Learn Dota 2 - This Week I Learned:_________________________

This Week I Learned:_________________________

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 06:49 AM PDT

Every game we play we should be learning something; mechanics, tricks, spell interactions, counters, synergies, etc. In this thread share some of the info that you've picked up during the past week! Make sure to upvote someones tip if you learned from it.

Last TWIL's most useful tip - /u/Sir_Joshula - 25 points

This week I learned the huge importance of pushing the wave as a midlaner and then following up on it thanks to Blitz. Its something I guess I've always subconsciously done especially to get runes and stuff but seeing this episode was a real eye opener to me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9GQUNfls1A

Link to last thread


submitted by /u/hawes0me
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TIL You can take someone else's perseverance, ring of health or ring of regen and its regeneration works for you.

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 01:18 PM PDT

The title, basically.

submitted by /u/mkzmch
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why is death prophet so unpopular?

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 04:21 PM PDT

she seems like an easy to play and balanced hero to me at least.

submitted by /u/stealthswor
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"Maining" in 2017?

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 11:34 AM PDT

Small background first. I recently came back to dota after a 2 year hiatus and have an exceptional win rate of 33%ish and lost about 1.5k mmr since returning. Now I'm not too bummed about it but i feel that i have brushed off my rust and ready to start grinding back up the ranks. The way I did it in the past was spamming about 3 different heroes depending on what my team needed. My question is this still a good strategy for climbing mmr. Here are my hero picks and pos.

  1. naga/troll
  2. puck 3.earth shaker
  3. earth shaker
  4. surprise earth shaker
submitted by /u/TheRealbigRobinson
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[Broodmother] Some observations and some questions

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 03:33 PM PDT

Hi. I'm a 1.6k MMR player who wants to climb, but can't. Haven't in two years since I calibrated at 1.5k.

I've recently read some guides and watched videos on Broodmother mid, and I decided to give it a shot. Being the typical 1k player, I immediately queued for a ranked game and selected mid, first-picking Brood. JK, I played some bot matches, a 1v1 Practice, and I've messed around in Demo Hero to get used to the hotkeys, control groups, unit selection, etc.

I've played Brood before (10 times over almost 2 years) with 38% winrate. I was hoping the next match would be the first among many games that I would play Brood consciously.

Here is the Dotabuff link to the game I will ask questions about: https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3337984641

Please watch the replay if you have the time for it. It's a cringey 1.6k MMR game after all. Warning: after some point in the game I tilted and I may have called my teammates names, apologies for that unprofessional behavior.

Let me walk you through the game a little bit.

  • -00:30 Furion scouts the Dire offlane bounty rune with a treant. Sees Rubick and Broodmother. Doesn't click on me to see the pooled tango and the sentry ward, so they probably don't know that I am going mid just yet.
  • 00:00 Rubick takes the bounty rune. My Soul Ring is delayed by for about... two last hits? I miss the creep wave and can't get a good block.
  • 01:00 I miss a lot of last hits under tower and accidentally cast Spawn Spiderling on the wrong creep, but it's okay in the end because Invoker doesn't have any last hits anyway. I see that he started with a Bracer which I found odd.
  • 03:00 I finally get my Soul Ring. This marks the beginning of the end for the middle lane for Radiant.
  • 04:00 I neglect rune control, Invoker gets a Double Damage rune. Hits me while I was invisible, so I assume he ferried a Sentry Ward. However I mislocated it and put the defensive sentry in the wrong place.
  • 05:00 I harass Invoker (in hindsight I probably could have killed him right there) and he shelters at a Shrine. Coincidentally, the offlaner and the jungler has to visit a Shrine as well, however Invoker doesn't go with them and they sort of waste a Sanctuary. I think this is out of lack of coordination.
  • 06:00 I get my Medallion and kill Invoker with right clicks as soon as he returns from the Shrine. Knowing he's dead, I push the tower. He revives and TPs back in. I immediately kill him again (diving a Tier 2 at this point) and continue pushing. He asks for help.
  • 07:00 I'm pushing middle. Furion comes for help, but he only has a Midas and a Level 1 Sprout, so he can't do anything. He dies. I dive the Tier 3 to kill Invoker again. He calls for help again, but Bane has been saving up for a Soul Ring, so they have no detection whatsoever.
  • 08:00 At this point I have double the net worth of Slark and double the XPM of Invoker. Invoker abandons the lane. Furion decides to come again so I go for the kill, however Bane TPs in and I decide to go back. In hindsight I could have killed both of them because Bane only has a Level 2 Brain Sap and Level 2 Enfeeble, which isn't really enough to stop me. I retreat.
  • 09:00 I start farming the Ancients. I could have begun earlier. I see Invoker and kill him. I see Nature's Prophet and I kill him. Neither of them have their Boots of Speed yet.
  • 10:00 Farming some creeps while waiting for my Orchid to arrive.
  • 11:00 I kill Invoker, he has to be really surprised to be silenced right there. I'm very low and Bane is chasing me, but I kill him anyway.
  • 12:00 I go back to heal. I shouldn't have, and I should have continued farming Ancients. I also buy a Power Treads which I believe was unnecessary. I could have just saved for a BoT (which I ended up getting anyway).
  • 13:00 I take the middle Tier 2, farm some ancients. I am 7 levels ahead of the enemy players and have double the net worth the enemy carry has. They can't deal with me at this point.
  • 14:00 My teammates request a gank so I go and kill Slark. I have Godlike streak and we push the bottom lane. We take the first tower.
  • 15:00 My team retreats before we took the second tower but I keep pushing anyway. I miss a kill opportunity on Bane, the entire enemy team teleports so I go back home.
  • 16:00 Just walking around and telling my teammates that we need to finish early. Apparently my teammates think otherwise. PA decides to get Desolator while he could have gone for Vlads. Earthshaker going for a Blink instead of a Mekansm that would help us push. Rubick is farming up a Blink dagger because... who knows? Ultimately this "farming" stage lost us the game. If they went for smaller items, we would have pushed better and ended the game. But hey: this is 1.6k MMR.
  • 17:00 First teamfight of the game. I get Brain Sapped (which Earthshaker could cancel but didn't) and lose my 10x Kill Streak, feeding Slark a whoopping bounty of 910 gold. Tiny goes in, dies. They chase Rubick but he manages to get a kill on Bane who was walking around with no HP. Invoker is not even in the teamfight. Essentially we lose it 4v5 and Slark gets a decent level boost (the level gap between him and me is now 5). Ultimately this will lose us the game.
  • 18:00 I make the poor decision to buy Bloodthorn. You could justify it because I'm so much ahead of them in terms of items, but a BKB would be safer.
  • 19:00 I'm sitting around farming. There are no teamfights, and I cannot force any. My team is still farming for those items I just mentioned a little earlier. PA is 1300 gold behind on the Deso, ES is 1300 gold behind on the Blink, ... it's just not going to happen. They WILL farm. There's bit of tension in middle but it only ends up with Rubick dying. My TP is on cooldown, and their offlane towers are still standing so I decide it's a better idea to push.
  • 20:00 Five heroes on me. I kill Slark but I end up dying. This is where I know that we will lose the game: my team doesn't understand that we were ahead and they just kept on turtling.
  • 24:00 My team finally has the items they want: PA has the Deso, Rubick and ES got their Blinks, Tiny just about to get Echo Sabre. I've finished my Solar Crest and I'm now saving up for a BKB. There is a minor teamfight which ends up with Slark, Furion and Bane getting killed. We can finish the game from here. I decide to push top, planning on getting the highground.
  • 25:00 We kill Bristleback. Four heroes down. I'm shouting in the microphone claiming victory. I'm telling my team to push with me. They go to other lanes and farm some creeps. I have three heroes against me so I retreat.
  • 26:00 I dive their highground and solo-kill the Bane on their Shrine. There are three other heroes chasing me. I am screaming in the voice chat trying to convince my teammates to come with me. I'm about to hit 25 and end the game. The other team has three players who haven't even reached level 15 to get their talents. This is where we should be getting mega creeps right now. I get back because I'm alone.
  • 27:00 My team comes and we win a teamfight. Three heroes down. We STILL have the opportunity to end. I go in and solo kill Bane and trying hard to take the Tier 3 tower.
  • 28:00 I take the Tier 3 tower and I'm ready to get the barracks. PA is hitting bottom Tier 3. The rest of the team is watching all of this from a safe distance. I get caught and die in a 3v1 which was totally a misplay by me, I should have instead went to bottom while the rest of the team was there. But I'm saying this only because they didn't come near me while I was pushing the Tier 3.
  • 32:00 We lose a teamfight, they take our barracks, and my teammates are immediately killed one by one as they go alone to defend. I am super tilted at this point and the rest of the game is lost for me because of my irrational decisions and my team being behind of the enemy team in general. Nothing to see there.

This was one of my best performances. I broke my all-time XPM record by a margin of 150 (and it could have been better if I did better in the early game) but it's also the worst game of my life in that we threw so hard it's painful to even watch. I'm not posting this to get praise or validation on my Brood game, but I'm legitimately curious on how to make the team play around me or vice versa (me playing in rhythm with the team). Because this game I felt really disconnected with the rest of my team (well I'm playing Brood but still). Here are a few of my observations:

  1. Buying Midas before Boots will probably kill you. Furion is not an exception.

  2. A lot of the kills I've pulled in the early game was possible because they had a jungler. Had there been another hero to rotate, I would probably not be able to snowball so quickly.

  3. Delaying your Soul Ring for a Dust or a couple of sentries is OK. Not leveling your Nightmare as Bane is not OK!

  4. Just because the in-game guide you're following says that an item is a "core" item for you, doesn't mean that you should get it at that time. You should evaluate the game status. In my opinion the game-losing play is the Deso purchase on PA and the Blink purchase on ES and Rubick. This is game-losing shit. At the time you get your Deso you could have a Vlad and a Blight Stone. You could have Mek/Greaves instead of your Blink. Those items would help us to stay longer in the enemy map and abuse the map control/space I had created for my team. Instead they went and used that space to farm OUR jungle and get teamfight items that would only delay the game a little.

  5. Never underestimate your ability to farm Ancient Creeps as Broodmother. I've only begun in minute 9 because there were so many heroes to kill, but I could have went to the ancients as early as minute 5 and would still get them.

Here are a few questions for you /r/learndota2.

  1. Was it possible for me to rat in this game? I've always felt like I was being pressured by multiple heroes at all times. Maybe I could mega by myself, or skip creeps. I didn't really think of those during the game because, as I said, after minute 32 I was super tilted and I couldn't make rational decisions after that point.

  2. How to communicate with people? There were so many things in the game which I couldn't change: Rubick stealing rune, team getting wrong items, team not coordinating, ... those are the classical problems every Dota player faces but I'm just sick and tired of it. I don't have a 5-stack to play with at all times. I can't expect to be teamed with reasonable people at all times so I must rather focus on things that I could change by myself. I believe if I was a more skillful player I could have still won the game. With that kind of advantage, would a pro lose that game? I don't think so, so I strongly believe that there are things that I could change with myself that would have won us the game. Summoning /u/WiredGuitar since I got the idea of playing Brood from his content.

Apologies for the huge post. TL;DR: Team lost game gg

submitted by /u/glikojen
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How could I have played the lane phase better.

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 01:25 PM PDT

Hey guys,I was wandering if someone would like to analyze the Lane phase for me. I was just in this situation. I had to pick a carry to play against BB and the way it was looking,I wasn't going to get a support,so I chose AM. At the end I got a support but still I am wondering how could i have played the lane phase better. That's my Match ID 3337850823. Thanks in advance. Let't not focus on the skill part, but mainly on what should my Idea have been in my head. Thanks in advance

submitted by /u/Shisharkata18
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What do I do if my entire team doesn't speak English?

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 08:36 PM PDT

Is there any non-verbal trick or anything because I've been getting a lot of spanish players on my team and it's frustrating when you can't communicate with your team whatsoever.

submitted by /u/skyvex1
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Abilities that cancel move commands

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 07:59 PM PDT

Is there a list somewhere of abilities that cancel your current move/attack command? I know earth splitter, swap, and x-marks do this, how many others are there?

submitted by /u/jeusifi
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Help me understand what to improve

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 03:48 PM PDT

I usually pos 4/5 although mostly solo support since it's not common to get a 2nd support from me. I'm on a 6 game loosing streak and I'd like to know what to improve. I acknowledge my last enigma game was mostly my fault but not sure about the rest. I guess my gpm might be too low but I doubt that's the main reason of my loosing streak. Here's my dota buff https://www.dotabuff.com/players/91915106

submitted by /u/wikiwaa
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Tired of 1k mmr but can't really climb out

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 03:00 PM PDT

I am just tired of these low skill games, i want to play better games and improve myself but it's not really working out. I don't really know what to do, i feel like i will quit dota, maybe just watch tournaments as a spectator sport. Here is my dotabuff, maybe check it out, watch a replay if you're bored. Any advice is welcome. Edit: If you do decide to check out my dotabuff, what would you do in that troll game in terms of item build?

submitted by /u/Tobix55
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Ember vs. OD

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 08:10 AM PDT

I recently had a really bad game as ember vs. OD. Early laning went well, but quite quickly od started hitting me for 20% of my health per hit, which forced me to abandon lane. After that OD focused on me every team fight and with flame guard as primary damage dealer i felt like I couldn't get anything done as I would be hit twice and then be out of commission, long before I did any damage to them.

How should I have played this? Would any particular items have been good to get? Was there any way to get something out of my early power peak? Should I have stayed out of the fights completely and split pushed or could I have contributed in some way?

submitted by /u/Loewenbrau
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Mask of madness - spectre?

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 02:27 PM PDT

Just wanted to hear experienced players thoughts on this. Have noticed MoM being picked up quite a bit recently and sometimes on not so typical heroes like wk and the one I'm really interested in, is spectre.

When I play spectre, If it's a game where getting radiance asap seems to be a good idea I'll generally go pms/quelling/phase, try to play safe and farm a radiance by dodging ganks (because I feel super weak) farming with these items alone feels clunky, risky and slow.

Tried the MoM build, not only did it feel much safer but also wasn't completely useless during fights if I really needed to attend. Spending that 2k gold didn't feel like a setback either as it speeds your farm up a fair amount while also giving you decent sustain if you're forced into the jungle.

Can someone with a bit better game sense give me their thoughts on this build? Is it good? Bad? Ugly? Situational? Ty

submitted by /u/LANAbackward
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What is a 'safe' offlane pick nowadays?

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 04:23 AM PDT

So I recently got tired of people picking supports, or not counter piciking at all, picking 2 offlaners like Centaur or Axe in 2k mmr etc. So since I mainly play offlane what are the safe first blind picks, like on safelane juggernaut, is there such thing?

submitted by /u/dizson
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Stacking and pulling the small camp as support? Yes or no?

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 08:47 AM PDT

I have seen some contradictory comments on stacking the small neutrals camp. As a support, I almost always stack the small camp at .53 and then proceed to pull on the next wave, unless the enemy is running a dual offlane. I keep doing this to maintain equilibrium, or if I can't manage to zone the offlaner.
I find this is a safe way to deny gold and xp, and to farm a little, as a support. If the offlaner wants to dispute the pull, he has to expose himself near our tower, and the pull itself is impossible to miss.
Is this a overall correct procedure? Should I be stacking the large camp instead? Or try to pull the large camp into the small one, after a single pull? That not always works, mainly on the Dire side.
E: grammar

submitted by /u/Yenko66
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I stopped playing Dota for a while now all I do is lose games. 1.8K mmr

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 08:33 AM PDT


When I was climbing I felt way better than my mmr bracket, now I took a break and I feel worse than my mmr bracket what has changed anyone can give me pointers? I mainly play 1-2-3 in that order.

The AA game was my first AA game ever so take it with a grain of salt.

submitted by /u/scamaz123123
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What are the best Hard Carries, Hard Supports and Roaming Supports?

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 12:11 PM PDT

I just came back to DotA 2 and now that I have played some games and gotten the feeling for it, im ready to pick some heroes up and start getting into ranked. So from my games I think that the roles I prefer the most are Carry (ofc), Hard Support and Roaming Support.

Carry because I can just farm, get into late game and shit on everyone and Support/Roamer because of the strong early game impact I can have in the lane/around the map. The issue is that I haven't played this game for quite some time and I don't know that the current meta is, all I know is that jungle is bad because of the exp and gold nerf to neutrals and that supports should prioritize more on stacking camps because new jungle camps spawn every minute instead of every 2 minutes.

So tell me, what are the top 5 best heroes for each of these roles?

submitted by /u/BurnInOblivion
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Is there any guide for tri-lane? I often meet this on 3k game, but i have no idea when i doing supp or carry on top.

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 12:27 AM PDT

I am currently trying to climb my way and have been fairly Successful .What am i doing right and what should i do to maintain this?

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 10:41 AM PDT

As the title suggested ,I'm looking for tips on how to keep improving and how to continue climbing .


This is my OD .Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/Doomed2Die
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How do you deal with roamers as a mid hero?

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 10:32 AM PDT

I just recently reached 2.7k mmr and it's like a giant fence; anything below that and people think only mid should gank and flame you when you don't gank at level 6. Anything above that and people actually start to understand that it should be supports ganking for midder instead of vice-versa. So as someone who has been playing in the "lvl 6 gank or report" environment I'm inexperienced when it comes to how to deal with ganks, so I have a couple of questions.

  • What do you do when the enemy has someone constantly camping mid to help the mid-laner but you instead have a LC jungle? I usually just push the wave and farm the jungle, but that's impossible to do when you have someone else taking your camps.

  • How do you play mid 1v3? I just played a game where I was Lina against a PA, Ogre and Lion while my safelane had 2 carries and a LC jungle. I had no idea what to do, the enemy noticed that my offlane qop couldn't do shit to their Troll and that their offlaner could do fine solo against 2 carries trying to last hit, so they just camped mid so I was literally 3v1. I couldn't farm the jungle either because of LC jungle.

  • I know noone is going to place wards at this mmr, especially wards that are dedicated to the midder, So I want to buy my own wards, but I don't know where to place them to prevent as many ganks as I can. Where are the best spots to ward in the laning stage to prevent ganks?

submitted by /u/StfuAndPlayDota
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Most useful key bindings or hot keys?

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 10:21 AM PDT

I need to get better with my camera movement especially. Is there any way to bind keys, for example, to automatically move camera to your other Arc Warden or Dominated creep? What other key bindings or hot keys do you use that you think would help people if they knew about?

submitted by /u/SnakeGandhi
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Need help with improving farming on Anti-mage

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 09:58 AM PDT

Hey guys, was watching Miracle's anti mage in the Liquid vs Planet Odd game(3330264429). He was 1/2/1, and got 42 cs by 10 minutes. Even after this, he got a battlefury at around 14:46 with 100 cs. I played a game after watching the match, got 89 cs by 14:46 with 0 deaths/kills and 1 assists. I have two questions:
1) Why did miracle skip treads and just straight up rush a battlefury? Don't the treads make farming a lot faster?
2) Being 11 cs behind at 14:46, I still think I didn't get as much gold as he did, maybe its because of farming neutral creeps more than lane creeps(and my horrible cs at 10 min, 47 cs). I got the battlefury at 17:45, should I skip treads? And also, anything I can do to improve farming speed?

Here's the match ID: 3335965640 Thanks!

submitted by /u/n0brakes
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Any good videos/players to watch to improve with Arc Warden?

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 08:15 AM PDT

I haven't calibrated yet but I'm probably 1-1.5k mmr. Everyone always shits on Arc Warden saying he's been nerfed to hell and what not but in my bracket nobody knows how to counter him. He's the rat lord, comeback king, and one of my most played heroes. I want to perfect my Arc before calibrating but he's not really popular guide wise. Any good Arc Warden players I could watch to learn more complex stuff besides "bubble towers", "stack flux" and "split push with double"?

My opendota: [(https://www.opendota.com/players/160189573)]

(Biggest thing I see is that I'm pretty shit at getting a good Midas timing)

submitted by /u/PencilButter
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nightstalker resources

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 07:47 AM PDT

Does anyone know any good resources to learn night stalker? Streamers, pro-matches, guides, ... anything is appreciated.

submitted by /u/Dardoleon
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How to deal with smurfs?

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 11:25 PM PDT


I come from other similar games (LoL/HotS) and I started playing DotA very recently, but I've found it's literally filled with smurfs.

so far every game I've played had people like this: 1 2 3

level 1-2, 0 hours in game, but already 500-600 GPM and they carry the game easily 20-0

I try doing my best farming and defending (up to 100-120 last hits avg) but it's pretty much impossible to win since every one else in the team is a real beginner.

I've played 30 matches and only won 9. I'm thinking of uninstalling altogether since there's absolutely no fun coming back to this game :/

is there something wrong going on with match making?

submitted by /u/PaulMorneau
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How to Shift queue spells between right click?

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 04:31 AM PDT

Im trying to play Legion Commander with Shadow Blade build. My question is how can I queue up spells after right-click. For example rightclick+Press the Attack+Blademail+Duel? I tried it in-game but the spells won't queue up after the right-click. Please help

submitted by /u/lordkelvin13
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