Diablo - Managed to reach rank 1 on my first barbarian.

Managed to reach rank 1 on my first barbarian.

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 06:00 PM PDT


After playing for 29 out of 34 hours of the season, I finally managed to reach my goal. Though it might not be the coolest thing, because not many ppl play barbarian and it's still early in the season I was still very proud of it.

submitted by /u/Nerazon
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Took me around 20 minutes to get this kill streak.

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 02:43 PM PDT

524 kills in FoM. Some random gold ended it but there weren´t much mobs left anyways.

My best kill count before that was around 300 so I´m really proud of this one.

submitted by /u/MattVanEy
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First legendary after reaching 70....

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 11:36 AM PDT


Fake S10 conquest: reach GR70 using this weapon!

but first... cleaning gutters and mulching the yard -_-

submitted by /u/Davlok
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If you get a rainbow goblin in your game, leave the game when finished with Whimsydale

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 07:50 PM PDT

Just got 2 rainbow goblins in the same game and the second one did not open a portal. I assume this is because I had already cleared the zone.

On another note, Whimsydale is now completely broken. In one run of Whimsydale, I got enough gems to craft 6 flawless royal emeralds (after converting everything to emeralds). That just completely kills gem progression and one of the limiting factors of augmenting ancients.

I also got around 10 legendaries, ~75 daemon's breath, a ton of forgotten souls and hundreds upon hundreds of regular crafting mats. This was on T9.

submitted by /u/noobsc2
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Fps Drops/Freezes

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 03:23 PM PDT

Ever since 2.5 has come out I have been having a lot of freezes and fps drops. In diablo on max settings I normally get ~125 fps but as of this patch it has lowered to roughtly 80 with constant 1-2 second freezes and drops to 12 fps. I have looked everywhere for a solution to this problem I am having. I have tried all the usual things, tanking settings, 32 bit client, leaving all chat channels and communities, editing d3prefs with different settings. Nothing as worked. Does anyone here have any solutions different then the current threads on the forums about it?

Rig is a MSI GE62 laptop GTX960M i7-6700 16Gb ram

I am using a monitor as my main screen with a 1920x1080x60 resolution.

submitted by /u/alukax
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S10 Guides: Impale Shadow DH

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 04:42 AM PDT

Hey everyone,

a couple weeks ago on the PTR, I did quite a lot of testing around the reworked Holy Point Shot and the new Shadow's builds it enables, and made some guides for them. I've updated them again a little bit now. I have three builds in total depending on what you are going to do: solo pushing, group play, or torment / low GR farm. I hope you will like them!

Impale Solo GR 90-95+

Impale DH for groups (RG-Killer)

Impale DH T13 / GR70+ Speedfarm

I know that especially for groups there will be a lot of people asking how viable DH will be compared to Monk and Wiz. The short answer is: we don't know. The long answer is: Monk is probably out entirely because Wiz and DH are new and slightly stronger, and between Wiz and DH there are some differences in how they are played and how strong they are for killing the RG, but overall they will most likely end up at the exact same level.

As for the torment / low GR build, I think especially when farming in groups, this has more potential that UE Multishot, so it's a top notch farming build. And the solo build, it's a little bit behind the other top builds we have on DH, but still top 10 viable.

Happy season everyone!

submitted by /u/wudijo
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Whimsydale is actually rewarding now

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 09:17 PM PDT

Don't know if this is new to anyone, but I got a rainbow goblin on T7 today and thought maybe I'll finally get my wings (I didn't) but instead I got about 30 of every imperial gem, 15 legendaries, 30 forgotten souls, 50 death's breath, 50 million gold and tons of blue items. If someone is looking for a nice headstart in the season go join a rainbow goblin community. I feel like it might even be better than the vault now.

submitted by /u/meDeadly1990
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Pretty unfortunate first primal ancient

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 04:41 PM PDT

http://i.imgur.com/IbZ3PkS.jpg had a blood theif in the vault at least.

submitted by /u/Problimz
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What do I do with a weapon that I need for endgame build that I found at level 20 ish? (Johanna's Argument)

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 03:49 PM PDT

Do I keep it? Do I stash it? Do I cube it until I find it again at endgame? I need the blessed hammer buff but the dps is really low compared to yellow 1h weapons I am finding and I am not sure what to do?

submitted by /u/jerseyse410
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Cursed Shrine events in bounties timer fix

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 05:58 PM PDT

I don't know if anyone else noticed this, it wasn't in the patch notes.

It seems with the arrival of the new patch letting the timer run out on the first wave doesn't work anymore. Even if you run out of time the game will still require you to kill the remaining waves of enemies.

submitted by /u/igotnothinbro
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Dear people who leave bounty games after the first cache,

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 03:51 AM PDT

Kindly die in a fire.


Best regards,

Other people

submitted by /u/AedanValu
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How'd your leveling go?

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 05:57 PM PDT

I tried the Halls of Agony, it went well for a bit then I got absolutely slaughtered with no gold or loot at all. I would not recommend it on barb.

The problem early on was the barb had no ranged attacks, cc was hard to implement, and mobility was rough.

submitted by /u/himthatspeaks
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How Seasons Actually Work on Console

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 01:57 AM PDT

Ok guys...I did a fair bit of testing last night and want to summarize how it all works. . .


No big deal...you need a PSN account and need to be online to create a seasonal character. You also need to be online to continue your seasonal character.

BUT if you then go offline after loading your save you can continue offline and it will save your progression in terms of items found etc. What it may not save is any Seasonal Journey challenges you unlock and any leaderboard entries.

What this means for Hardcore is that a) you can restore your save and your character will be back from death and b) if you get disconnected you will not die like PC.


No-one can trade at all in seasons on consoles.

I can't stress that enough.

Even 2 players in the same online session or 2 players couch co-op that find gear together cannot share that loot.

There is no mailbox, it is disabled. You cannot trade in the party system. In couch co-op if one person drops gear and the other picks it up the gear goes back into the inventory of the character who dropped it.

In online if you drop gear the other person cannot see it.

If you enter a game hosted by someone else, drop gear (they cannot see it) and then you quit, restore your save and rejoin the same session the item you dropped is not there...you can't dupe that way either.

Thus, with zero trade at all we know what that means. No copying of items.


With no way to trade and no way to import save from lastgen then all that funny gear that kills things in a GR150 is gone.


If you gamble shards or do something in the cube or craft something and then do certain things to reuse the shards or reuse your mats you will get the same items.


It means seasons on consoles are in a great spot. All the known exploits are gone.

Yes you can restore a Hardcore character from death since it is offline saves and both consoles offer a backup save system.

Also, no trade may mean that console players may struggle to match PC players in terms of building a top build because EVERYTHING a console seasonal player does has to be self found, self crated or self gambled.

Seasons being 3 months long may mean to get all Ancients or Primals will take a long time.

Top PC streamers get help from party members as they can trade within the party for the first hour or so after they find items thus top players get others to send them mats etc.

But that is minor.

Everyone on console is in the same boat, they seem clean and with zero trade means no copying of items which is most important.

Happy seasonal hunting folks!

submitted by /u/dontknowwheretogo1
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Best 2 person meta this season?

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 08:03 AM PDT

For just 2 ppl, what is a strong combo for grifts?

submitted by /u/Strantjanet
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Town Portal Bug

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 06:54 PM PDT

[S10][NA] Powerlevel & Chill

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 04:32 PM PDT


Season 10 is upon us! This means you need to hit level 70 again!

So let's cut to the chase:

1) Come on by twitch.tv/xinryu_
2) Type !plvlme (battletag) to join the levelling queue
3) Wait for your turn, while enjoying our complementary chill tunes and (hopefully) amusing atmosphere
4) ???
5) Profit! (As a fresh level 70)

I'm not sure how long I'll be running this tonight, but I may also be doing this tomorrow if there's an outrageous amount of interest

submitted by /u/Xinryu
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Hardcore Seasonal Clan Recruiting!

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 04:08 PM PDT

If you're looking for a new clan for Hardcore Season 10, we just started one and need to fill it. Offering power levels and stuff.


<PZZA> Pizza Police HCS

Just request or send me a message with your btag! TY!

submitted by /u/laghacks
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Can find a recent/relevant answer: Season noob, should I level 1 character or multiple, and why?

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 10:04 PM PDT

Most the answers I find are many seasons back and usually say "yes so you can play the same class with different builds" but with armory no longer important.


submitted by /u/Th3Dux
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Best build for 4/6 DMO wizard before getting last 2 pieces? Can't seem to kill anything in Torment4.

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 09:50 PM PDT

Not sure if this is the Dev Team Trolling...

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 05:27 PM PDT


I noticed that when I identified Corrupted Ashbringer, a "new transmog" popped up on my screen. I was able to transmog Corrupted Ashbringer to a yellow 2 hand sword.

submitted by /u/06gto
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When should I ditch my borns/cain sets?

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 02:52 PM PDT

I'm leveling and wondering when the best time to ditch these and just use a leorics crown with ruby?

submitted by /u/trevorkellen
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Season 10 Powerleveling for any and all who need it, Sat 4/1 starting at 10 AM EST

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 01:13 AM PDT

Hi again r/Diablo! Every season after I level and gear to the point I can farm comfortably I open my games up for people who are looking for a powerlevel. This is my 7th season hosting these powerleveling parties and they are a lot of fun! My philosophy is that I'm going to be farming most of the day anyway and it's not an inconvenience to me so why not help out the community :D

Couple things:
1. I play on the NA Server, softcore
2. I will be running T6 rifts, leeches have to be on the same floor as me to gain XP. Please do not AFK as you will need to teleport whenever I move to a new area.
3. Please stay at the entrance of the rift where it is safe. If you are running around and looting (and dying) it takes longer to level up*Once you are 70 please leave the game immediately. there is usually a line and I'd like to get as many people leveled as possible.

The powerleveling is organized through my stream twitch.tv/daddywarrbux and managed with the help of my channel bot. To join the powerleveling list you simply need to come to the stream and type the command !joinqueue (battle.net tag). THERE IS NO COST TO ENTER THE QUE, YOU DO NOT NEED TO FOLLOW THE STREAM.The que will open at 9:30, stream will start at 10:00 with the first group. I will level as many people as I can and will even extend the Powerleveling into Sunday if there is a large enough interest. I am looking forward to hanging out with you guys and talking about the new D3 season. :D

EDIT: done for the night, will be back tomorrow at 12 if anyone still needs a boost

submitted by /u/Daddywarrbux
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The LMB dream

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 10:28 AM PDT

I would love to have my controls to work in such a way that left clicking only moves my character. And only shift+LMB would result in an attack. Is that somehow doable?

submitted by /u/remodemo
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Kicked from game when I pause?

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 07:59 PM PDT

For the last 24 hours I've had the most annoying bug. When I hit ESC to pause my single player games I get disconnected from the game, and sent back to my character screen. When I try to start a new game I get a "servers busy" message for about 10 seconds, and then an error about my game license!


This only happens when I pause the game, and never in the middle of gameplay! Ideas?

submitted by /u/emdeemcd
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