True Dota 2 - Viability of Monkey King Mid

Viability of Monkey King Mid

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 08:53 AM PDT

Very recently, I played a game as MK in the midlane, against an Ember Spirit. The enemy Rhasta and Kunkka were constantly rotating middle to kill me, but were unable to do so, due to MK's passive and some timely raindrop purchases. I ended up stomping the game pretty hard afterwards. What do you guys think about Wukong being played as a 2 position mid hero?

The game in question: (I am "afk(feed)(muted)")

submitted by /u/CoolWordBot
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Tranquils or arcanes on Treant Protector?

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 11:58 AM PDT

I was browsing dotabuff and noticed that top players were, for the most part, building either only tranquil boots or only arcane boots in the early game. I found this interesting, so what do you think the better boot is for tree?

submitted by /u/Melon4Dinner
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Tips for 1v1 sf matchup

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 02:45 PM PDT

No runes no bottle, how can i outplay 1v1 sf (mirror match) i have a tournament coming up soon, and the eliminations matches are bo1 sf, any advice on lanining, itemization is appreciated, replays of good games by pro players playing the match up would be nice too

submitted by /u/Juggernecro
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[3K trash] Help with climbing solo MMR, and becomming tiltproof.

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 10:59 AM PDT

Hello guys,

I've been a long time reader of the sub, and i usually don't like this kind of post, as i feel they dont contribute much. I've never posted here, as i don't feel i'm good enough to give good players any valuable insights. Since i'm not going anywhere this summer, i've set myself the goal of reaching 4K mmr by early september.

So, first, here is my dotabuff:

Despite having a very good behaviour score, around 9,5K, i still find myself tilting hard very often, sometimes to the point of just going afk jungle, and even wishing my team to lose. I know it's one of my flaws, and i try very hard to be as positive as possible, especially on the mic, that i've started using more and more. I also very rarely play support in solo queue.

My most played heroes nowadays are Storm and sniper, and i've been playing more and more of arc warden and necrophos.

I'd be grateful for any tips, concerning how not to tilt, or how to be more effective on any heroes, especially in the midlane. I think i'm a terrible carry, and i rarely do awesome on any supports, so i just tend to pick mid or roamer when i can't mid (Riki, Pudge).

Thanks already for reading such an indigest post.

(English is not my native language, so feel free to correct me if you can't understand me, or if i did a spelling or grammar error.)

submitted by /u/KtaRakt
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Another Visage Question

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 11:57 PM PDT

Hi guys, quick question on Visage as he seems to be FotM. I was looking at his winrates on and it shows that Chen is best versus him, but for the life of me I can't figure out why. Can someone please explain it to my peanut brain?

submitted by /u/arnlod
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When to go Tranquill on Warlock?

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 08:04 PM PDT

I see some pros and high mmr players opting for Tranquill boots on Warlock, why is that? Is it movespeed only, and do I have to change something on my gameplay? I know tranquill are usually picked when roaming, but Warlock isn't really good at that. Also, the hero needs his mana, so should I avoid wasting any mana unecessary, like fatal bonding the wave to push?

submitted by /u/LucasDoA
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