Dota 2 - Competitive Meta Trends - DreamLeague Season 7

Competitive Meta Trends - DreamLeague Season 7

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 08:10 AM PDT

Dream League 2017


Team Total Matches Average Match Length Radiant Winrate Dire Winrate
Planet Odd 12 40:56 80.0% 28.6%
Team Liquid 9 45:22 100.0% 50.0%
Team Secret 8 39:15 50.0% 0.0%
Vega Squadron 5 46:14 0.0% 25.0%
  • Longest Match: Team Liquid vs Vega Squadron - 1:06:28
  • Shortest Match: Planet Odd vs Team Liquid - 17:48

  • Largest Hero Pool: Planet Odd with 36

  • Smallest Hero Pool: Vega Squadron with 19


  • Most Kills: 27 by w33 as Timbersaw
  • Most Deaths: 19 by GH.GOD as Earthshaker
  • Most Assists: 35 by GH.GOD as Zeus
  • Highest KAD ((Kills + Assists)/Deaths) with 0 Deaths: 20 by Resolut1on as Anti-Mage
  • Highest KAD with 1+ Deaths: 31 by G as Viper
  • Highest Hero Healing: 23000 by Resolut1on as Lycan
  • Highest Hero Damage: 68104 by w33 as Timbersaw
  • Highest Tower Damage: 19884 by ALOHADANCE as Troll
  • Fastest Roshan kill: 14:03 MP as Underlord
  • Fastest T1 tower kill: 6:28 by MATUMBAMAN as Lycan
  • Most last hits at 10 minutes: 87 by MP as Underlord
  • Largest Hero Pool: 9 Heroes by MISERY
  • Smallest Hero Pool: 5 Heroes by KheZu


Top Picks and Bans

Top Picks Games WR Top Bans Games WR (when picked)
Earthshaker 14 9W-5L (64.29%) Night Stalker 14 8W-6L (57.14%)
Anti-Mage 9 5W-4L (55.56%) Batrider 10 5W-5L (50%)
Sand King 8 4W-4L (50.00%) Io 9 2W-7L (22.22%)
Rubick 7 3W-4L (42.86%) Viper 7 3W-4L (42.86%)
Shadow Shaman 6 2W-4L (33.33%) Spirit Breaker 7 4W-3L (57.14%)

Top First Phase Picks and Bans

Top FP Picks Games WR when FP picked Top FP Bans Games WR (when picked)
Earthshaker 13 9W-5L (64.29%) Night Stalker 14 8W-6L (57.14%)
Sand King 6 4W-4L (50.00%) Io 9 2W-7L (22.22%)
Shadow Shaman 6 2W-4L (33.33%) Batrider 8 5W-5L (50.0%)
Rubick 5 3W-4L (42.86%) Spirit Breaker 7 4W-3L (57.14%)
Faceless Void 4 3W-1L (75%) KotL 7 2W-5L (28.6%)


Most Bought Items:

  1. Diffusal Blade level 1 (bought 11 times with 81.82% WR) with 100% winrate when upgraded (5 times across all games)
    • Average purchase time is 27:00 for level 1
    • Most bought by TA & Void (2 times each)
  2. Vanguard 11 times with 72.73% WR
    • Average purchase time is 34:18
    • Mostly bought by Anti-Mage (7 times)
  3. Glimmer Cape 11 times with 72.73 WR
    • Average purchase time is 29:04
    • Most bought by Crystal Maiden (3 times) across 8 matches
    • Bought 4 times by Saska alone
  4. Ghost Scepter 7 times with 71.43 WR
    • Average purchase time is 44:52
    • Purchased 7 times on 7 different heroes/players across 5 matches
  5. Skull Basher 10 times with 70% WR
    • Average purchase time is 34:48
    • Mostly bought by Anti-Mage (7 times) across 8 matches


  • Total wards purchased: 496
  • Average purchased per team
    • Planet Odd: 16.08
    • Team Liquid: 18.22
    • Team Secret: 15.63
    • Vega Squadron: 20.2

A huge thanks to datdota and the Standard Deviants. This guide was compiled by @Borno_ and @ToughC00ki3.

Edit: there were some issues with the data earlier. Everything should be accurate now.

submitted by /u/coronaria
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Empower me

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 10:29 PM PDT

Rubick VS Pudge

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 11:01 AM PDT

You guys know what to do...

submitted by /u/Lebby
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Eternal Envy ( Dota 2 Short Film Contest )

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 01:12 AM PDT

Why esports needs two hosts for big events - ReDeYe

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 06:10 AM PDT

Dota 2 Update - MAIN CLIENT - July 27, 2017

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 11:03 AM PDT

A new patch has been dispatched for the main client. More info will be edited in as I analyze the patch.

Analysis Status: Done

TI7 Battle Pass

Arcana Vote

  • A special fancy Arcana Vote Grand Final Voting Page has been added: Pudge vs Rubick
  • You can press on the new "View Brackets" button on the same page to check out the entire Arcana Bracket so far.

Economy Updates


  • Fixed a small issue where the emoticons from the Dotakin Treasure would not unlock properly.

Ability Updates

  • Necronomicon Archer Mana Burn has been changed from 200/300/400 to 125/175/225.
  • Updated Necronomicon tooltip to read that killing Necro Warrior does "magic" damage and not "extra pure" any more.

UI Updates


The Ability Tooltip styling has been updated to be more fancy.

  • All special cases are now highlighted in a different color.
  • Font and spacing on a lot of the elements has been updated.

Broadcaster Tools - Unreleased

  • Hero facts used in the broadcaster tools now have some better formatting highlighting hero names and other important info.
  • The toast that uses the ability movies is now slightly smaller to fit the frame better.

Related Links

  • Changelog: None yet.

Patch Size: 67.2 MB (with Tools)

submitted by /u/SirBelvedere
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The International 7 Predictions (+why) (+stats)

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 06:21 AM PDT

Granny pulling a CCnC

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 07:54 AM PDT

Going to miss Wings at TI7 :(

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 01:00 AM PDT

The true reason KotlGuy wasn't invited

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 03:21 AM PDT

Kotl got an immortal with wings, wings failed to qualify for TI.

submitted by /u/ZuneNebula
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Day[9] gives his opinion on toxic communities.

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 01:15 PM PDT

Arteezy trying to influence our elections

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 11:13 AM PDT

How to Play Ability Draft: A short tutorial

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 07:47 AM PDT


Over the last 10 or so games of ability draft, I have seen some super shitty builds. There is always one player on each team who fails to have any kind of solid build - winding up 0/40/0 [Exaggerated] by the end of the game and not having much fun. As I routinely stomp games in AD, I thought it would be prudent to write a semi-detailed guide for how to play ability draft, how to pick good skills, and how to not wind up with a shitty hero who you thought would be awesome; but fails at every level of the game. Remember, this is a short tutorial - not a complete guide. There will always be more awesome combos or terrible abilities than I am able to list. This is also my opinion, and my opinion can be swayed.


The Heroes

The very first thing you should do before launching a game of ability draft, is actually have a basic understanding of the heroes in the game. This is NOT a newb friendly mode and you will lose every game without fail if you don't understand every hero in the draft. Make sure you have played every hero that is draftable at least a few times before trying out this mode.

To be truly successful at this mode you need more than a basic understanding though. Every hero has unique stats and capabilities which can take your game to a much higher level. Axe and Ogre have incredible regen at the start of the game. TB is nigh invulnerable to physical damage at level 1. Pugna is a race car and Enchantress has all the vision in the world. Knowing these things will allow you to tailor your hero much better than normal. Hero stat gains are also important. A quick thing to do is look at this list here where you can sort by the starting stats and stat growth. Heroes with high stat growth will naturally be much stronger later in the game. You can see that Centaur, Treant, and Ogre all have very high strength gain. Morphling, Mirana, and Venge all have very high agi gain. Pugna, Invoker, and Skywrath all have high int gain. Phantom Lancer starts with ridiculous stats at level 1, as does OD. Treant and Shadow Shaman both have insane level 1 right click. Doom has terrible base attack speed while Oracle has incredible bat.

What does all this mean? It means Attack speed is terrible on Doom but great on Oracle. Treant and Shadow Shaman can abuse Enchant Totem at level 1 and Crystal Maiden can't. PL can dominate a lane if he gets any kind of durability whilst Weaver will always get dominated. Just looking at the top and bottom 4-5 heroes for each category will already give you a huge leg up in the game.

The main take away you should get is looking at the bottom growth for all heroes. Slark, Alchemist, and Drow all have garbage stat growth. If you get them, it's best to not build a right click carry.

Side Note: I also like to load up the dotabuff heroes page so I can quickly review the talents of my hero - allowing me to streamline a build better.


Your Team

Now you are in the game and your team has been given five random heroes. Look at your hero and identify where it lies on the carry-support index. If you got Enigma, tough luck - you're not going to win a right click war any time soon. If you got Phantom Assassin, rearm-dagon will be an unattainable dream. It is VERY important to not try and build a hero in a direction it doesn't naturally go unless you have some ridiculous combo.

Now that you've looked at your hero, look at your team and the enemies team. If they have 5 ranged and you have 5 melee, you're going to have to prioritise mobility abilities and gap closers. Perhaps you should take a jungler to relieve some of the inevitable pressure the lanes will be under. This combination will change every game and you'll need to work out the best way to deal with the hand you're dealt.

Make sure you talk with your team. Push-to-talk and open mic still work during the pick phase. Discuss with your team and assign roles at the start - not everyone can play a four-passive mindless carry.

Side Note: Keep in mind any combo heroes you have who can play well together. Try and make sure at least one person can front-line.


The First Pick

These first picks are THE most important picks in the game. They often decide win or lose. You should always aim to pick powerful abilities here. I've divided a few skills into categories.

These are the skills you should pick REGARDLESS of hero.

  • Chemical Rage
  • Grow
  • Permanent Invisibility
  • Shukuchi
  • Blink
  • Arctic Burn
  • Spin Web
  • Teleportation
  • Essence Aura
  • Nature's Guise
  • Track
  • Thirst
  • Fiery Soul
  • Shadow Walk
  • Skeleton Walk

All of these skills are so far and beyond any other - they will work on any hero. Support or carry, it doesn't matter. E.G. If you're a support with grow, at least the other team doesn't have it.


These are the skills you should pick if you have really high base damage or you have grow and need the second pick.

  • Drunken Brawler
  • Tidebringer
  • Enchant Totem
  • Take Aim
  • Jinada
  • Blood Bath

All these skills will make you a nightmare to deal with at level 1 in lane, allowing you easy lane dominance.


If you are ranged with decent range

  • Liquid Fire
  • Curse of Avernus
  • Fury Swipes
  • Essence Shift
  • Impetus
  • Elder Dragon Form
  • Geminate Attack
  • Any Bash
  • Mana Break

These skills give you incredible advantage for being a ranged hero.


These are the skills you should first pick if you are a support or caster

  • Rearm
  • Mass Serpent Wards
  • Mana Shield
  • Wraithfire Blast
  • Ensnare

These are all incredibly powerful and will win games for you - but you need a decent mana pool to use them.


Special Mentions

  • Beserker's Blood
  • Untouchable
  • Diabolic Edict
  • Borrowed Time
  • Vendetta
  • Life Drain
  • Time Lapse
  • Reincarnation
  • Shadow Dance
  • Burrow Strike

All of these skills give you great benefit regardless of hero - but they are not first pick material if any of the other appropriate categories are still around.


Other Abilities

Once all the ridiculous abilities are gone, you still have some really good options. The general rule is if you don't have a great plan or idea to work with or your hero just plain sucks... pick a disable. Stuns and silences win games. If there are no stuns, slows and mobility skills come next. Here is the order you should work through if you have no real game plan or combos to work with.

  1. OP abilities [As listed above]
  2. Stuns and roots [Storm Hammer, Pit of Malice, Frost Bite]
  3. Slows, silences, and disarms [Ice Vortex, Gale, Gust]
  4. Low CD mobility skills [Leap, Pounce, Charge]
  5. Healing abilities [Healing Ward, Purifying Light, Wisps]
  6. Team fight and wave clear skills [Chilling Touch, Dragon Slave, Flakk Cannon]
  7. Tanky or survivability skills [Dragon's blood, Reactive armour, Shallow grave, Rage]
  8. Carry skills [Critical Strike, Greevil's Greed, Bash]

Notice carry skills are last? That's because if you don't have a definite game plan - don't pick carry skills. It's better to have more team fight to support your team than be a half-baked carry. But what if you see a combo...


Combo Abilities

There are some notorious combos that you need to watch out for. Here are a few.

  • Nether Ward/Tombstone/Hex + Rearm
  • Shackles/Dark Pact/Ion Shell + Napalm
  • Goo/Arcane Bolt/Ball Lightning + Aftershock
  • Spawn Spiderlings/Summon Familiar + Howl
  • Ion Shell/Diabolic Edict + Any Invis
  • Impetus + Overpower
  • Rot + Infest + Degen Aura
  • Split Shot + Fury Swipes
  • Life Drain / Death Ward + Perm Invis / Nature's Guise
  • Enchant Totem + Tidebringer/Assassinate [Aghs]

Special Note: Aghs abilities are not exclusive. Getting four abilities that are all upgradeable by aghs means you will have a massive power spike when you pick up the scepter, as it will upgrade all four abilities.

WARNING Some heroes are bugged atm. DO NOT LET ZEUS EVER GET REARM

Which brings me to my next point - denial picks


Denial Picks

Honestly? These are not very important. It's better to get good skills than worry about what your opponents are getting. There are a couple of exceptions, most notably with the OP combos listed above. Letting them get Rot and Infest is honestly not that big a deal. Alone it deals some damage, but it's not especially OP without an invis hero or degen aura. It would be better to pick a more appropriate ability than worry about what mediocre combos your opponents are going for. You should, however, be on the look out for what skills they are picking. If you see them pick any invis abilities whilst ion shell is in the pool and you want ion shell, you'd better pick it early on. It's important to think about what combos they might be trying to make so you can ensure you pick the important abilities first.

For instance, say you see someone pick counter-helix. You KNOW they're going to want Beserker's Call to combo with it. If you were thinking of getting that ability, you should pick it before it gets back to them as they've likely asked their team not to pick it. Similarly with carry abilities or powerful rearm abilities - the important thing is to pick it on the way back to their hero. It's this reason that First and Last pick are the most powerful positions to be picking in. Middle of the pack is usually the worst as you'll mostly never end up with an OP combo. It's also important to think of two or three skills you'd like to have as the enemy may be denial picking you as well. If you pick Fiery Soul, don't just fix "Arcane Bolt" in your mind. Look at all the skills and work out which ones have the lowest cooldowns. It's important to give yourself a range of skills to pick.


Skills you shouldn't really pick at all

Please note, there will often be situations where these skills are useful... they're just not first or second pick material. I have listed the situations they are decent picks in below.


  • Shuriken Toss

It's just not a good skill without track. Only pick this if there is a lack of stuns for TP interupting.

  • Phantom Rush

This skill is only good on melee heroes as a gap closer, and it's not even that great as a mobility skill without survivability to back it up. Don't pick it if you're ranged as you shorten the distance by your attack range. Leave this for later in the pick cycle if you really want it.

  • Heartstopper Aura

This is just not a good skill. So many people take this early without thinking about how little damage this actually does. Most of the time it isn't worth it unless you're playing a tank - and even then there are better skills. Remember, AD games are normally shorter than regular games and the fights are often less drawn out.

  • Head Shot

Don't touch it unless you already have good attack speed/carry build. Never touch it if you're melee.

  • March of the Machines

This skill is terrible without Rearm - but incredible with it. Denial pick mainly.

  • Lunar Blessing

This skill is just not worth it early on. It only gives minor damage and night vision. There are better abilities.

  • Spell Shield

Unless the abilities are mostly magic damage, pick something more useful. Edit: The Aghs upgrade for this hero is strong, but it's not worth it unless you have multiple abilities that are also upgraded by aghs.

  • Greevil's Greed

Everyone rushes to pick this without thinking. You need wave clear to make this work - if you can't get wave clear, don't bother touching this.

  • Mana Void

This ability is worthless without any way to drain mana and it is never worth buying a diffusal for.

  • Markmanship

Think about the range of your hero... if it's less than 500, don't bother touching it. If you're not AGI, don't even look at it. Edit: The Aghs upgrade for this hero is strong, but it's not worth it unless you have multiple abilities that are also upgraded by aghs.

  • Echo Stomp

This skill is useless without Astral. It is no longer in the pool for AD.

  • Sanity's Eclipse

Pick another ulty. This one is only good if your int is extremely high.

  • Flesh Heap

You'll never get enough kills to make this worth a pick over anything else. The only exception is if you have duel as you'll be hunting kills then.

  • Dragon's Blood

Why? Because this skill does nothing in the early game. Ability draft is governed by early game aggression more than regular Dota and this skill will be practically useless for most of the laning phase. Do not first pick this over other skills. Edit: Only pick this skill if you have other survivability skills to back it up.

  • Eclipse / Nether Strike

These abilities do nothing without Lucent Beam / Greater Bash.


Final Notes

  • DO NOT PICK FOUR PASSIVES. Try not to pick more than one passive. The more passives you have, the more useless you'll feel.
  • Someone HAS to buy the courier and wards. Factor that into your drafting phase.
  • 1-2 Carries have more chance of winning than 5 carries. The game didn't magically change - it's still Dota.
  • Invisibility bankrupts the already poor/rare supports on the other team.
submitted by /u/dubeyisme
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Design my tattoo and win a hat! An expensive hat!

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 05:34 AM PDT

Ok. In the off chance this doesn't get buried I want people to come up with a tattoo design for me. I have posted a photo of me below that you can photoshop onto (doesn't matter how dodgy the photoshop is, as long as I get the idea)

I am looking for a full chest piece design for example you could photo shop the juggernaut arcana head onto my chest, or maybe my whole front.

Any heroes are welcome and any designs are welcome. I have found it very hard to find nice high res dota artwork so that's why I'm here. All designs are welcome even if it's a photoshopped face of slacks onto my chest.

The winner I choose will get gifted a hat with a value up to $150 of their choice!

Link to my photo

I do already have a lot of tattoos so no need for shitposting calling me an idiot etc. The only dota 2 tattoo I currently have is this one

EDIT - Ok, I'm impressed people have replied and some have put some good effort in. Some good quality shit posting as well so keep that up <3. But im going to post the kind of tattoo i'm getting so people have an idea of the quality i'm talking about. <-- that is my leg <--- because why not NSFW

submitted by /u/dikfeld
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[Fanart] The King Has Arrived!

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 09:18 AM PDT

[Short Story] TI7 Grand Final - Cloud9 vs Team Secret

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 10:22 AM PDT

EE's hands are trembling as he walks up into the booth with his fellow C9 Comrades, he's not nervous about the game, he's nervous because of what is about to happen. Secret are missing a player from their booth, Puppey is nowhere to be found during the grand final. Everything had lead up to this. Puppey's head burst through one of the floor panels, and he ravishly crawled out of the floor, a large bowie knife in hand, stained with the blood of EE's former comrade, Artour Babaev, who has been missing for 2 days since EG's elimination. "You knew this was going to happen sooner or later, right?" EE stumbled back away from Puppey, as the staff, hesitantly walk out and lock the booth, caging in EE and his Cloud9 comrades with Puppey. "I set this all up, paid off the booth staff, I even rigged all the games so it would come to this. You see now how powerful I am?" MSS' eyes darted to EE, desperately trying to read some kind of assurance from his face, that had become almost grim and lifeless as it observed Puppey ascending into the booth. "What kind of plan do you have to get yourself out of this Jacky? it's over. I'm gonna cut open that skull of yours and really get a good look at what is going on in that brain of yours." Puppey finally pulled his legs out of the booth floor and stood tall, almost an entire foot higher than Envy. "Any last words kid? Maybe I can let you write one more blog before I'm done with you" Envy smirked, bring his finger to his glasses and peaking them up to his eyes. "All according to keikaku" Puppey snarled "What do you mean?" Envy did one of those retarded laughs he does "Since No Tidehunter, all the way back then, I had this planned out Clement. It was brewing around you the whole time, waiting for this moment. Why do you think I brought back Cloud 9? For memes? Maybe, ok almost definitely, but it was also for a purpose." Puppey stepped back, unsure of himself as EE laid out the machinisms of his grand plan. "LodA, I was working with him since the beginning, even GabeN is on my side. We nerfed the fountain hook, which you would have abused to win TI3. With that you ended up in second place, and the spiral of your downfall began."

Puppey tightened the grip on his knife, pointing it at EE "I'm still the one in charge here, I don't care what you did before, you're going to end here, this is where it all ends between us!" EE did another retarded laugh "Dude, Yo like, let me tell you this shit, I did so much it's actually so fucking stupid, but I knew I had to. I knew what you were going to become dude. You think this is about me, but it's really about you." Envy's expression became more serious, almost looking at Puppey the same way he would have in the past, as fellow players "That second place eventually led to your departure from Na'vi, you couldn't accept losing when you were so close to becoming a double TI winner. You eventually created the team that would go to TI5, as Team Secret, and then lose.. again..." Envy sighed "Was that your doing EE?" Pie interjected, just as stunned as Puppey at what was happening "I'm sorry to keep you in the dark Pie, I had to." A look of regret painted on EE's face, before he directed himself back to the enemy before him. "I set your team up to fail Puppey, Artour and Kuroky, they were both in on it. With that year out of your grip, I knew you would eventually dissolve and have to find another roster for Secret, which you were now too attached too to abandon. Now I was finally able to join Secret myself, initiating the main part of my plan. Bringing Pieliedie with me, we won Shanghai, gave you hope, and even became friends along the way. I felt for a moment that maybe I had made in error in my judgement, but soon after I realized it was not the case. You were just as greedy as ever, you were desperate to bring Arteezy back for Manilla, you wanted as many farming players as you could get. You were obsessed. As soon as Universe said he didn't want to buy a Midas you tried to kill him. You even threatened GabeN to make every hero in the game Alchemist so you could farm more. I realized you had finally broken. Your idea of Dota had completely collapsed and all you could think of was all the people writing CS LUL in twitch chat. That was when my plan was almost complete. All I had to do now was form my own team, and get to where we are now." Puppey shook his head, utterly confused by EE's scheme "What was it all for? So you could die here?" EE Smirked once more, pushing his glasses up again. "This meeting in this booth was an inevitability. No matter what, you were going to kill me here. I came to accept that fairly early, but after TI3, I made an adjustment in my plan. You see, all of this, was to put one simple key into place. Just look around Puppey, who is missing?" Puppey spun his head, looking at the 5 other occupants of the booth. "Where is he? What is this? I know he was your co-conspirator, he's supposed to be here!" Play retarded EE laugh #0215 "He was your back-up right? You thought if you couldn't kill me, you could just trigger the 322 script in Bone7's code? That isn't going to happen Puppey. Not anymore. I have the best team at this International, and you have no way to cheat. Not here, not in this grand final. You're going to have to win or lose for real this time Puppey." Puppey was bewildered "This is what you wanted? A fair match?" EE shooked his head, looking up at Puppey "I wanted to create the perfect storyline. An Anime, in real life, with a Villain, and me as the protagonist. Don't you get it? This is the dream ending. A fair and honest fight to win in a best of 5. At TI7" Puppey questioned EE "Why 7? What is so significant about that number?" Jacky shrugged a little "It's just 3+2+2, which is also the episode number that this anime will end on. This is it Puppey, the final episode of our story." Puppey jerked forward at EE "I'm still in charge here, you can't escape this, no matter what you planned before you can't get out of this booth, you can't escape this" EE turned away, looking back at Puppey briefly as he spoke "You do realize this is your booth right? We've all made that mistake before" EE then gestured to the staff outside, who opened the doors "There's no reason for us to fight like this. We're all just some boys that want to play Dota 2... So lets end it like that, Good luck and Have Fun... Puppey." With that Cloud 9 Walked out of the Booth.

Puppey was frozen in place, unable to comprehend what had happened. He thought to himself 'Is this really the true power of Agent 3154?' Was it really possible for him to have predicted his move several TI's in advance? Puppey dropped the knife and resigned himself to his chair, as his teammates were finally able to join him in the booth. Maybe EE was right after all, the game was still up for grabs, all he had to do was play some Dota 2, it almost felt simple now. He calmly grasped his headset, the anger in his hands completely dissipating as he placed it on his head. The monitor before Puppey no longer angered him and as he loaded into the game all his doubts settled. He was ready for the hardest game of Dota 2 in his life, he was ready to give it his all. Puppey was ready to win. In the end, the winner was the winner and the loser was the loser, TI7 was the greatest TI of all time, and would be remembered forever with it's legendary team storyline and the Grand Final to end all Grand Finals. Everything was great, and nobody even seemed to care that Arteezy was dead and his body was never found. All that mattered was that the greatest captains of all time had fought their best, and their friendship had created a bond that traversed greed, hatred and glory. After the game, Envy was approached by Puppey who said "I don't appreciate a lot of people Envy, I don't even have that many friends. Remember there are only a few people I like in this world, my mom, my girlfriend, and you"

"That's pretty gay dude" Envy said, before walking out of the Key Arena for the final time, never to be seen again. Some say EE-Sama still plays Dota 2 to this day, and if you play NA ranked at the right time, you can find him. For most people tho, EE-Sama has become a memory, an idea, a figure of hope for those who consider throwing a game. For them, EE-Sama, is a hero.

submitted by /u/HackDice
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PerfectWorld display TI2, TI4 and TI6 Aegis of Champions+gigantic Axe statue at ChinaJoy 2017

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 06:22 PM PDT

Bug: Rubick steals higher level of Chakram

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 02:17 AM PDT

If Rubick uses timber Chakram and steals higher level of Chakram from timber while its out it will assign to wrong position, it will use your ult keybinding and you have to Click on spell steal and use it that way to get rid of it.

Link of an example:

Edit: match ID and exact time: dota2://matchid=3335061369&matchtime=1356

Edit2: New chakram becomes a skill RIGHT to spell steal insteat of normal place next to null field


Edit4: Thanks All

submitted by /u/siramenos
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The Dota 2 Official Soundtrack comes out today.

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 07:31 AM PDT

Please valve..this time give us a schedule of group stages and main event for fantasy challenge!

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 12:14 AM PDT

Last year it was very confusing for everyone..

most of the people put the card for the player who weren't even playing that day...

if we can just get a fixed schedule..i believe it will make fantasy challenge alot easier!

nothing else to ask

thanks in advance!

EDIT: Also will be really cool if someone from reddit makes a post about daily matches and it gets sticked to the front page

submitted by /u/unidudeman
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Gaben can kiss my 2k ass

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 01:27 AM PDT

While everyone is arguing about Midone and Abed's 10k, Gh is just 362 MMR away from reaching 10k

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 08:05 PM PDT

i made a fourth spirit origin fan comic!

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 08:41 PM PDT

Does Dota 2 make you more agressive?

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 06:56 AM PDT

So recently i noticed that some friends of mine started to get toxic the more games we kept on playing (mostly when we are losing). It gets so awful at some point that i feel like shit afterwards (i try to keep them calm but fail horribly). It's not like they are flaming me but the whole atmosphere gets frustrating. So my Questions are:

  • Did you guys witness something familiar with your friends?
  • Maybe are you guys the same in specific situations?
  • Is there a "trick" to keep the group calm and motivated?

This doesn't happen everyday we just have a bad day sometimes i guess, but there must be a way to avoid it.

submitted by /u/Jrassek
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Day[9] finds a game of Dota 2 feat. Purge

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 03:49 PM PDT

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