Fallout - Can we talk about the biggest flaw of New Vegas?

Can we talk about the biggest flaw of New Vegas?

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 11:00 PM PDT

There is no Texas Hold Em, only blackjack.

submitted by /u/destructor_rph
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There is a new bounty hunter mod in Fallout 4 that adds a new bounty hunter faction

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 08:35 AM PDT

It adds a unique faction called "bounty hunters" into the world. You can find them randomly in a few places like in towns and at the Drumlin Diner. Once you find "The Gardener" at the Diner and talk to him *"crime tracking" will begin. If you do too many crimes or stuff that pisses off the other factions a bounty may be called on you. A team will be dispatched to either kill you or knock you out and steal some caps. The hunter classes are all designed to take on the player in some unique way with their own weaknesses. Once you get knocked out the named veteran will attempt to steal 10% of your caps from you. Any bounty hunter that steals anything from you will be marked as "protected" so that only you can find them again and get your stuff back if you choose.

But that's not all! You can't have a bounty mod without bounties! If you manage to get the gardeners respect he will open up access to bounties. The bounties come in tiers. The higher the tiers the greater the risk and rewards. All bounties are repeatable with new targets and locations described. Higher tiers require trust and availability through time. Trust is gained by doing bounties and is lost by failing bounties or murdering leaders that have ambushed you in the past.

But that's not all! If you show that you're a competent man hunter the Gardener will allow access to his epic mods and skills inventory. Epic mods that can only be made by using his parts, some skill in the area and a tiny tiny bit of CompressedTungstroniumThatCanOnlyBeObtaindeByDoingBounties. With those few easy to get components, you can make mods like a *double barrel shotgun Stagger receiver that will push back enemies if close enough and may knock them down if really close. Amazing, almost like a real shotgun!

Also some new unique faction armor, weapons, unique enemies with unique weapons and AI and a touch of voice acting. This mod requires no DLCs but you can use them if you have them and it makes little to no edits making it compatible with most other mods. It even comes with a holotape for options and uninstallation. But whatever.

*''Crime tracking'' will not start until you meet the gardener at Drumlin Diner. crimes: murder (killing nonhostile's), Stealing (taking whats not yours), pickpocket (taking whats not your with style), killing a lot of "bad guys" (they have feelings too), holding up people (holding your gun up to people and tell them to freeze), trespassing (being in other people houses when you're not supposed to), assaults (hurting someone then putting your weapon away like nothing ever happened), expansion/Building settlements (what? you don't think gunners and raiders don't see you building that war machine economy?)

-Mod description

Nexus link: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/25664/? Xbox: Not on Xbox. (Maybe it will be released but it's not clear)

submitted by /u/Aleexl
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Fallout: A Post-Nuclear Role-Playing Subreddit

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 12:16 PM PDT

Hello! I am the mod of a Fallout RP here on Reddit. We have been a community for 3 months now, and have steadily gained a decent sized sub list of over 200 members. As time goes on however of course people have life things and they stop being active. We are looking for active members who want to role-play in the Fallout universe! It is currently in the year 2281, and the primary location is The Mojave. The courier does not exist in our timeline, so players can shape the world however they want. We also have two other major player made factions that are not in the Mojave, so we are open to expansion and role-playing anywhere else in the U.S. We have several talented writers, and are always looking for more people to play with.

If you have some role-playing skills, writing skills, or just love the Fallout universe, come check us out! You can ask questions here, pm me them directly, or join our Discord (which is located on the sidebar of the sub) I hope to see you there. https://www.reddit.com/r/Fallout_RP/

submitted by /u/Hellboy632789
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Rivet City is the worst

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 07:22 AM PDT

Seriously: Vaults, old buildings, trog-filled cities, caves... Above all that, Rivet City's visual design makes me uncomfortable. It looks so thoroughly usted and falling apart that it could conceivably just collapse with you in it at any moment. I cannot stand Rivet City. It's so unnerving, especially with how it looks at night. The lights from inside make it look like it's on fire.

submitted by /u/scibieseverywhere
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Somethings We Miss about Mr. House

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 09:30 AM PDT

Mr. House is often applauded as the perfect ending to New Vegas, but this contrasts with the game's theme.

The Forecaster says, "All lose in different ways. A dam of corpses, towns of corpses, scattered across the sand. But whose in what shares? Even the dealer doesn't know. Forecast: A rain of blood will flood the desert and not purify it."

Mr. House's Robco. built the weapons which caused the Great War. He created Protectrons, Stealth Boys, Sentry Bots and Liberty Prime. House is the embodiment of greed and pride, which profited by preparing the World for destruction. His current empire profits by stealing wealth through gambling.

Furthermore, he does not care for Freeside and its poor inhabitants. Ulysses says that his formation of the Three Families is similar to Caesar's assimilation of 86 tribes.

No ending to New Vegas is a good ending. Not even House's.

submitted by /u/latenightresearch
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Why are Enclave the only obvious bad people?

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 12:15 PM PDT

My knowledge of the subject may be a little limited(because I only finished Fallout 3 and NV) but I feel like there isn't a reasoning behind what Enclave has done. They just seem like fascists trying to eradicate everything who isn't "clean". With every other faction, there's a reasoning behind what they're doing, especially in New Vegas where factions explain why they are doing this. I personally hate Legion but I really enjoyed speaking with Caesar about his intentions/politics. Enclave doesn't have this. Can anyone enlighten me about this?

submitted by /u/Morsmordrei
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Can I advance the NV main story without doing "Come Fly With Me"?

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 02:35 PM PDT

Not sure why, but I absolutely hate that quest. It's nothing in particular, I think it's because NoVac and the ghouls give me the creeps in general. So this time around, after picking up the game for my PC on the steam sale, I just didn't do it after getting the quest from Manny. I've since made it to level 20, done 2 of the DLCs, and a bunch of side quests and companion stuff. I'm just wondering if there is someone I can find that will allow me to skip the CFWM quest, or if I just gotta suck it up and go back.

submitted by /u/Hroslansky
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Best Fallout 4 build for Survival difficulty?

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 01:36 PM PDT

I'm planning to do a play through on Survival and just wondering if there are any good Character builds

submitted by /u/Ripper_455
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HELP! Ronnie shaw quest broken

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 04:07 PM PDT

Every time I talk to her she talks about the armory and says she'll show it to me, but then she just stands there and does nothing. I'm on Xbox one and I have no mods installed.

submitted by /u/Caulicali
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Thoughts on New Vegas' Lily as a companion?

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 01:32 PM PDT

She's the only one I've never bothered with in all the time I have played the game. I usually travel with either Cass ('cause I love the Whiskey Rose perk) or Raul ('cause, hey, it's Danny Trejo!).

What, if anything, have I been missing by leaving Lily at Jacobstown?

submitted by /u/MrFredCDobbs
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Evil run in Fallout 3

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 11:51 PM PDT

I decided to do a psychotic asshole run. In the 1st 3 hours, I:

Asked Old Lady Palmer, rather rudely, if she had a better present than last year.

Told Jonas to can it.

Had Butch pick on Amada about her weight.

Let Butch's mom die, then shot Butch in the back, stole his jacket and switchblade then tea bagged his dead body.

Killed the Overseer, then dismembered him with Butch's switchblade in front of Amada and threw his severed head at her feet.

Went to Megaton and killed Sheriff Lucas Simms for his hat. Then tea bagged his body and dumped it in the center of town.

Killed Silver, then dismembered her body and layed the parts out across her bed.

Activated the nuclear bomb for Burke in Megaton and personally committed mass atomic murder of the filthy bastards that dwell in that shit-pit.

submitted by /u/JudgeHolden21
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[Spoilers] What quests to make a Legion playthrough more complete?

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 03:07 PM PDT

Completely stumped on what game to play so about to do my first Legion character since 2011 and wondered what tips this sub could offer, like if there's certain characters I should assassinate or certain NCR quests where you can betray them. I know New Vegas gives you a few oppertunities where you don't have to necessarily do what your Pip-Boy says to end up with a satisfying resolution to a quest.

Also, how would a female courier justify the Legion, considering how sexist they are?

submitted by /u/zxc187
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[Other]A List of the Best (and Worst!) of each Entry in the Fallout Franchise

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 10:02 AM PDT

Hello, fellow Vault Dwellers! Today, I wanted to share my comprehensive list of the best and worst features in each game in the series. Before we begin, please keep in mind that these are my opinions, and I do not intend for this to represent the consensus of the entire fan base. The purpose of this post is to spark conversation about how the games have changed and evolved over the years, and to discuss features that might be in later Fallout games. With that in mind, lets begin!

Fallout 1
The Good
The best thing about the first Fallout game is the world it takes place in. The game was HUGE for it's time, but does not sacrifice quality for quantity. The world feels surprisingly alive for a post-apocalyptic wasteland.

The Bad
Fallout was a very difficult game, and not just when it comes to combat. The game does not offer any help with character creation, combat, or really anything else in the game. While it's not as unforgiving as other RPG's of the time, such as the first Elder Scrolls game, it definitely was not n00b friendly. Also, traveling between locations was long and often boring/tedious. The journal was often vague and confusing; it was very easy to lose your place in a quest

Fallout 2
The Good
MY personal favorite thing about Fallout 2 was the companions. I loved the control I had over their combat style and I loved how quirky they were. Asking Sulik to consult the spirits before each dungeon became a ritual, and I became quite attached to my companions, to the point where I would reload hours of gameplay if one of them died. The game also really capitalized on the style, dark humor, and pop-culture references we all know and love about the series.

The Bad
Fallout 2 was a lot bigger than Fallout 1, but with that came three times as many bugs. The game's main story quest is also difficult to track, especially if you fail to rescue Vic from the slavers. The game also features numerous dead-end quests that were cut out, but not completely removed during development, or have a bug that causes them to be unfinishable.

Fallout: Tactics
The Good
This game is a small detachment from the regular RPG Fallout for a more combat oriented, isometric strategy game. My favorite part of Fallout: Tactics is being able to explore some of the lore of the American Midwest, as it's rarely been touched upon, even in the later games, even though it's not completely destroyed or anything. I really hope the next Fallout game is away from a coast and instead focuses on somewhere like Colorado.

The Bad
In all honesty, like many other Fallout lovers, Fallout: Tactics is my least favorite game. Not because it is a bad game, but because it is unlike any other game. Fallout: Tactics is not an RPG, and the story it tells is linear. If you want a game where the choices you make have tangible impact, this is not your game

I do not consider Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel to be worthy of this list.

Fallout 3
The Good
Fallout 3 was my first Fallout game. Exploring the Capital Wasteland was mind blowing for me. Everything seemed so real. The world felt alive. The characters were actual people and my actions held significant weight in the world. I could be good. I could be bad. I could be a happy medium. The player choice in this game is amazing. I also appreciated the horror elements of Fallout 3. There were times I honestly felt scared wandering the wastes, which I believe is how you should feel.

The Bad
Every quest in Fallout 3 felt isolated. If you started a quest in Rivet City, chances are, it'll end in Rivet City. The game doesn't send you across the map, allowing you to discover more areas of the map. There is so much about the game that I never got to see because a quest never sent me to that end of the map, and since I am a quest-driven player, I never found myself exploring it. Fuck essential NPC's, James was an asshole to the Lone Wanderer and I should've been able to claim sweet justice with a 10mm bullet. Fallout 3's villains were also poorly written. The Enclave was genocidal for no reason (I know it's explained in Fallout 2, but not everyone played Fallout 2, and the reasons they give you are shallow and empty of reasons) and President Eden is too easily convinced to off himself. And wait, what?? What do you mean Fawkes can't go into the purifier for me? HE IS IMMUNE TO RADIATION, DAMMIT. Worst video game ending ever

Fallout: New Vegas
The Good
FNV had great companions. They were definitely the most interesting characters in the game, hands down. Fallout: New Vegas really felt like a follow up to Fallout 2, with its dark humor, goofy 1950's sci-fi theme, and crazy traits and perks, which I felt was lacking just a little bit during Fallout 3. The game world also felt more civilized, like everything was livable before the NCR and the Legion started a war. There was a sense of rebuilding in humanity. Also, Matthew Perry voice acts in this game (bonus points: FNV has my favorite dungeons of any game, ever.)

The Bad
I despised the iron sights in this game. I don't see the appeal in them, and I will never understand why people use that as an argument for New Vegas being the best game. I much preferred the shooting mechanics in Fallout 3. I also don't like how the Courier isn't from a Vault, I feel like it's a Fallout tradition. At least the Chosen One was a direct descendant of a Vault Dweller. New Vegas also has the worst radio stations imo.

Fallout 4
The Good
Unlike most people, the settlement building was my favorite new feature in 4. In previous games, I meticulously placed bottles of Nuka-Cola on my Megaton shelves, displayed my special weapons I didn't use anymore, and decorated my house in anyway possible (Moira's Vault theme was lit, my dudes). So when I discovered I could create not just my own house, but my own town with thousands of different options, I immediately got hooked. Another great thing about Fallout 4 is the Minutemen. As the general of the Minutemen, you get to shape the future of the Commonwealth. Do you help the everyman and rebuild society? Or do you succumb to the villainy and greed and become the scourge of the Commonwealth? I'd always wondered how the world was still shot to shit 200 years after the bombs dropped, but playing an evil Sole Survivor made me realize why. Fallout 4 also took a risk with many changes to preexisting things, but I think many of them went well (VATS, Power armor, and the Pip-Boy interface to name a few). The subtle storytelling in the environment is done so well, I found myself getting so involved in a story, never meeting one of the people who played a part in it, feeling satisfied about the story, only to find out via Oxhorn video later that I missed half of an already big story because it continued in another area, or by interacting with someone or bringing a certain companion with you. Fallout 4 really fixed Fallout 3's problem with an isolated world. Modding weapons is a good example of a new feature that worked really well

The Bad
Fallout 4 had a poor main quest. Although during my first play through I was eager to find Shaun, I found during my next one I had no choice. I HAD to play the worried parent. This preexisting relationship was much too much for the player to take on, especially something as intimate as a father/mother to son. This was also one of my problems with Fallout 3, although I don't think I mentioned it. The player choice in this game is nearly non existent. Sure, you get to choose which factions live, and uh... That's about it. Skills and traits were also missing from the game which disappointed me greatly.

Thanks for reading my list, and I hope you were entertained. Please reply so we can start a conversation about your favorite/least favorite features in the Fallout series! :)

submitted by /u/RingComics
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Trying to rebuild the wasteland settlement by settlement but running out of things to build any ideas??

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 06:56 AM PDT

[Fallout 2] if we mainly fight floaters, centaurs, aliens and deathclaws, should I give Sulik the .223 pistol or the H&K P90c for ranged?

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 01:38 PM PDT

Painted myself into a corner in my low int run by refusing to use mentats completely and now need to grind xp around SF. Sulik has power armor, super sledge and the pistol atm and is set to "ranged then melee" so he doesn't run into my bozar burst firing lines all that easily.

But could he do more damage to the enemies listed in the title with the best available burst weapon for him? With 11 AP he could get off two bursts per round and I would be willing to set him to "sometimes don't worry about hitting me" or even "always" to maximize efficiency as I have plenty of stims and power armor myself.

TL;DR: better for listed enemies - double H&K P90c bursts or double pistol shots?

P.S. I assume that with 11 AP he does one aimed and one unaimed shot (fairly frequent crits seem to confirm that, but I can't be sure of course) with the pistol. I'm also under the impression that hollow point ammo would be superior for the P90c to AP ammo due the F2 quirk that makes AP generally inferior (except in case of the rocket launcher).

link to P90c

link to .223 pistol

submitted by /u/democraticcrazy
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[Fallout 2] I'm doing a low int run and it's not great

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 03:49 AM PDT

I'm running a 6-6-8-2-3-10-5 big guns/melee/lockpick char that can basically only grunt, and I have to admit - at first it was awesome. But only at first...

The people of Arroyo have a lot of comments on you being the chosen one (a variation of "oh god" being the most common), even Hakunin makes an effort to be more clear with what he wants. Your welcome in Klamath is hilariously different from the standard, and the extended conversation with Torr is undoubtedly the highlight of a low int game. People commenting on your mental facilities stays fairly common and this keeps the theme very pleasingly. The modoc/ghost farm quest is notably adapted, in that you only need to bring back the letter from the slags and the quest is done. The trade post guy even mentions that there is more but that it would be too difficult for you, which is a nice touch.

But at this point at the latest you'll have noticed that you get a lot less quests overall, and I do mean a lot! Because I am now only level 9 and I've been everywhere except vault 13, the inside of NCR and Navarro. Here is just a tiny sample of things you can't do:

  • communicate with a follower beyond combat control and trade screen. For example I can neither tell Sulik to put his weapon/armor away nor can I tell him to "wait here" and later pick him up again - this makes travel into the inner NCR practically impossible unless I am willing to get him killed.

  • get the car. You can't get the super repair kit from vault city, and even if you bring a random one to skeeter it doesn't work - because he is one of the many, many people that simply won't speak to you. At all, you don't even get into the pop-up screen. You could kill him for the car part, but I don't think smitty talks to you either.

  • while we are at it, you can't do anything about the gecko powerplant. I'm not sure if there is a way to become a citizen because you can't get the raider quest either. You also can't do the scouting quests, buy the plow for the family in the courtyard or free the arrested guy.

The list of available quests is in fact shockingly short. I am level 9, and I'm in San Francisco because there is nothing else to do! I'm currently not strong enough to clear vault 15 (unless I buy at least combat armor here) and I think I need much more science to get the vault 13 location afterwards anyway, so I travelled here to sell loot and buy books. To be clear, for a low int character there is absolutely no quest in Redding or in Broken Hills (in the latter you can at least pick up some xp from the unlisted treasure hunting and replanting the talking plant and therefore beating the scorpion but that is pretty much it. Redding doesn't even have unlisted stuff). You can't become a made man because no familiy will talk to you, so New Reno is also a bust. I've already mentioned the limitations of Vault City, Gecko and NCR.

Obviously you can work around pretty much all of that if you are willing to eat mentats, but a pure low int run is... fairly boring actually. Unless you want to play F2 just to fight and level up, don't bother IMHO.

TL;DR: great fun until Klamath, then it becomes so limited it stops being fun really fast.

submitted by /u/democraticcrazy
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How do you keep Fallout NV from crashing on PC?

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 09:07 AM PDT

I've been playing NV and loving it, but pretty consistently, I get a crash. I have a few mods installed and I've turned off some of the visual ones and some others that could affect performance, but no real difference in how often it crashes. I've done the route of running it through comparability settings and downloading crash prevention mods, but same thing. Any help?

submitted by /u/FrostMonger
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Possible Fallout 5 idea?

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 04:33 PM PDT

Similar to in Dragon Age Origins, have a system where your race can be chosen (Human, ghoul, synth, super mutant ect.) And it effects the introduction and possibly play style. What do you think?

submitted by /u/kcinthevct
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GDC- Classic Game Postmortem: Fallout by Tim Cain, one the main designers

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 12:45 PM PDT


great talk, if you dont feel like watching it you can just treat like a podcast

submitted by /u/HeavenAndHellD2arg
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How would you all feel about real life fallout comics?

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 11:34 PM PDT

Hi all! I was thinking today about the comics in the fallout series and thought about if we had a comic series based around the fallout series. The comic could possibly follow different Factions and give us more lore on different factions and how to fair after each game, such as; The NCR or Legion after NV, the Enclave or the Brotherhood of Steel. Or just follow an individual like the games. I personally like the Brotherhood of Steel option filling in the gaps between 3 and 4 or an entire new chapter. Love to know what you all think! (Moderators remove if not allowed)

submitted by /u/aussie_sniper
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Fallout 3 Museum Mission

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 12:27 PM PDT

I'm at the part in the game where I'm at the Museum of Technology and I have to retrieve the communications relay dish. I'm currently in the planetarium but I'm stuck because my lockpicking skill level is at 23 and it needs to be at 50 to unlock the exit door, which I need to go through in order to get the dish. Is there any other way to get the relay dish and if so, how?

submitted by /u/Sunnnydi
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Help with Preston after nuka world

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 11:52 AM PDT

I just finished nuka world and now Preston wants me to complete open season but I don't want to kill the raiders. Is there any way to keep the raiders alive and keep Preston happy? I can use console commands if I need to.

submitted by /u/DarthRaxum
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