Overwatch - [Serious] Two Weeks Later: Opinions and thoughts about the November 16th Patch?

[Serious] Two Weeks Later: Opinions and thoughts about the November 16th Patch?

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 07:04 AM PST

The November 16th Patch included a new Hero (Moira), Hero changes to Ana, Lucio, Mercy, and Winston, comp restrictions to GM rank, and a list of bug fixes.

Patch Notes for the lazy: https://us.battle.net/forums/en/overwatch/topic/20759535818

What are your thoughts? Have you enjoyed or disliked the changes and content?

submitted by /u/SpriteGuy_000
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After this latest example of Doomfist being adressed and fixed, It's quite clear that if you structure your post correctly and actually provide constructive feedback, You're post is a lot more likley going to get the developers attention.

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 07:11 AM PST

Now, We've all seen the posts. DOOMFIST IS BROKEN or DOOMFIST NEEDS A BUFF that provides little to no actual constructive feedback and is structured horribly.

We all saw the post made by u/iSinner_ recently, this post was well structured, with examples of every bug and how it effected gameplay along with video evidence of each bug, and presented in a way that it is easily read and is clear on what is being provided.

Well, As you must have seen by now the points have been addressed and some have been fixed. However we all know the posts that said FIX DOOMFIST coming up everyday, but it was addressed properly when a user put time and effort into their post.

TL;DR: If you are going to make a post on how a character needs balancing or needs bug fixes... structure it properly and provide examples of the problems, do not simply say OMG FIX PLS, because if you do structure your post correctly you have a much higher chance of your post having an impact.

Edit: Gold? Thanks, seriously I haven't had it before.

Edit 2: Anyone else notice that someone made a very nice and detailed post about Widowmaker and that got the attention of Blizzard? Funny ain't it.

Edit 3: I am also very aware of the typo in the title, It was a simple mistake and if I could edit it I would. It was 4am I was tired and I was not thinking straight when creating the title.

submitted by /u/GotUsRaro
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I laughed way too hard when this happened

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 01:03 PM PST

Widow is the new Doomfist (BUGGY AF, PLZ FIX)

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 10:05 AM PST

Here is the list of issues that has been plaguing Widowmaker.

Sniping issues

1) Double bullet trail hitreg/netcode misprediction bug

1.1 https://gfycat.com/HarmlessDarkBlackfly

1.2 https://gfycat.com/GenuineAnnualAsiantrumpetfish

1.3 https://gfycat.com/DistortedTangibleCavy

1.4 https://gfycat.com/PresentForsakenGelding - with net graph

1.5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Prm9lr5Jm3U (play at half or quarter speed)

1.6 https://gfycat.com/SecondaryJauntyBernesemountaindog

1.7 https://gfycat.com/WebbedIncredibleEthiopianwolf

Blizzard has acknowledged it, but has not given any further updates.


Whenever your input doesn't make it consistently to the server because of connection inconsistency, there's a chance that the server will not replicate your aim synchronized with when you pressed the fire button. This error is exacerbated by recoil-based weapons, since your aim will certainly have changed the frame after you fire a recoiling weapon. If the server doesn't honor your aim direction at the moment you fired because of packet loss, you will very likely mispredict. We are actively investigating a fix for this, which we hope to deploy with the next major patch.

2) Overaggressive occlusion culling, enemy and map "pop-in" (thanks to /u/klasbo)

2.1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQvj_KIzRms

2.2 https://gfycat.com/SpiffyShrillAntarcticfurseal

2.3 https://gfycat.com/JovialVibrantBelugawhale

2.4 https://gfycat.com/AdorableGiftedJerboa

More detailed post with an acknowledgement from Bill Warnecke here, but no further updates


3) Barriers are difficult/impossible to see with bloom

3.1 https://gfycat.com/UnpleasantFatalEnglishsetter

4) Hitbox issues

4.1 https://gfycat.com/TightPerfumedArabianoryx - head hitbox does not align with model (not just training bots, occurs during stuns )

4.2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AlpQ-1Et49E - hand/arm/shoulder/non-head hitboxes block headshots and turn them into bodyshots

4.2.1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8HqQq4PAB7w - another, more in-depth example /u/Landing_headshots

4.3 https://youtu.be/ShnB0WpLIUo?t=23s - Squash and stretch animation on sliding ledges deforms Widow's body... she's the one character that will be on sliding edges the most (video from Muselk)

5) Midair jump inputs cause descope

Pressing jump while you're already airborne causes Widow's sniper rifle to descope. Very inconvenient if you use scroll wheel jump, but also, why does this exist in the first place? If you're airborne, it shouldn't descope. Only when you're trying to jump off the ground should it actually descope.

6) Sniper rifle 0% damage issue (not exactly a bug)

Sniper at 0% - 12 damage, consumes 3 ammo, 1 shot every 0.5s fire-rate cap, 0.33s scope-in/out

SMG - 13 damage, consumes 1 ammo, 10 fired rounds per second fire-rate and first bullet is always accurate

In all situations where you'd want to fire a 0% shot, descoping and firing an SMG burst is ALWAYS better, faster, and more damaging than a 0% sniper shot. This wasn't the case before she received her damage nerf in June 2016. If there are no situations where a 0% shot can be used (if everyone just descopes and fires an SMG burst) then there's no reason to have it start that low.

The sniper at 0% takes longer, consumes more ammo, and deals less damage than her SMG. If an enemy survives with < 10 health, it is ALWAYS better and faster to descope and fire an SMG burst, than it is to fire a follow up 0% shot with Widow.

Making it equal to the SMG at 13 damage, or even giving an incentive to scope-in with 15 base damage (but still keeping the maximum bodyshot damage at 120) would make the above ammo/time costs worth it.

Grappling Hook Bugs

Super-cut of the grappling hook monstrosity

7) Grappling Hook does not connect to certain walls, at all

7.1 https://gfycat.com/JealousRichApatosaur - Chateau Guillard

7.2 https://gfycat.com/AdorableFewBobwhite - Watchpoint Gibraltar

7.3 https://gfycat.com/HarmfulSkinnyKid - Ilios Ruins

8) Grappling Hook auto-aim is a nightmare

8.1 https://gfycat.com/UnrealisticBelatedCrocodileskink - Ilios Ruin floodlight

8.2 https://gfycat.com/IllustriousEvilAsiaticlesserfreshwaterclam - King's Row picket fence

8.3 https://gfycat.com/GiganticMixedInvisiblerail - King's Row phone booth

8.4 https://gfycat.com/NeighboringEnchantingArmyant - King's Row phone booth 2

8.5 https://gfycat.com/DelightfulRepulsiveCommabutterfly - King's Row Defender final spawn

8.6 https://gfycat.com/DelayedSoulfulGreendarnerdragonfly - King's Row building

8.7 https://gfycat.com/RemoteInfatuatedIbisbill - Route 66 floating platforms don't have autoaim

8.8 https://gfycat.com/RightGlassArabianoryx - Volskaya floating platforms don't have autoaim

8.9 https://gfycat.com/AptForthrightIraniangroundjay - Route 66 boxcar

8.10 https://gfycat.com/CoarseEcstaticAbalone - Oasis Garden spawn door

8.11 https://gfycat.com/DangerousIdealEelelephant - Hollywood streetlight

8.12 https://gfycat.com/AmbitiousSereneAnnashummingbird - Hollywood Saloon Roof

8.13 https://gfycat.com/UnknownDistantAlaskanmalamute - Hollywood General Store Roof

9) Grappling Hook just gives up

9.1 https://gfycat.com/DifferentOrnateEwe

9.2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40yorIBiWXo - taken from YouTube OctopodiformGames

9.3 https://gfycat.com/CarefulCanineAustraliansilkyterrier

9.4 https://gfycat.com/ADeficientMellowLice

9.4 https://gfycat.com/DenseHappyChafer

10) Grappling Hook does not pull up-and-over ledges, it just drops Widow instead

10.1 https://gfycat.com/DeterminedOnlyGalapagosalbatross - from Reddit /u/MariaMilissa

10.2 https://gfycat.com/OccasionalBetterIchidna - taken from YouTube Carlos Chavez

10.3 https://gfycat.com/ExcitableBouncyChrysomelid

10.4 https://gfycat.com/MeanEnchantedIchidna

11) Grappling Hook will unintuitively slingshot Widow in the wrong direction

11.1 https://clips.twitch.tv/SoftGracefulHeronDoritosChip

11.2 https://clips.twitch.tv/FaintFastWormSoBayed

12) Not exactly a bug, but the Grappling Hook whip animation was removed

12.1 https://gfycat.com/HardRemarkableAngwantibo - ignore the double hook, that exploit was patched out (pay attention to the whip-like animation)

12.2 https://gfycat.com/FittingElderlyDalmatian - it now looks like this (straight line)

13) Grappling Hook animations will very rarely redirect mid-cast

13.1 https://gfycat.com/SoggyDismalConey

14) Grappling Hook auto-aims to sliding ledges... what's the point of autoaiming to the sliding battlements of Eichenwalde, if you can't stand on them? (shown with Pharah because of hover jets)

14.1 https://gfycat.com/GleefulCharmingGyrfalcon - Eichenwalde

14.2 https://gfycat.com/DisloyalBoldHellbender - Hollywood Street Lights

14.3 https://gfycat.com/AllFantasticFreshwatereel - Numbani Street Lights

15) Point blank Grapple Hooks are supposed to reset the cooldown... they sometimes don't

15.1 https://gfycat.com/FrighteningJauntyAfghanhound

15.2 https://gfycat.com/DeterminedWildAdmiralbutterfly

Infra-Sight Bugs

16) Infra-Sight does not properly give wallhacks in FFA if another Widowmaker is in the same match (and ults around the same time you do)

16.1 https://gfycat.com/FamousGargantuanGuineafowl

16.2 https://gfycat.com/AliveSmallGyrfalcon

16.3 Whenever a teammate comes between you and an enemy, the enemy red silhouette disappears behind the team's character model.

16.4 https://streamable.com/qvsdz - If you ult while an enemy Widow ults in FFA, sometimes your wallhacks persist after the ult timer ends (/u/Guppypid)

17) Cosmetic Bugs

17.1 https://gfycat.com/FrightenedConventionalAfricanhornbill - Widowmaker's reload magazine-canisters will sometimes hover and float around defying laws of physics

18) Audio Bugs

18.1 https://youtu.be/0xY-gRdBXkI - Enabling "Limit client/server send rate" sometimes doesn't play hitmarker sounds (disabling these options does not fix it immediately, you must start a new match session)

18.2 Rarely when dying, the SMG firing sound plays on loop. Requires you to fire again to stop the sound.

19) Unreliable POTG/replay camera desynchronization leads to hack-cusations and misfiled reports

19.1 https://youtu.be/AuJ9blVPvWw - this was made recently (03 Nov 2017)

19.2 https://youtu.be/-dzHA9VTAr0 - this one was made at launch period (01 Jun 2016)

20) Other Inconveniences

https://gfycat.com/FoolhardyEnormousGrackle - railings are weird

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLDp0ty5ApY - sliding ledges

https://gfycat.com/VastVelvetyEland - more sliding ledges

https://gfycat.com/gifs/detail/LeftReasonableIberianemeraldlizard - unnecessary sliding ledge for a prop that offers no tactical advantage whatsoever

https://gfycat.com/UnsightlyMistyAbyssiniangroundhornbill - Training Range railing is not able to be shot through

https://gfycat.com/ImpeccableEnchantedHarborseal - Training Range wall hitboxes aren't matching art assets

Poor handling of Widowmaker since launch

Widowmaker has routinely been neglected by the developers. Players have been quarantined into a megathread following her nerfs, and all other Widow threads for 3 months were outright deleted (instead of locked like today)


Devs poorly communicate with Widow players devs poorly communicate with Widow players (given one day's notice for initial nerfs, other buffs weren't even given an announcement)


Devs giving empty promises (there is no way to reintroduce the mechanic without the "power gain")


Devs roasting Widow mains on a global stage (regardless of jokes, it has indirectly enabled toxicity towards Widow mains, which has only gotten worse since Blizzcon 2016)


Devs do not feel compelled to publicly address Widowmaker players... this private email (which wasn't supposed to go public given the frankness of the email) was literally the most developed response, after a literal year of asking if Widow was on their radar


More details about how her situation and how she was handled (in 2016)


I don't care if the above grievances are in bad taste, the rest of the bugs are incredibly frustrating. I am sick and tired of being treated like dirt by the community just for playing Widow. I'm also sick of having to repost bug report after bug report and megathread after megathread to get some much deserved attention only for it to fall flat. And everytime someone makes a graciously thankful post from Blizzard that gets a blue response, I get very frustrated and envious because that has not been my experience with Overwatch. Not with Widow.

My issues how Blizzard handled Widow aren't because she's bug-ridden, it's because she's been bug-ridden for over a year, players have been submitting bug reports, and she hasn't been communicated about at all, that it requires a megathread like this one to even garner some blue attention. I hope you're able to look past the salt, anger, and frustration, and realize how frustrating this entire ordeal has been for over a year now.

Widow has been buggier than Doomfist, for longer. Please give Widow a proper bugfix pass the same way you did Doomfist.

inb4 get gud

submitted by /u/brokenstyli
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Doomfist thought he could run. NO ONE runs from the moth!

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 10:45 AM PST

Thinking outside the box with Doomfist

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 01:49 PM PST

[ALL] Overwatch Patch Notes – November 30, 2017 - Overwatch Forums

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 11:12 AM PST

Orisa now gets assists for supercharger kills

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 03:29 AM PST

Thanks blizzard, feels like i'm contributing more now!

submitted by /u/SpiderAsa
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Petition; Give Reaper a "Sombra... The Door" Voiceline

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 12:23 PM PST

I think it's obvious our favorite edgelord needs a few more inside jokes, just type in "Boop!" to sign!

submitted by /u/Otilia_Sauls
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Craziest flick of my life on the ulting soldier

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 09:04 AM PST

Overwatch x Kill La Kill

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 04:06 PM PST

The Best Use for Double Mines

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 08:51 AM PST

I put together a huge guide to Overwatch League - reviewed every roster, picked players to watch, explained the format & looked at merch/skins.

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 11:33 AM PST

Spent the last two weeks putting together a video guide on everything you need to know about the Overwatch League - hopefully it'll be useful.

It covers how the league works, as well as taking a look at each team and how strong their roster is. I've also chosen a few players from each team to watch out for, with gameplay clips that show their style. In addition, there's merch info, with dates for jersey releases and why in-game OWL skins will be paid items.

Also, if you're not a video fan, I'll have an article version up in the next few days!

The complete guide to Overwatch League

submitted by /u/quotefrommanstabbed
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0 to 200 IQ real quick

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 07:06 AM PST

90000 IQ McCree

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 07:19 AM PST

Moira's reaction is ��

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 01:18 AM PST

I don't know if I get lucky or unlucky but Moira's reaction is priceless AF!! Look

submitted by /u/lasawer
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Getting primal rage twice in one POTG?

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 02:20 AM PST

Hi, I'm from South Korea

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 04:54 AM PST

Hi, I'm from South Korea. I am not good at English. That's why I always watch and do not write well. I would like to promote my create overwatch signature site but it will not be as I expected. So I'm sad because I think people think I'm just a promoter. This site is a non-profit site. It's just a site made with my hobby. People who have used it a few times have sent feedback that they are satisfied. I just hope that many people will use my site satisfactorily. I want people who are dissatisfied with my story to talk to me. I do not want others to feel uncomfortable.

submitted by /u/chogoons
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I found something Genji can't deflect!

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 06:27 AM PST

Bill Warnecke: "The Doomfist fixes are part of the 1.18 patch"

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 07:59 AM PST

Celebrating the Doomfist fixes on PTR with a stupid vid

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 08:02 AM PST

Overwatch PTR Patch Notes – November 30, 2017

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 06:05 PM PST

PTR Patch Notes for via the Blizzard App:
Official blog post

Overwatch PTR Patch Notes – November 30, 2017

A new Overwatch patch is currently in development and now available for testing. To share your feedback or report and issue, please post in the PTR Feedback or PTR Bug Report forums.

Please note that the below patch notes only include changes currently available for testing on the PTR. While many of these changes will also be available on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in a future patch, the PTR is PC-only and therefore will only reflect changes coming specifically to that platform.



  • Added green detail textures on Sparrow Genji's sword scabbard when the golden weapon variant is equipped



  • Fixed a bug that caused Doomfist's Rocket Punch to not always deal damage when an enemy hits a wall
  • Fixed a bug that caused Doomfist's Rocket Punch to not always stop an enemies' movement when they impact a wall
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Doomfist's Rocket Punch from correctly pinning targets to walls
  • Fixed an issue that canceled Doomfist's Seismic Slam when it was unable to reach the targeted location
  • Fixed an issue that caused Doomfist's Seismic Slam to trigger instantly when the ability was used to travel up inclines
  • Fixed a bug that showed Mercy's Guardian Angel targeting UI on allies while it was already in progress on a selected target
  • Fixed a bug that allowed Moira's Biotic Orb to pass through terrain and structures
  • Fixed an issue that prevented Moira's self-healing statistic from being collected and displayed in the game stats
  • Fixed an issue that prevented players from using Moira's Biotic Orb's regeneration option when primary fire was disabled
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Moira's Biotic Orb from depleting over time after being deflected by Genji
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the beam on Moira's Biotic Grasp from tracking targets correctly
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Moira's Coalescence from healing allied characters when they were phased (e.g. Reaper's Wraith Form)
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Sombra's Hack from interrupting Tracer's Pulse Bomb if it was being thrown
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Widowmaker's Grappling Hook from pulling players to moveable objects, even when they were stationary (e.g. the window on the Eichenwalde Castle doors)


  • Fixed an issue that allowed some heroes to hide on the Junkertown payload when using sit emotes
submitted by /u/WarmFallout
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Posted: 30 Nov 2017 05:36 AM PST

Roadhog Recognizes A Good Sleep

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 07:10 PM PST

When D.Va dies, can I see my in mech ult status? I don't care how close I am to re-meching once I've died.

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 11:58 AM PST

When I spawn I will be in my Mech, I know, and I can just wait, but why not let me see it while I am waiting? Thanks!

submitted by /u/photojoe
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