The International 2014 : Multiple EN casters and personalities confirm TI4 invited

English casters and personalities have already confirmed their invitation to The International 2014. More invites are expected to come within the coming days as we are only less than a month from the tournament.

So far, the confirmed list of invited casters and personalities includes:

We can also expect a good number of casters and personalities from different regions getting invited. Among the big delegations present last year were representatives for China, Russia and Korea.

UPDATE : Andy 'Draskyl' Stiles will not be a part of the The International 2014 casting crew, as he has officially declined Valve's invitation. In his letter to his Twitch subscribers, he explains that he was not offered enough casting opportunities during the event.
Here is the letter sent by Draskyl :

Without you guys, I'd be nothing but another face among a mass of DotA 2 players but because of you I'm able to do what I love for a living. Because of you, I'm able to live a dream. That is why as hard as it is for me to say, I will not be attending TI this year. I know some of you were looking forward to meeting me and for that I apologize. I was not given the opportunities I had been prior to this years International and because of that I had to decline Valves invitation to cast the biggest tournament in the history of any E-sport. This wasn't a decision I took lightly, but I have to stand up for what I think is right and the position that I was given I don't feel is fair to me so I'll have to keep on hoping for another shot next year. (Not really a great excuse for the crappy dota I played earlier, but it was on my mind quite a bit) As a reminder, this weekend I'll not be able to do sub games due to Dreamhack Summer. Hope to see a couple of you there! 
The International 4's main event will be held 18-21 July at Key Arena in Seattle, USA. However, it will start as early as 8-13 July for its playoff stage. The prize pool of TI4 currently stands at nearly $9,400,000.

Source: Wykrhm

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