Hearthstone - Hearthstone Global Games - Week 3 Results, Discussion & VODs.

Hearthstone Global Games - Week 3 Results, Discussion & VODs.

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 02:42 PM PDT

Hearthstone Global Games - Week 3

Main Viewing Guide with full tournament details and tables.


  • Dates
    • Tuesday, April 25: 01:00 PDT | 10:00 CEST | 17:00 KST
    • Wednesday, April 26: 07:00 PDT | 16:00 CEST | 23:00 KST
    • Thursday, April 27 (Friday, April 21): 18:00 PDT | 03:00 CEST (Friday) | 10:00 KST (Friday),
  • Format: Best-of-five, Class vs Class format. Each player per team has two assigned classes, and may choose one for their game. Win or lose, players may only play once. In case of a 5th game, each team's pre-determined Ace Player may use their Ace Deck, i.e. the 9th class, but not the one they used in their regular game.
  • English Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/playhearthstone
  • Groups: Image

Warning: Spoilers below if you are on a mobile app or have your CSS disabled.


Group Date Team Team Result VOD
A April 25 Bulgaria vs. Indonesia 1 - 3
G April 25 Singapore vs. Turkey 2 - 3
D April 25 Hong Kong vs. Portugal 2 - 3
G April 25 Germany vs. Philippines 0 - 3
G April 25 Czech Republic vs. Croatia 3 - 1
F April 26 Denmark vs. Kazakhstan 0 - 0
B April 26 UK vs. Romania 0 - 0
C April 26 Spain vs. Argentina 0 - 0
E April 26 Finland vs. Chile 0 - 0
F April 26 Canada vs. Belgium 0 - 0
A April 27 China vs. Brazil 0 - 0
G April 27 Taiwan vs. Mexico 0 - 0


  • This thread is updated by /u/powerchicken and /u/Zam0070
  • This thread is written in a spoiler-proof format. If you wish to avoid spoilers, don't read the comments.
  • If you have any corrections, additions or feedback, please send it as a private message.
submitted by /u/HSMatchThreads
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Newbie Tuesdays Weekly Discussion

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 05:07 PM PDT

Hello members of the /r/hearthstone community,

This is part of a series of weekly threads aimed at both new and old players from the community. It is designed so that everybody may ask any and all questions regarding the game's mechanics, decks, strategies and more.

Please keep it clean and try to add more than just a one or two word response. As the goal of this post is to increase the community's knowledge, the thought process matters as much as the answer! There is also a Theorycrafting Thursday weekly post, for those who wish to discuss some of the more intricate aspects of the game.

Sticky Threads and Guides - Great resources for new players!

Note: I am a bot. Questions or feedback regarding this thread? Message the moderators.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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When Reynad counters the quest...

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 05:38 PM PDT

Kripp will hit the button at 1 million followers

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 08:43 PM PDT

Post Journey to Un'Goro r/Hearthstone Survey

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 12:44 AM PDT

Hey everyone! I made a brief 10 question survey about everyone's favorite card game. I am using the data for a statistics project for college and thought I'd get some good feedback here. :)

If anyone's interested, I can post some of the results afterwards. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

Link to survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdYbMdgPY7uyRKCOxkfjdLB3QIpgAeTu8w-vi3hG4ATkvv7tw/viewform?usp=sf_link

EDIT: Wow this blew up! It seems like everyone wants the results so I'll post them when I get home from classes. Thanks for helping out! :D

submitted by /u/HS_Stat_Survey
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The problem isn't ice block but too many random effects that can create more ice blocks.

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 12:13 AM PDT

e.g. babbling book

submitted by /u/TheVindicareAssassin
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Quest Completion Statistics: An Overview

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 07:08 AM PDT

Canceled Adventure Leaked. "Dr. Boom's Dream Career Playset™". Leaked cards Inside.

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 03:46 AM PDT

Transcript from Leaked Blizzard Documents:

"Hello, Parents of Hearthstone Players! At Blizzard HQ we are very concerned with providing strong role-models in our games that your children can look up too, while also keeping the game fun™. After much research and testing, we have found that the card "Dr. Boom", who's first name is Nigel, is very popular with the kids, and we believe it is because they react positively to his position as a high-ranking medical professional. We understand that almost everyone who plays our game is a child, and based on all the whining we receive, we believe none of them are above the age of 6. In our Brand-new adventure, we let Dr. Nigel Boom take on a wide variety of careers to show children that not everyone needs to be a doctor, and we hope they can find role-models in our 5 Brand-New Legendary Nigel Boom Cards.

Professor Boom

In our first wing, Dr. Nigel Boom will teach your child the importance of learning, by becoming Professor Boom! Based off multiple posts on Reddit, we understand that many of our users don't actually read card text, and are easily confused by cards like Corruption or Wisp. We hope Professor Boom will help children realize that reading is a great way to learn, but is also fun™! You and your child can discuss the importance of reading, and how to use reading to maximize their Pizza Hut BOOK IT™ profits.

Tennis-Instructor Boom

Our second wing sees Dr. Nigel Boom, who's middle name is Ernest, take on the sports world as Tennis-Instructor Boom! Sports are a great way to stay active, and Tennis-Instructor Boom knows how to make being active fun™! We purposefully made the Hearthstone Ladder extremely tedious and boring to encourage children to stop playing and go outside, but it doesn't seem to be working. We believe Tennis-Instructor Boom will be a great role model for children who sit behind computers all day, which is 80% of our playerbase. You and your child can discuss alternative ways to have fun besides hearthstone, like Tennis, or Gwent.

Stay-At-Home-Dad Boom

In our third wing, Dr. Nigel Ernest Boom switches things up by staying home with the kids! As Stay-At-Home-Dad Boom, Dr. Nigel Ernest Boom takes time off from his busy doctor life to focus on just being a Cool-Dad™! Children should know that it's OK for Dad to be a caretaker, especially if he owns a gun. You and your child can discuss gender roles and how cool it would be to have two dads.

Pet-Stylist Boom

Our fourth wing will see Dr. Nigel Ernest Boom take on the life-threatening position of a Pet-Stylist! Everyone knows that dogs have a self-destruct button hidden somewhere under their fur, and they'll explode into a cloud of pink-mist if it's accidentally pressed. Pet-Stylist Boom risks his life everyday giving dogs wonderful haircuts, knowing that one slip could blow up everything within a 5-mile radius and get dog fur all over the carpet. Pet-Stylist Boom will show children the importance of dangerous jobs, and the brave men and women it takes to complete them. You and your child can discuss how to identify a canine self-destruct button, and how to use a chicken to deactivate an activated button.

President Boom

Our Fifth and final wing sees Dr. Nigel Ernest Boom 'Make Azeroth Great Again™' as President Boom! President Boom promises to cut taxes and send all aggro decks back to where they came from within his first 100 days in the metagame! Children should know that they can strive to achieve great things, like becoming president, or winning the lottery. You and your child can discuss the importance of being a strong leader and keeping your word, and also how to identify Fake-News™.

We Hope you and your children are excited to play with all the Brand-New cards that are coming and we'll have more to show you soon™."

submitted by /u/mbagillespie
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Mage just killed my 2 cairnes with mass dispell into dragonfire from a LYRA she created from a harpy.

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 11:01 PM PDT

How's your day fucklords?

submitted by /u/Landmarkmoon
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Kibler - "We're gonna mindvision ... and take his sulfuras..."

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 04:07 PM PDT

Always accept friend requests

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 07:58 AM PDT

I was playing arena a few weeks back and got a request from my last opponent and we had a lovely exchange http://imgur.com/2V5FthZ

submitted by /u/Raxun
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Trump's impression of Kripp

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 11:20 AM PDT

Small change that could improve arena rewards.

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 02:52 AM PDT

When playing arena you don't get 10 gold every 3 wins. If that counter would just continue while playing arena it would be slightly more rewarding to play arena. Thoughts?

submitted by /u/stoeipoesj
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[Savjz]You went full cleric. Never go full cleric.

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 01:21 PM PDT

Hearthstone Android is nominated for "Best Multiplayer Game" in the yearly Google Play Awards!

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 08:47 AM PDT

An Ode to Miracle Rogue

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 06:56 AM PDT

I've been playing since summer '15,
an Auctioneer I never have seen
in over 250 classic packs,
that sucks!

Therefore Miracle Rogue allays eluded me,
I watched Lifecoach play her admirably
and I really wanted the deck on the spot
but my collection was only good for RenoLock

Then last week, another Un'Goro pack,
that sweet orange glow, and with a smack
the card turned around, I had found Sherazin
my face suddenly bore an evil grin

So I decided, fuck it, lets go
I had all that dust from Sylvannas, you know
and so, finally, after almost two years
I owned Thalnos, van Cleef and two Auctioneers

The first games I played, and I thought "What,
I've been playing hearthstone for so long, but
neither with Patrons, Kazakus, Reno or,
any other deck have I had that much fun before!

You think I'm behind, look at my Auctioneer,
cast 20 spells, drop 2 giants, grab another beer
Turn one 6/6, or even larger later on,
van Cleef is just so much friggin fun.

There is tons of combos, its all synergetic,
you almost hear your opponent "Thats pathetic!"
after another one of your crazy turns,
the decks hard to play, but one always learns.

I still miss my beloved Reno Jackson
but this deck makes my outlook relaxing
I turned so exited I have gotten all lyrical,
and now I'll press play and have another miracle!

TL;DR So, I've been playing for almost two years now, but as I never opened an Auctioneer I was never able to play Miracle Rogue. That is, until last week....

Holy Shit, that deck is sooo much fun, I just had to write something about it. I am not a native speaker, so please forgive me....

submitted by /u/k_klunz
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Just Kripthings

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 08:36 PM PDT

Please believe in yourself

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 05:57 AM PDT

I see a lot of people in casual with tier 1 aggro and midrange decks (the Grimy Goons are striking back). I am not going to complain about them, since I go to casual to experiment and not to compete (so I learn a lot from playing vs tier 1 decks with my experiments).

What I want to say is - you are wasting your time in casual if you actually get any thrill from competition. Put yourself out there, play on Ladder.

Your deck is clearly good enough. And so are you. Go get them, and let casual be... a bit more casual.

submitted by /u/Shakespeare257
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I think it's about time we figured out the algorythm behind Curious Glimmerroot.

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 04:55 AM PDT

It's literally the only card in the game where I'm not sure what it does.

It seems to pull the cards that are already played more often, maybe? It seems to know what a Renodeck is. Never have i been offered a Reno Legendary when it wasn't a Reno deck. It matches class cards with class cards and sometimes by cost, i think?

Is there a resource somewhere that shows the exact offerings of discover cards in saved games,so we could delve into this?

submitted by /u/Sanelis
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Hearthstone Sounds in Serious Situations

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 10:08 AM PDT

3 Spellbenders on a Stegodon, on a Stegodon (Arena)

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 07:13 AM PDT

Opponent used Spikeridged Steed.

My Spellbender + Mana Bind activated... Happened to have 2 Motlen Reflections in my hand.


Introducing The Stegobenders http://imgur.com/a/uWDak


EDIT: IT HAPPENED AGAIN. Added the screenshot of my hand, he quit before I could play it this time.


Arena is lit!

submitted by /u/mistajason
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Mobile Deck Tracker Fix Coming With Next Mandatory Patch

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 08:45 AM PDT

Secrets should have the "created by..." tag if originate from Babbling Book etc.

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 07:40 AM PDT

Blizzard always repeats that randomness increases the skill level. If that is their opinion, that they should make randomly created secrets a little less random by indicating if that secret originated from the deck or a random event. Currently, any given secret can be literally everything, so you better not even bother testing for a specific one. If it has no "created by..." tag, at least I can use my meta knowledge to narrow down the choice. I seriously hate coin flip mage in its current state. Not even to think about tournaments. This deck will decide championships because of its highly variant nature.

submitted by /u/Senecus_HS
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What is fun and interactive gameplay?

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 04:32 AM PDT

So far, the Hall of Fame changes have had a really positive effect on the format.

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 08:34 PM PDT

When the new Year of the Mammoth format was introduced, it was revealed that six classic cards would be moving to wild as part of the "Hall of Fame", with the intention of diversifying the meta and answering the community's complaints about certain aspects of the game. All in all, we've already started to notice how these changes have positively shaped the Standard format.

Azure Drake was essentially an auto-include in the 5 spot. Un'Goro introduced a really strong set of 5-drops, with cards that fit well in almost any kind of deck. Aggro decks got Bittertide Hydra, combo-oriented decks got more powerful with Lyra and Vilespine Slayer, and a super-value card that's actually somewhat viable, Elise, actually sees play. Removing Azure Drake has led to experimentation with the spot that we haven't seen in a while.

Ragnaros the Firelord and Sylvanas Windrunner had a similar problem, as they were the defaults if you found yourself needing a late-game powerhouse. And while flooding your board could help weaken the effects of these two, ultimately games came down to RNG effects -- filling your board with silver hand recruits won't stop Rag from killing you at 8 health or Sylvanas from stealing your Tirion if you happen to get unlucky. The removal of these cards has allowed midrange and control decks to explore similarly versatile late-game threats.

Power Overwhelming often found its way into two decks -- Renolock, as a finisher in combination with Leeroy and Faceless Manipulator, and Zoolock, where allowed for huge value trades. Reno has gone out of standard, and Zoo isn't doing too well at the moment. However, this isn't so much due to the departure of PO as it is the loss of staples like Imp Gang Boss and Dark Peddler, as well as the fact that Blizzard seemed to go all in on the discard theme with both Un'Goro class legendaries being related to discards and neither being particularly good. This is the one Hall of Fame card that hit a particularly weak class, but then again, the meta is still developing.

Ice Lance and Conceal were two cards that had the same problem for a lot of people -- there was really no way to counter them, and the decks these cards defined -- Freeze Mage and Miracle Rogue -- could often play without much regard to what their opponents were doing until their win conditions were in place, whether that meant a 22 damage kobold combo or a stealthed 10/10 VanCleef.

Without these cards, those two decks are still strong, but both have changed towards a more "interactive" play style. Miracle Rogue runs more cards to compete for the board, like Sherazin, Vilespine Slayer, and Arcane Giant, while keeping the defining Auctioneer and VanCleef combo-oriented core.

Freeze Mage is less focused on building up your hand and unleashing a powerful one- or two-turn kill. Now, lethal setups are based on cards like Pyroblast and Antonidas, which take multiple turns to pull off. The opposing player now will usually have the tools to combat this deck -- an aggro deck can rush it down and midrange/control decks can fight the Freeze Mage's burn plan with healing -- something that wouldn't happen if your opponent could kill you from 20+ health.

Overall, the Hall of Fame selections this year emphasized greater diversity in deckbuilding and more interaction between the two players. Good work Blizz.

submitted by /u/dcmetro7
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