Guild Wars 2 - People for the love of god - You have not become experts in a day

People for the love of god - You have not become experts in a day

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 11:55 AM PDT

It is the second day and people are already kicking people or ragequiting from the normal (not even talking about CM) version of the new fractal.

People are already asking for "exp" parties and ragequit even in parties that are very specifically running it for the first time (as very well described in the LFG).

Guys..Get off your high horse. Even if you finished the fractal on the first day this does not make you experts. It just makes you people that had time to play on patch day. Lighten up and allow for the community to learn the new fractal. Help them even by giving a little bit more of your "invaluable" time. Otherwise you will never find actual experienced people in the future.

submitted by /u/turin231
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It's really nice that progress is saved inside the story mission instances!

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 10:31 AM PDT

I don't know how new this is, but I found out that there are checkpoints inside the story mission so if you don't finish the instances in one go, when you go back all your progress is saved. I had to stop playing yesterday before the final boss of the first mission and I come back to find I'm outside the final boss room. Just wanted to make a post so people know because I sure didn't.

EDIT: To add on to this, yes this can be used to retry achievements, just relog on your character.

submitted by /u/aixsama
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A Message from the Game Director

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 05:34 PM PDT

Legendary Accessorcy Aurora Recipe and Video

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 07:02 PM PDT

Hey guys and girls, i did it, i finished aurora.

Crafting recipe:

Gift of Draconic Mastery ( 1 Crystalline Ingot, 1 Bloodstone Shard, Gift of Bloodstone Magic, Gift of Dragon Magic)

Gift of Sentience ( Gift of Energy, Gift of the Mists, 100 Icy Runestones, Gift of the Valor)

Mystic Tribute

Spark of Sentience

(you can buy Gift of Bloodstone Magic and Gift of Dragon Magic at mystic forge merchant)

Have fun, here is the video showing the effects in game:

and yes it has a battlemode :DDD

submitted by /u/Tooshkit
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[SPOILERS]Can we discuss the sub-par writing for this episode?

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 05:52 AM PDT

I'm horrible at clever openings, so let's just get stuck in. The writing in this episode felt really, really bad. Now Guild Wars 2 has never been a beacon of genius writing, but most of it has been entertaining, and sometimes moving. But this episode felt really off. Let's break it down:

  • The oft-mentioned initiation of the Commander into the Shining Blade: At a bare minimum, this shows the Commander's complete disregard for thinking something through. Within minutes of learning the Shining Blade is bound by a literal death-oath, they're willing to take that death-oath. That decision is questionable at best if you're playing a human. For Asura and Norn it feels ridiculous, and for Charr it's downright traitorous. And let's not forget the Sylvari can't really keep those secrets what with The Dream. But let's put a pin in this reckless, thoughtless move by the Commander, it'll come into play in a later point. Let's focus on the actual dialogue during the instance. For all the pomp and circumstance, the initiation feels closer to that of a fraternity than Kryta's elite secret service. The fact Anise treats it like a game doesn't help either. The fake-acting felt really off. More on that later as well.

  • Anise: So, she's been watching you for all this time, but she refuses to give the single person to kill two dragons the information that person needs to go after Balthazar? Who, as Anise should know, directly threatens Tyria (and thus Kryta)? What the actual fuck. The game spent years building Anise up as this genius mastermind, and then she comes along and does this? Either Anise is way more sinister than she seems, or kind of an idiot.

  • Braham: Somewhere along your story steps in Siren's Landing the Commander has a little chat with Taimi about Braham. I don't recall the exact contents, but it boiled down to the fact Braham was in too deep, and the Commander berated him about it. Which makes sense except that the Commander has shown the exact same recklessness just hours prior. When she made a blood oath that tied her to Kryta (Kryta, not Tyria) just to get a sliver of information about Balthazar, she showed the exact same presence of mind (i.e.: none) that Braham did when he chipped the tooth and called the Norn to war. Heck, Braham's actions make more sense, given what Jormag has done to the Norn. But, despite that, the Commander has the gall to call out Braham's stupidity behind his back. The writing really seems to place the Commander as the only person who knows what's good for everyone, like some delusional authority figure. I don't mind a player character written in a way that my character wouldn't act. That's unavoidable. But currently the Commander isn't written less like a responsible guild leader and more like an arrogant moron.

  • The endless #$%@ing quips: This is the one that bothers me most. I can forgive issues with the character of the Commander and plot holes. Who knows, maybe they're building up to something (or, more likely, will be retconned into something). And I understand GW2 is going for a more light-hearted tone. But my god could people stop making sassy quips for two seconds? At no point during this episode could I feel any sense of gravity. The Shining Blade initiation was passed off as a joke, or a middle school recital. Diving into the reliquary of Abaddon, a place littered with lore and plot relevance was passed off as an excursion (How's your eyebrows?), with the exchange between Livia and Lazarus as an annoying cherry on top. If the expansion continues at this pace, GW2 is going to rival the MCU for most pointless quipping. Not every situation requires a sassy line.

  • Taimi: This has been discussed to death, but this character is a living ex machina, and essentially exists as a safety net against bad plot writing.

submitted by /u/DeathEatsCurry
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Disappointed that the last few episodes featured so much GW1 content with very little explanation for GW2-only players

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 09:38 AM PDT

I'm very happy for the many GW1 players who are getting answers to some of their dangling plot threads, but as a GW2-only player not well-versed in GW1 lore I feel a little lost. One of the biggest moments was the reveal of a certain identity, who I literally hadn't heard a character ever mention. I'm like oh great, a stranger just revealed to me who they were, and I still have no idea who that is. I feel like Lazarus, the Shining Blade, and the certain identity needed far more fleshing out than what we got.

submitted by /u/Immunologyishard
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Fairly certain no king speaks like that.

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 07:07 AM PDT

[Living story] GW2 dialogue needs to stop being so witty

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 01:04 AM PDT

This has annoyed me for a long time in the Living story. Whoever writes the dialogue is probably a fan of the Gilmore Girls, Big Bang Theory and similar shows. Every character makes "funny" quips, every comment will have an instant retort, every conversation is filled with passive-aggressive snark. In latest episode, we set the bar early on when a PRIEST OF BALTHAZAR makes CHICKEN NOISES to Priestess Countess Anise.

Well Sir, I don't like it. I don't want my character to be a wise-ass jokester who always has a sarcastic remark ready. I don't remember GW2 core being full of this witty and snappy dialogue, so I can only assume it's the influence of writers that have been hired for the Living story. I'd like a return to a bit more adult content now after they had their fun.

We used to have a system where you could pick from three suitable dialogue options (remember, heart, crown and fist?) and I liked that.

submitted by /u/AlexandraT1
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[NSFW] An old screenshot I took..

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 02:09 PM PDT

Now that we have the upcoming expansion announcement upon us soon, let's remember what was urged of us a while back.

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 10:58 AM PDT

I recall A few months ago during the major leaks that Mike OBrien spoke to us on the subreddit about spreading the word more or less about GW2, context of his statement here, getting excitement in not just this community, but reaching to other communities as well, friends and more. It's a great reminder to recall as we are only 6 days away from the official announcement and I am beginning to see adverts for it on websites I frequent. I have begun to get friends on the hype, and I would love to see us continue to grow as a community and game! I will do my part to spread the word, will you?

submitted by /u/LemurTheDuke
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[SPOILER] Hidden achievement fractal 100 CM

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 10:05 AM PDT

The fact that the doubloons are in this order is vexing my soul.

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 02:35 AM PDT

All 9 Central Tyria Mastery Insight Locations (Guide)

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 11:14 PM PDT

Imgur Guide

YouTube Guide

Wiki Guide:

Hello everyone, today's patch gave us 9 new central tyria mastery points that are acquired through communing with insights. These insights are significantly easier to get to than hearts of thorn's insights because they don't even require gliding. I've constructed a guide for anyone having trouble finding these, and I think you'll be pleased to know all of these insights can be acquired within 20 minutes if you have already discovered the waypoints.

There are 9 insights in total, please take note that fireheart rise's insight is bugged and you may not be able to commune with it until a fix is patched in. Malchor's leap's insight is the only insight involving a jumping puzzle. There is an imgur album for those who want to see the in game map for reference and a youtube video for those who prefer a complete visual guide above. Let's begin!


# Zone: Location -> Waypoint Instructions
1 Bloodtide Coast: Remanda Saltmarsh -> Remanda Waypoint Simply head north towards point.
2 Dredgehaunt Cliffs: Dostoev Sky Peak -> Steelbrachen Waypoint Head east from the waypoint and climb up once you're inside the dredge site.
3 Harathi Hinterlands: Hidden Ourobon -> Barricade Camp Waypoint Head northeast into a cave and then look for a smaller opening once inside the cave.
4 Fireheart Rise: Cozen Desolation -> Breaktooth's Waypoint Simply head west and get the point. This one may be bugged for you. /support if you need to and wait for fix.
5 Iron Marches: Sunken Halls of Clarent -> Bloodfin Lake Waypoint Swim north, make sure you dive into the underwater cavern opening and then head up to point.
6 Mount Maelstrom: Mon Maelstrom -> Avernan Waypoint Hug the edge of the volcano and try to get the high ground, anakin. Jump off an elevated formation to get to point.
7 Sparkfly Fen: Shattercleft Hills -> Caer Brier Waypoint Simply head south and then head north into a small opening.
8 Timberline Falls: Molodets Excavation -> Ogduk Waypoint Simply head north into the dredge site then go up the stairs.
9 Malchor's Leap: Theater of Delight -> Pagga's Waypoint Head west until you are peering over the edge of the river. Then jump down into a small edge into scavenger's chasm jumping puzzle, head to the end and jump on left ledge.


I hope you enjoy your new mastery points, and get ready for expac 2 hype! EDIT: Grammar and syntax

submitted by /u/Guapscotch
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One Path Ends Achievements Guide

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 03:37 AM PDT

[SPOILERS] about the reveal

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 03:23 AM PDT

Does anyone else feel that the introduction of livia was shotgunned in the story. We have 6 chapters worth of time to setup her character and motivations only for her to be introduced in the very last one where she gets about 20 minutes of character time before she says: "im gonna roam and relax for a bit"

  • Why not introduce her in episode 1, but put no hints in that its livia (instead of the current way of basically screaming IM LIVIA 5 minutes in)

  • have her help us in the first chapter against the white mantle. she is a high ranked shining blade so that should be totally acceptable

  • She could be there when the queen gets attacked, maybe show a bit of her powers and foreshadow a tiny bit about her being livia.

  • instead of bringing back Caudecus' daughter she would be the one to join us in his manor

  • Being the leading expert on lazarus she could the one that we discus the situation with the wrong aspect with.

  • When we get offered a place a in the shining blade it would actually make sense because we actually worked with the shining blade

  • Then we get to the last episode where all her character development finally pays off, the secrets revealed and if she then decides to leave we at least spent a full story season with her.

Her role and and place in the lore makes her a perfect candidate to fit in almost everywhere in this season, instead of only appearing 20 minutes before the end.

submitted by /u/fear229
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New patch made my Lions Arch into EotM

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 01:35 PM PDT

Pretty much the title...

Now my game client is pretty unstable. It crashes at loading screens and even the repair launcher stops responding. Other than that pretty funny thing.

Update: I was wondering why my Tempest didn't have warhorn skills... Oh well

Update 2: After 5 repairs its stilly crashing and my Mesmer has Guardian abilities.. All the classes are messed up. Also, Fractal lobby is WvW map...

Update 3: How on earth is this possible... I reinstalled the game and it stil happens! Everything above!

Final update: New game build fixed it for me... I have no idea how. Was I the only one with this problem?

submitted by /u/Perunamies
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Mistlock Sanctuary needs fixing

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 06:39 AM PDT

First of all, I really like Mistlock Sanctuary, but there's one major flaw. Exiting that place is really awkward. As I understand, you can only port to one of the capital cities. If you want to travel anywhere else, you have you sit through one extra loading screen, and that's really awkward for a place that's supposed to be all about "ultimate convenience" (as they put it).

My solution to this issue is twofold:

  • Make the world map available in Mistlock Sanctuary, so you can travel to any waypoint in Tyria.
  • Add an exit button to the right side of the screen that takes you back to the exact location where you came from (just like Guild hall).
submitted by /u/kumiorava
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Vista now with names

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 03:49 PM PDT

In the new map "Siren's Landing" ANet did something great. They gave Vista Names!

Just so that you know: They never ever had names before! When using a Vista Chatcode the name was just [] and nothing more!

I hope they will also change all the old world Vista to some with a name. :)

submitted by /u/Daskan
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Relic of Abaddon Backpiece

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 12:45 PM PDT

I don't know if this was known yet but after buying your first relic backpiece from the heart vendors a relic collection pops for abaddon Proof:

submitted by /u/McToasty24
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New Jumping Puzzle - Abaddon's Ascent with Custom TacO Markers

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 01:38 PM PDT

I hate, hate, hate the choice that your character makes in Episode 6 (Spoilers)

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 07:35 PM PDT

Overall, I very much liked this episode and think it's the best of the season.

However, it really, really bothered me that our character went ahead and joined the Shining Blade, taking such a grave and broad oath on his life. I am NOT a role player in any way, but as this played out I just wanted to shout, "no!" and stop the story. It especially bothered me how cavalierly and almost thoughtlessly he agreed to do something so serious, both in terms of the risk to his life and in terms of the fact that he was making a serious commitment to a serious cause that he may or may not support.

Were it "really me" in this situation, I would have absolutely refused. Heck, the PC has the Aspect - why does he so easily acquiesce? I can only imagine what players of non-human characters would think of this, especially Charr and Asura.

Everyone understands that in playing a character in a game like this the story is going to go in certain directions which will "force you" to make certain choices which we sometimes may disagree with. Even as some games, notably Bioware games, do as good a job you can hope for in giving the player meaningful options and alternatives, there's always a time when there is no choice. One of the things that good writing does with these situations is set them up in such a way that the "forced choice" seems like the only reasonable choice to the player and so there's no conflict, but even this doesn't happen all the time. In any case, this particular case felt much, much worse than most. I genuinely hated it and in spite of how good the rest of the episode was, I still do and it just really, really bothered me.

As I said, I have to think that there must be some non-human players feeling even worse about this. What really bothers me is how quick you are to agree. Like I said, you have the Aspect. You hold the cards! If they had at LEAST drawn it out and made your character debate the issue or agonize over it for a bit, it would have been easier to stomach, but as it is it really bugged me.

submitted by /u/lazerlike42
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2 Ember Bay - Chalice of Tears JP Runs with portals tomorrow at 18:00 & 19:30 server time

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 12:52 PM PDT

I will be hosting two Chalice of Tears Jumping Puzzle runs with mesmer portals tomorrow at 18:00 & 19:30 server time(GMT). 27/07/17

What are we going to get?

  • Skip up the Volcano Achievement
  • Metal Mountain Achivement
  • 5 Mursaat Tokens (23-24-25-29-31)
  • Chalice of Tears PoI
  • Destruction's Maw PoI
  • 2blues1green and 1 exotic if you are lucky

What will you need?

  • Unlocked [Castaway Circus Waypoint]
  • An account in EU
  • Squad chat
  • 1 mesmer for every 20 players in the squad. (3 for a full squad)
  • Join before the squad is full. I can only take 50 people up.

How/When to join?

Type "/squadjoin Crystal Scarlet" to join. I'll create the squad around 30 minutes prior to the event. Try to come at least 15 minutes before the event starts.


You can whisper me throughout the day if you have any questions.

Group pic

submitted by /u/Lemon30
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[Spoilers] Legendary Accessory precursor collection items

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 03:50 AM PDT

I just finished the first part of the legendary trinket collection by completing all the 6 map subcollections and receiving the Gift of Valor.

The second collection is open for me, and inb4 insider trading: you will need 21 Xunlai Electrum Ingots.


All 21 collection items are: 'Infuse a Xunlai Electrum Ingot at <certain spot in the world>'. You lose your ingot infusing it, so you'll need 21. They are all simply communing with mastery point insights. (Note that one is the Holdfast Hollow insight in VB, which is actually located high in the air on top of an airship above the matriarch).

Edit: got the precursor.

Edit 2: I'm stuck. Miyani has more items I need: Gift of Bloodstone Magic and Gift of Dragon Magic, but they cost 3 x 250 of the LS3 map materials, so 250 of each of the 6 maps (250 blood rubies etc). I don't nearly have that amount so gl to the first crafter :D

Edit 3: to clarify the above: the costs for those Miyani items are (you can check ingame too):

  • Gift of Bloodstone Magic: 250x Ruby + 250x Jade + 250x Pearl
  • Gift of Dragon Magic: 250x Petrified + 250x Winterberries + 250x Orchids
submitted by /u/JusticiaDIGT
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Why isn't there a reset or fast-skip node for the 2nd instance!?

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 11:54 AM PDT

Seriously! I don't know why it's become a bit of a trend for the more challenging achievements to be a slog just to get a chance at them. I have to wait around for about 5 minutes of dialogue just to get a chance at the achievements!

Edit: This is an issue that is an issue in other instances for this chapter as well. The second instance is just, by far, the longest in this chapter with the hardest achievements.

Also: For those trying to go for Hold the Line and/or Precision Blade... Just kill as many as fast as you can until Shadow escapes and then back off to the opposite side of the room. The enemies don't actively come at you if you're outside their aggro range, so Hold the Line becomes easy as long as you stay away. And one of the NPC's doesn't seem to be killable and when the White Mantle aggro'd her, she took care of things for me.

submitted by /u/ShadowMageAlpha
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QoL suggestion: making damaged backpacks visible on the skill bar

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 03:20 PM PDT

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