Xiao 8's wife interview on newbee The International 4


Can I say that i hate The international? Because every year when it comes to The international, participants will be busy with training, and have very little time for girlfriend. Now that we are married, hmm, i have changed, don't mind about these things now; I want him to focus in competition. I could be there at The international 4, for work or for personal reasons, but I chose to stay at home, patiently waits for him to return. I hope that when he comes back, i will be able to welcome him back at the airport. I hope that he can calmly compete in The international 4.

About the result that he can achieve in The international, I don't really care. Because personally each player has his dream as a pro gamer. I am willing to marry him even though he has nothing, hence I don't mind how much prize money he can earn from the tournament. What i care is his emotional state of mind, when he lose games that he wasn't suppose to lose.

On the night before the team confiscated cellphones, about 10pm, they have a brief holiday. So we went out together to eat supper. Then Xiao8 told me that phones will be collected soon, and we are not able to communicate or see each other for about a month. Of course i'll be thinking of him, but isn't there a thing called steam? In Dota 2 i can see if he's online, sometimes talk for abit, it isn't too much i guess? (chuckles)

We both love kids. Now we might not have the plan to have kids, but if we were to have it, we will be prepared for it. Hubby, I'm very happy to see what you have achieved in The international 4. Actually, we both have been through alot. The biggest problem with relationship is that he has sacrificed so much time, time that he could have been with me, by my side. Today I see the result you gained, i'm very very happy for you, I feel that all these sacrifice made are worth it. Hubby, no matter what result you achieve, you are always the best man in this world in my eyes.

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