DayZ - Dayz player count has now dropped below 2000

Dayz player count has now dropped below 2000

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 07:56 PM PDT

After checking this subreddit a few times in the past few months, is the “Year of DayZ” just another thing that the devs have said and not done anything differently?

Posted: 25 Jul 2018 02:34 AM PDT

Havent really followed the game that closely since .60 dropped, but am i right about .63 converting to a new engine with little to no content and thats all that has happened in this "year of dayz"? Its about to be august and the first content patch still isnt out, so my guess would be that nothings changed. Am i right in making this conclusion or am i missing something?

submitted by /u/SameLotus
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I feel like there should be a post every morning on the status of this content patch

Posted: 25 Jul 2018 07:40 AM PDT

I'm sick as fuck of waiting and only hearing from the devs once a week. Sorry just need to vent. Love this garbage game too much :(

submitted by /u/DrDripz
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Interactive Online Map for 0.63 Experimental

Posted: 25 Jul 2018 08:21 AM PDT

For the past two weeks, I've been working on a online map for 0.63 whenever I had some spare time. Most of the time spent went into figuring on the changes between ArmA and DayZ when extracting data. It was mostly the same, with the exception of roads, railroads and similar. I have a method now that enables me to update the map in 5-10 minutes when needed ...

Either way; Here's a very scuffed version of what I have so far:

There are still some missing core features I'd like to implement asap, like searching and browsing loot tables. I can't say when I have time to add those, but hopefully as soon as possible.

You're also welcome to request features you would like to see!

submitted by /u/XAMpew
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Skalisty Island: Relaxing and pondering the meaning of life.

Posted: 25 Jul 2018 12:31 AM PDT

Stress test branch just updated on steamdb fingers crossed.

Posted: 25 Jul 2018 08:17 AM PDT

You think DayZ is dead, I'd suggest to read up on wwiionline

Posted: 25 Jul 2018 03:12 AM PDT

This game was released in 2001, I was playing it on an AMD K2550 with a TNT32 card.

This game has gone through worse dev hell than DayZ and it is still alive and going today (it's the game that got me into simulations).

They are only upgrading to the UE4 now, that is 17 years of development on a game that was supposed to be featured complete over a decade ago.

DayZ has legs to it, while there has always been a vocal minority the entire time I've played this game on this subreddit the ingame experience is wildly different.

I'm not concerned in the least that BI won't deliver, they will but it won't be in the timeline some people want.

2018 isn't the year of DayZ yet and we are running out of runway however it will happen.

The move to include consoles is smart, it's an entire market that has shown interest in the game and will bring new players in but they do have to take their time to do it right.

There are many other games that have turned it around and I totally agree that BI needs to get better with their customer feedback loop (@BI I'd suggest checking out for a great platform for managing customer feedback)

DayZ has turned a corner, I know there are people that are unhappy with the pace of development but they have made massive progress to those of us that have been waiting on the sidelines.

Great content cannot make up for buggy code, however stable code can make up for lack of content.

For me, and I suspect many others, it was never the content that was the problem. It was the constant crashes and desync which stopped me from playing. 63 is delivering on a smooth experience, combat while somewhat basic is fun and easier to engage in.

My biggest recommendation is take a break, wait for the console release and try it out again.

I know I got my money worth of entertainment from this game over and over, through playing and watching vids/streams.

Everything else is just gravy for me.

submitted by /u/jmorgan_dayz
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Posted: 25 Jul 2018 07:46 AM PDT

It's a fucking game.!!!!, will you all just chill the fuck out.

You know you're all going to be playing when the content patch drops. So for once pretty please with a cherry on top. Just endure the wait in silence and stop going on like anyone actually cares that you're annoyed.

You're not in an airport. You don't need to announce your departure

submitted by /u/JHandz
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TopeREC TV: Is DayZ Trash?

Posted: 25 Jul 2018 07:21 AM PDT

Why do I just expect DayZ to be good?

Posted: 25 Jul 2018 07:10 AM PDT

What if it's just what it is, an impossible to deliver on concept? A broken game with no hope of ever being fixed? The game is still buggy WITH the "new" engine. The team is obviously having problems importing features, despite what we were told about Enfusion being the answer. We seem doomed, folks.

submitted by /u/JJLarroquette
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Funny Moments #20 - Kamyshovo Fun Zone! (video)

Posted: 25 Jul 2018 06:22 AM PDT

Having performance issues in .63? Try these suggestions first!

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 03:49 PM PDT

So, someone messaged me asking if I could help them with their game. They said:

The game runs 80 frames a second until I shoot or someone else does and it goes to 3 frames or so and it causes me to die and making the game unplayable for me.

I suggested these steps below and they worked! Please try all of these if you're having problems in .63 before you do anything else.

  • If you have any launch parameters for DayZ in steam, DELETE them! Many people have old launch parameters that people used to believe increased your FPS. Get rid of all launch parameters in Steam under DayZ Properties/General/Set Launch Options.

  • Delete your DayZ folder in the C:\Users\YourProfileName\Documents\DayZ - that's right, just delete the whole DayZ folder.

  • Then, go to steam/DayZ properties/Local Files/Verify Integrity of Game Files. Leave boxes unchecked, click "Next", then click "Yes".

  • Try the game now, this can potentially solve a lot of issues. If none of this works, search for the problem and see if others have experienced it, and what worked for them. Then consider a reinstall.

  • If you've done all that stuff and you're still having issues, file a bug report on the tracker. It helps if you can make a video showing exactly what happens and specifically how to trigger it, list all of your computer hardware, operating system, etc.

The tracker is here:

Sign up and click on the star on the top right to submit a DayZ bug report. If you made a video, post the video on YouTube and paste the URL in the report. It helps to post a DxDiag file, the instructions on how to do that are in the link above.

Good luck, if you've found a fix be sure to share it to help others!

submitted by /u/wolfgeist
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What's with the constant sever disconnects?

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 07:38 PM PDT

For the most part the game was playable aside from the known bugs for me with .63. Now I'm constantly getting server disconnects were I lose connection and get booted. I know others are getting these as well, so what's going on? I haven't seen the Devs mentioning this at all.

This is video of what happens..

Game is unplayable at this point. I don't have this issue with other games, just DayZ servers..

submitted by /u/crockett5
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Wise Words

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 08:32 PM PDT

Release modding or this game will be beyond fucked

Posted: 25 Jul 2018 07:31 AM PDT

Modding is this game's last chance, i want Epoch and old DayZ not "try to find food for 30 minutes and die due to hunger, respawn, find food, get geared, die because i drank from a pond".

I know there are people that like this type of gameplay but i sure don't and i believe that there are a lot of people that would rather play Epoch or just the DayZ mod in DayZ: Standalone.

The long awaited beta didn't help this game at all, the player count has remained the samebut but b-but it's just experimental, it'll surely go over 10k people when it releases on stable!!!!!

It won't, stop lying to yourself.

The dev team have lost their chance to gain people's interest by releasing actual content too damn slow, modding is it's last chance.

submitted by /u/swagduck69
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Stable servers are down for scheduled maintenance.

Posted: 25 Jul 2018 12:00 AM PDT

Stable servers are down for scheduled maintenance from 07:00 GMT.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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People who want base building: do you want indestructible stuff that’s save from others or breakable stuff?

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 12:05 PM PDT

Just need to vent... Graphics Cards woe

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 01:55 PM PDT

Hello survivors, I just need a place to vent real quick.

My name is Hirosprotagonist and I'm known as the 12 FPS hero. Why is this? Because my old rig was sporting a 1.8Ghz processor with a Raedon r7 250 GPU. I bought this game originally thinking I was upgrading my rig in a few months. I did find a way to overclock my CPU and potato my graphics enough to play. I have logged 1128 hours on DayZ playing on this rig. I got rather good while everyone else was bitching about the FPS drops...

You merely adopted the low FPS, I was born into it, molded by it.

Anyways - my birthday came around the corner and my very awesome older brother gifted me a new motherboard and video card. 3.4 Ghz processor with an updated (for me) video card, GeForce GTX 285.

This new video card, being far superior to my old card, can only run DX10. My old card can run DX12. DayZ needs at least DX11 to run. I now cannot play DayZ (and a few other games like Rust and State of Decay)

Needless to say, I am pulling my hair out over this. How can my older, crappy video card handle DayZ and my newer card can't? Should I just re-install my old video card and say to hell with my new one? I don't think I can slingshot my cards together.... WTF do I do people????

OK... thanks survivors, I just needed to vent. Any and all suggestions will be appreciated.

submitted by /u/HirosProtagonist
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