in case, I want to know how to properly counter a roaming Monkey King, and also how to roam as Monkey King because it seems fun. Any tips are appreciated.

submitted by /u/TedJA
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What are you supposed to build on Venomancer?

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 01:26 PM PDT

Venomancer was one of my first loves of playing dota 2, when you could basically build anything and it works out, but now that I (and more importantly, my opponents) aren't all completely awful (just mostly) I've been wanting to pick Veno up again. But I have no idea what to do with him. What items to get, what skills to level. I've found a lot of conflicting information, which makes it even more difficult to get answers.

submitted by /u/squidpizza1200
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What to do against Wraith King Aghs?

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 09:19 AM PDT

So I was playing a very tough match of dota and we were defending against mega creeps for around 10 minutes plus. Everytime the enemy team tried to push high ground, we were able to push them back, especially since i had 2 rapiers in my inventory and I was an ember spirit.

They kept waiting for roshan but it didnt help them since I can kill the backlines too quickly and only the cores would be alive without any supports. Then Wrath king got aghs and we killed them all; then our ancient fell 6 seconds later.

What are you supposed to do against this? There is literally no counters other than stuns, in which we used them all in the teamfight. Does killing wraith king first and while he's respawning stop his teammates from getting his aghs upgrade, because I feel like there should be some sort of downside to being dead like not being able to cast abilities or reduced damage. Thanks for any responses.


submitted by /u/AmbyValkrine
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Just saw an incredibly cheap move

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 01:27 AM PDT

So I played a ranked match with an enemy huskar mid vs friendly Alc. By the 20 min mark he was absolutely Invincible. He stood in our fountain being attacked by all of us and could not die. He had 3 solar crests, heavens halberd, satanic, armlet. How the hell?

Match ID: 3137172299

submitted by /u/wright163
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What game mode to play for a team for 4 noobs?

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 12:01 PM PDT

Hi all, me and 3 friends have started playing Dota - I have played sporadically over the years but mostly stuck to watching. We've started with bots, played 10ish games with them and moved to matchmaking, which has been terrible. I don't think we've won a game yet, last game we played they had two players level 75 with several thousand games played each. It's pretty disheartening losing every game.

So, so we stick to all pick? Or do captains draft? I remember there used to be a limited hero pool game mode at one point, I'm guessing that's gone?

submitted by /u/overcookedchicken
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How do I play Necro offlane

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 11:06 PM PDT

I've been spamming Necro a lot to climb in mmr ( I was 2.2k when i started ) and I was doing pretty well, getting some crazy winrate like 80% and every game just felt really easy. But I bumped into a wall sort of at 2.4k and I lost 3 out of 4 ganes that I played today.

I think my biggest problem is being unfocused and not knowing what to do. Do you guys have advice on what I'm supposed to be doing as Necro? Normally I'll just stay in lane until 6 and then try to get a kill and push the tower down. What do I do once people start grouping?

Also what should I be building on Necro? I always go arcanes, wand, mek like every single game and then I'll get a blademail or dagon or greaves but I don't really know why, I try to justify every item I build but some items just seem good all the time.

Thanks for the help.

submitted by /u/Vazoon
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Technical tips for controlling naga's illusions?

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 05:22 AM PDT

I just watched Matumbaman as Naga in Kiev, and what was weird for me is that the moment he created his illusions, it seemed they instantly went in three different directions. Now I know that I should assign each illusion to a control group, so that I should have 1-4 as Naga and her 3 other illusions. But is there a tip to how to control them? Something advanced? Or is it just all about clicking each number and assigning an attack move really fast? I feel like there's nothing more to it than that, but, again, Matumbaman made it look as if they simultaneously received different actions, which is what confused me.

submitted by /u/CheekyBard
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What is the simplest way to counter PA in pub matches?

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 08:12 AM PDT

Say you're playing single draft and none of your heroes naturally counter her. what is the best item/items to do the trick?

submitted by /u/drchaos666
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Whats the point of the group stages in Kiev Major?

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 06:33 AM PDT

Nobody gets eliminated. What is the point of having the most scores?

submitted by /u/handsomejack777
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Invoker itemization

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 09:32 PM PDT

Tbh I haven't played this hero much since 7.xx came out, but I'm looking to go back to him. Most people I see these days build straight brown boots->Midas->Aghs (followed by BoTs a lot of the time), which sounds reasonable. However, what do you build after that?

1) Is Octarine core a luxury item that shouldn't be prioritized over other defensive/utility items, or is it a core item that should be made every game if possible?

2) What is the general opinion on going double mobility, i.e. Blink as well as Force Staff (into Pike)? I havent seen a lot of people do this, but I personally prefer having double mobility a lot on most heroes.

3) On the flipside, when can afford to not go any mobility item? What would you do to position yourself properly in such a case?

4) Is going Eul's after Agh's viable? is there any time when I should go Lotus Orb over euls if its just for removing silence?

(any other tips on playing this hero would also be appreciated ;P I especially want to know what do you do against a team with mass BKBs)

submitted by /u/EL3kTr1C
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Roaming heroes

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 10:24 PM PDT


What are the aims of a roaming hero? What should i hope to achieve playing a roaming hero?

submitted by /u/evisceraze
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Does dying to tower give/lose less gold?

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 12:24 AM PDT

Mid 2k player that started last month here. I noticed that when a hero kill another hero, the bounty is usually ~250, but when a tower gets the kill, it's ~150. Whenever I check the fight recap, it's always wrong, but is the lower bounty intended, and is there any documentation of it? Cheers.

submitted by /u/ViologY
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Can someone 5k+ coach me, or play with me to help me get better and out of 2k?

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 09:38 AM PDT

i am from SEA server end struggling to out of 2k hell, my mmr currently at 2.9k, and always back and forth in that digit

i am aware my play is really bad, the only role i can play is carry, can someone teach me along the way to get me better?

--- EDIT ---

sorry, i mean that i already try all roles in dota, and carry is slightest the best role that i can play, second is offlaner

here is my dotabuff https://www.dotabuff.com/players/147966184

submitted by /u/sanul17
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