Pokémon GO - Whiny Wednesday - A Complaints Megathread [Meta]

Whiny Wednesday - A Complaints Megathread [Meta]

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 04:06 PM PST

Good morning /r/PokemonGO,

Today marks the middle of the week, and now is time to share all your complaints. Complaints regarding the sub, pokemon go, or any other stuff you wanted to get off your chest.

Thoughtful complaints are still allowed to be posted to the subreddit any day of the week, but now there's a for those low effort small complaints you have. Keep in mind, the low effort complaints should be posted here only, they will be removed if they are posted to the sub.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Come to the party a little late. Local church is GGG.

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 05:34 AM PST

So the local gallery is hosting a "Go! Show"..

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 08:14 AM PST

YouTube'ers are done with Pokémon Go. Is PoGo going to survive?

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 01:48 PM PST

[image]The perfect Pokémon go accessory

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 02:32 PM PST

The game is worse than at launch

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 12:35 PM PST

I know a lot of users are unhappy with Pokemon Go, and I think it is not just the wasted potential, but also the fact that the game seems to be going in the wrong direction. We are all afraid that the next update is going to make the experience even worse, because we have seen that way too many times. And it is not just confirmation bias - I think that the game is truly worse now than at launch. And here is my assessment:

Software Quality - it is very difficult to argue that the client has gotten better. It has

  • - longer load time
  • - higher RAM use
  • - more storage use
  • - more network use
  • - more crashes
  • - fewer supported devices
  • - speedlock means that running or cycling does not count
  • + but the music player interaction has (arguably) improved

The content (server side) may have improved a bit, depending on how you look at it:

  • + gen 2 babies
  • + Pikachu can have a hat!
  • + daily bonus
  • + increased spawn rate
  • + 30 minute spawns instead of 15 minute spawns
  • + can walk candy with a buddy
  • + server is more stable (not content, but server side)
  • + tracker is easier to use
  • - tracker is much less fun and (arguably) less useful
  • - leaves are gone
  • - halfed the chance of 10k egg (from about 10% to about 4%)
  • - higher defense / flee rate
  • - prestiging takes longer

And finally there is the social side, which has turned worse, although that may be inevitable:

  • - fewer people are playing
  • - fewer lures around
  • - gyms are getting stagnant
  • - spoofers are rampant
  • - higher levels are less rewarding
  • + it is easier to keep a gym for some time

Taking all that together, it is very difficult to argue for a positive balance. So I wonder: how can you launch a 1 Billion game, and 7 months later it is worse than when you started?

submitted by /u/MrPuddington2
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Ashamed of PoGo?

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 06:20 AM PST

Just curious if there are people out there who are ashamed of the fact that they (still) play PoGo for whatever reason. I myself have hid this fact for most people myself, being afraid to get that 'you still play this' reaction or just be outright mocked for it.

submitted by /u/Falcanor
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"On Niantic, Pokémon generations and the long game" - a techies perspective • /r/TheSilphRoad

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 03:45 PM PST

Hey r/pokemongo, we're going to be listed on the popular page.

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 10:51 AM PST

Reddit admins are changing some algorithms, so we are going to be listed on this new page called popular. Check here for more specific details. That means we might be seeing an increase in visitors, as time goes one.

We just wanted to take this time to say thanks for all your efforts, and for being great users.

Have a good day!

submitted by /u/zslayer89
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[Story] I was bamboozled!

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 04:03 PM PST

at risk of sounding so noob Today was the first time i hatched any of the little Gen 2s. I got a Smoochum from an egg and was super excited about it as well as getting enough candies for evolution! I went into the Pokedex and totally freaked out as i had seen that it now expanded to 238. I spastically searched the internet for info on a Gen 2 release and found nothing. I called my boyfriend and told him i was the first person on the earth to discover the Gen 2 release. Im an idiot.

TL;DR I thought i discovered Gen 2, but really im just dumb.

submitted by /u/HouseMoose
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I'm reminded of how poorly designed Pkmn Go is by playing the newly launched Fire Emblem Heroes

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 09:15 AM PST

So why make the comparison? Because they're both top tier Nintendo IPs capable of making big $ games. The difference being that Niantic either seems to not really care and also really doesn't seem to have capable game designers.

First off the bat with Fire Emblem being launched I notice a few common sense things that will give it longevity in the mobile market and a more satisfying/deep level of play.

  • A story mode. Fire Emblem Heroes has a story mode with several difficulty levels. You're constantly given rewards for progressing through this story mode.

  • Special maps that change everyday. A special map pops up everyday that allows you to unlock a new character by beating them. Yes I said everyday.

  • You also are rewarded for logging in. This is one thing Niantic did get right!

  • Depth and strategy. There is a strategic depth in Fire Emblem Heroes that allows for more tactical battles, and makes it pretty fun and challenging at times more so than just button mashing to victory.

  • There is also an event going on right now, and as soon as that event is done, I'm sure there will be a brand new one to directly replace it. This is the biggest thing Pokemon Go has messed up on. They make an event like what every 2-3 months? That's not how you keep a mobile game alive.

You can tell the health/popularity of the game by looking at its youtube stats. Right now Pokemon Go keeps trending lower and lower in the youtube community, to the point where it will be impossible to make anymore popular pokemon go videos.

Because that's how many people are just dropping it and moving on. Even most people on this forum don't even play anymore, they just come here hoping to hear about a new update. I've just never seen such bad game designers as Niantic. There is so much they can do, but yet they do so little.

submitted by /u/ChillRedd1tguy
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Ideas for Pokemon GO Updates

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 09:21 PM PST

Tiered Gyms:

  • tier brackets: LVL [1-5][6-10][11-15][16-20][21-25][25-30][31-35][35-40]
  • depending on your level, the gym will show a different "tier" to ensure that gym fighting is healthy for new players and challenging for old players
  • allows you to hold onto gyms longer but more fairly since this would reduce the number of players who are able to fight at your gym
  • allows different teams to hold the same gym location, but as a player constrained to your tier, you will only ever see 1 team holding that gym at a time
  • allows greater number of players to benefit for Defense Bonus at gym without taking away benefits for others (think of rural areas where gyms are limited)
  • EG) I am team Valor, level 25. All the gyms I go to will show the [21-25] tier, meaning all the players holding those gyms SHOWN are strictly level 21-25. I go gym location A, it shows team Mystic controls it with defenders level 21-25. My friend is team Valor, level 26. He also goes to gym location A, it could show a team different than Mystic in control because only players 26-30 would be shown to my friend.

Meaningful Training at Gyms:

  • along with increasing the gym's prestige, it will also increase your Pokemon's level by 0.5.
  • you gain the 0.5 level after reaching a certain threshold of wins that is dependent on the Pokemon you train with (think of the Buddy system and how different Pokemon need different kms walked)
  • there is no "easy" abuse where you can gain levels fast, since remember... you will only see trainers in your tier bracket
  • there is no "switching" in battle while training, so the issue of delegating "threshold wins" to multiple Pokemon is non-existant
  • if a gym has multiple defenders, every subsequent defender you beat in a row will give increased "threshold wins"
  • EG) Gym location A has 3 defenders. I use Pidgey which needs 5 threshold wins to gain that 0.5 level. My Pidgey beats only defender 1, gaining 1 threshold win. I then use Dragonite which needs 20 threshold wins to gain that 0.5 level. My Dragonite beats all three defenders, gaining 1 (from trainer 1), 1+1 (from trainer 2), 1+2 (from trainer 3) = 6 threshold wins. You could only increase this threshold depending on the Pokemon's current level: going from 39->40 would need 100 threshold wins while going from 1->2 would need only 1 threshold win.

Stardust Sink and Heart Scales:

  • with gyms training your Pokemon, stardust is less necessary
  • I recommend introducing a new item in the shop that requires Stardust, item called "Heart Scales"
  • used in the console games Pokemon Diamond/Pearl, these scales allow Pokemon to change their move set
  • allows greater control over personal Pokemon move set, better strategy in fighting gyms
  • 1 Heart Scale can be used on either Quick or Charge move
  • using the Heart Scale will randomly change that Quick or Charge move to a DIFFERENT legal move
  • most Pokemon have around 3 different possible moves in their Quick/Charge move slot, so there's a reasonable number of Heart Scale usage needed before you get optimal Pokemon
  • this helps reduce the disappointment in catching a high IV level Pokemon that has crappy moves

Friend/Party System and Multiple Avatars:

  • introduce a way to add people to a "friends list"
  • those added in the friends list, their avatars will visually appear on your screen when they are close to you, similar to how you can only see close wild pokemon
  • introduce a party system where friends can "party up" and increase benefits when they catch the same pokemon together or fight the gym together
  • benefits include: 50% exp gain, 50% stardust gain, +X stardust, +% increase in PokeCoins, etc
  • seeing other people's avatars in game make the idea of customization of players more relevant and fun
  • makes the world less empty
  • have the ability to "hide your location" if you don't want people on your friend's list to see your avatar and know you are there
  • remember, only people on your friends list + NEAR YOU will be shown, so you can't stalk better from your house via PokemonGO

Trading and How It Will Physically Be Implemented:

  • obviously heavily requested, but here's my take on how it will actually be implemented
  • with new Party System, you will need to be in party to trade pokemon
  • when you open the start menu (where Shop, Pokedex, Items, Pokemon button are) there will be 5th button called Trading
  • both players must clicked this Trading button to engage a connection
  • while connected, both select a Pokemon to trade, both confirm that the other player's Pokemon is indeed the one wanted, and then the Pokemon are traded (insert trading animation)
  • you can only trade pokemon within that player's level to ensure that the tiered gyms are not broken
  • EG) I am level 5 with a level 5 Pidgey. My friend is level 20 with a level 5.5 Krabby and level 20 Dragonite. My friend can trade me his level 5.5 Krabby because it is within the maximum level I can have but he cannot trade me the level 20 Dragonite.
  • trading removes the super random chance of finding rare pokemon and replaces it with a social aspect of knowing others as a benefit for completing your Pokedex
  • you can only trade if you are friends, in a party, and NEAR EACH OTHER meaning you can't trade a region-exclusive with someone across the world
  • this also prevents third party microtransactions where people would "sell" rare pokemon for real money
  • Pokemon traded to you will NOT received increased a reduced threshold win while training in gyms (the parallel to how traded pokemon will received increased exp gain in the console games) because it is uncessary and just another random stat to program and keep track of
  • you can trade as many times as you want and trade the pokemon back and forth (to complete the Pokedex for people)
  • ofc, this can be abused by spoofers but all these ideas are built around the game as it is intended

Gen 2 and Region Mode Option:

  • rather than mixing Gen 2 spawn points with Gen 1, allow players who have completed something like 130 / 142 catchable Gen 1 Pokemon to have a Region Mode Option
  • this new mode option will be toggable in the Start screen, next to the new Trading button
  • when you click it, it allows you to choose a "Region" to explore
  • everyone's default is Kanto, but after catching 130 Gen 1 Pokemon, Professor Oak has deemed you worthy of venturign to other regions
  • the second option would be "Johto" where all the Gen 2 spawn points would replace all the Gen 1 spawn points
  • this ensures players won't be capturing the uneeded Gen 1 Pokemon + do not have physically move cities or something to see new Pokemon
  • the swapping between the Region mode is on a timer, say 24 hours to prevent switching between the regions and seeing x2 the amount of Pokemon spawn points
  • the region are you in does NOT affect the gyms, so it's possible to "see" Gen 2 pokemon from Gyms for your Pokedex while still in Gen 1
  • you can trade Gen 2 pokemon to people locked in Gen 1 as long as the level requirement is not trespassed
  • the requirement on the Pokedex would require "seeing" not capturing specifically Gen 1 pokemon, so even if you saw all the gen 2 pokemon through gym battles but still havent caught enough Gen 1 pokemon, you can't go to the new region
  • why? because Professor Oak wanted you to complete the Pokedex for your starting region, you are awarded to explore new lands only after you've completed your original task

Eggs Update and Speciation:

  • With more and more pokemon, eggs become more and more random
  • With the intro of Region Mode, eggs will also hatch Pokemon more commonly found in your region mode
  • this allows players to better target needed Pokemon rather than walking 100km+ and still not finding a Togepi
  • this also means eggs you get from Pokestops while in Kanto Region, you swap to Johto region, that Kanto Region egg has increased chances of hatching into a Johto pokemon
  • this is easier on the system since individual eggs do not need to be programmed to track its source location and region
  • theoretically, all eggs still have chance to hatch into all pokemon, just the chances are shifted depending on your region

Evolved Pokemon and Transfering Balance:

  • spending 125 to evolve a Squirtle into a Blastoise, but if you transfer that Blastoise, you get only 1 candy?
  • make it more desirable to catch evolved pokemon that spawn in the wild by increasing the transfer rate
  • someting like 20% of the candy requirement to evolve sounds reasonable, so a Pidgetto (which took 12 candies to evolve) would still give 2 candies for being transfered. a Graveler which requires 25 candies will give you 5 candies in return while a Rapidash (requires 50) will give you 10 candies in return
  • increase the difficulty of catching evolved wild pokemon if you think these rates are too high
  • this allows players a reimbursement for evolving a pokemon and then catching another pokemon with much higher IV, less of a disappoint and more control of player's pokemon
submitted by /u/chubchubpenguin
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This is my dissertation questionnaire, and I would really appreciate it if people over 16 would complete it. It'll take about 5/6 minutes to complete. The Pokémon GO mods have approved my posting. Thank you in advance!

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 06:37 AM PST

Apple Watch App won't work for more than a few minutes at a time

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 03:34 PM PST

This is so fucking frustrating. I try and use the watch app, and it starts up just fine. Got my distances right and everything. I'll start walking, and after a few minutes I'll look down at my wrist and it'll show me the summary of my walk, and say that I walked for about 4 or 5 minutes before ending the walk, but I never ended it. It just did it on its own. I'm sitting at my desk typing this right now, and I started a walk before I started typing just to test it out more, and I looked down at my wrist and it has already ended my session: imgur.com/qzsKZeQ

I started another one and again it ended my session just now after uploading that picture. Lasted 37 seconds.

This isn't acceptable. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling the app. I've tried resetting my watch. I've made sure it has access to all my health shit.

The point of the Watch app is to not pay attention to the game. But if I constantly have to check and make sure it's working, then it's useless.

Does anyone else have the same issue? Anyone found a solution?

submitted by /u/andysaurus_rex
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New info - Man killed playing Pokemon Go allegedly attemped to run over the security guard.

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 04:57 AM PST

[Discussion] List of CP's for 100%IV Eevee's - Don't pass these up in the wild.

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 06:05 AM PST

I made a simple list of the possible CP values a wild 100%IV eevee can have so I can conserve items yet not pass up possible 100%-er's. Thought others may find this useful. EDIT: To be clear, aside from 830 I don't think any of them are a unique CP, the list is just a way to filter out a lot of the non 100%IV pokes.


1 - 13

2 - 42

3 - 72

4 - 101

5 - 130

6 - 159

7 - 189

8 - 218

9 - 247

10 - 276

11 - 304

12 - 332

13 - 359

14 - 387

15 - 415

16 - 443

17 - 470

18 - 498

19 - 526

20 - 553

21 - 581

22 - 609

23 - 636

24 - 664

25 - 692

26 - 719

27 - 747

28 - 775

29 - 802

30 - 830

submitted by /u/TheDukeAnumber1
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Pokemon Go Wins Yet Another Award

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 02:01 PM PST

Pokemon Go can add another accolade to its successful 2016 launch. The mobile game took home the "Best App" award at TechCrunch's annual Crunchies ceremony yesterday evening. The game beat out Clue, Musical.Ly, Prisma, and WeedMaps for the coveted award. Several Niantic employees accepted the award on behalf of the game's developers and promised more updates to come You can check out the full acceptance speech below.


submitted by /u/kingrdgz
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How does PoGo differentiate small movements from GPS drift?

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 02:38 PM PST

A recent update stated that it addressed GPS drift. I now find that small movements - such as skating at a rink, walking in stores or other scenarios where there is some kind of cover does not build up KMs. I think we skated close to 7km a couple of weeks back and did not register a single 0.01 km (an egg was at 4.99km and did not hatch until we walked back to the car). The app showed that we were moving for the majority of the time. Does Niantic not think about the impact on genuine movement before making these tweaks? Wouldn't it make more sense to leave things alone than punish people without knowing if it was really GPS drift or not? IMHO this is just Niantic trying to nickle and dime people by removing the free GPS drift kms, without consideration to genuine movements.

submitted by /u/RavenLogics
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All this hate for Niantic, but where's the hate on The Pokemon Company?

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 01:07 PM PST

I like many people have been frustrated with Pokemon Go's stall out as of late. As a veteran ingress player this isn't the Niantic I recognize. In Ingress we've had well over a hundred real world events taking place all over the globe, some competitive, some cooperative, some just for adventure. The competitive ones even come with lots of different in depth rules and mechanics that vary per event. Niantic has their problems, for sure. But keeping the game itself interesting has never been one of them. The only new factor in this game over Ingress is the The Pokemon Company (for here on out referenced as TPC), so it got me realizing some context for things.

  • TPC gave Niantic laughably low numbers of users to expect to play on launch,

  • TPC in all likeliness freaked out at the headlines of pokemon go related accidents and demanded Niantic pull the plug on the tracker we had at launch.

  • TPC in all likeliness is holding back Gen 2 because they just released Pokemon Duel, or because they want to avoid another rush of players that caused the first batch of headlines of people getting hurt playing Pokemon Go. Their new device to "make playing pokemon go safer" could be what they're forcing Niantic to wait for.

  • TPC reps have said they see pokemon Go as an advertisement. As promotion for their own games. They don't care about Pokemon Go as anything more than that. The game they wanted Niantic to make exists already, a game where you can go out and catch pokemon in real life as a sort of mini game spinoff. (edit: and when someone rage quits pokemon go they go off to pokemon duel, or pokemon sun, games TPC would much rather be popular)

TPC is who we need to be angry at. Niantic has problems, but they're not wholly incompetent. I get that people are angry, but take Niantic into Context. Any long time ingress player can attest to that.

Edit: The fact is Ingress is worlds better than PoGo in terms of gameplay. Even Now Niantic is still handling it better than PoGo is being handled. Ingress has a global shard event coming soon, You may not like the IP or the mechanics, but it's the most indepth and competitive AR game there is. They know how to make a good game. If you ignore the player counts (because that doesn't matter at all to development really) then there is no reason at all for them to be in over their head with PoGo. This is a bucket compared to a diving pool in terms the game's depth.

Ingress has actors, story, world wide events, local real world events, they partner with tourism boards, there is just no reason Niantic should be having any trouble at all with PoGo. It makes zero sense when you take the company into context.

submitted by /u/davidj93
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Which semi-rare pokemon are you having trouble finding?

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 11:06 AM PST

All my friends caught magmars less than a month after the game's release, but I haven't even seen one on the nearby list. I know it isn't a common pokemon, but idk how I've gone over 6 months without seeing one.

Have any semi-rare pokemon eluded you for this long? Such as magmar, porygon, electabuzz, etc?

submitted by /u/lizz96
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[Question] which magikarp to evolve

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 09:25 PM PST

After a lot of walking I finally have the candies necessary to evolve a magikarp. I have 2 currently, a 12/13/14 and a 15/15/8. Which would be best for gym battling and defending (obviously move set has weight to this but currently there is nothing you can do for that. Which one would be better to evolve and why, or should I wait until I have more candy saved up to level up, and potentially catch a better one if possible?

submitted by /u/NickSkayuna
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Excel Tool for Determining CP Range of Quality Pokemon Found in the Wild

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 05:09 PM PST

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