Diablo - Necromancer Corpse skills need an indicator that tells how many corpses are available

Necromancer Corpse skills need an indicator that tells how many corpses are available

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 11:36 AM PDT

For example Corpse Lance should have a number saying how many corpses are available for launching at current position, Devour should tell how many corpses are to be consumed if used right now.

Of course some skills won't have anything meaningful to display, like corpse explosion. So they shouldn't.

submitted by /u/dmter
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I guess they didn't test Necro in PVP at all...

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 07:44 PM PDT


If you go into PVP as Necro your skeletons will start to attack you. If you try to move back to Tristram when they are summoning it will cause them to still be enemies and Tyreal will fight them!

submitted by /u/Swagceratopz
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Gr 106 Solo Necromancer [Season]

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 02:09 PM PDT

The new extremely dense and bright fog weather effect is too much for rifts

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 04:23 PM PDT

It looks cool in some of the areas in bounties, but it occurs far too often in rifts and it is not very easy on the eyes to say the least.

The frequency of that weather effect spawn should either be decreased, please, or removed from rift and grift spawn pools

submitted by /u/EverydayFunHotS
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(Possibly) Discovered What's Breaking Command Skeleton in Rathmas/Jesseth

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 07:06 AM PDT

I created a video this morning, I figured it would be easier to show what I'm talking about but I'll describe it here as well.


A lot of people have been talking about how broken necro's pets are since the season began. Specifically, it seems there are two big problems; skeletal mages wandering off or not attacking, and command skeletons not working properly. I believe I have isolated one thing that causes command skeletons to break.

Essentially, if a mob of ANY type (white, blue, yellow, purple, whatever) kills you while your command skeletons is being used, you will not be able to use it again on that monster once you revive. When you activate command skeletons, the skeletons jump over to the monster, but Jesseth's doesn't give the damage bonus, and the skill does not illuminate as usual. I noticed a SHARP plummet in my dps every time I died and revived, which seems to correlate with this.

You are still able to use command skeletons successfully after reviving, but only if you use it on a separate mob first. This creates an issue for yellow packs and rift guardians, for sometimes there isn't something else you can use to force command skeletons to trigger. You can also SOMETIMES respawn at checkpoint, return to town via the rift portal, and go back in to "reset" the command skeletons, however I haven't found a way to replicate that 100% of the time so I'm not sure what exactly causes that to fix it sometimes. Anyways, I just thought this was interesting and worth having a discussion about. Let me know what you think, or what you've found!

submitted by /u/hockeyfan4life
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New Speed King? Singularity TXIII SpeedFarm Build

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 03:20 AM PDT

Just when I thought I have seen them all...

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 10:45 AM PDT

I was doing T8 pub bounties to get my avarice conquests and mats. I had met lots of interesting players along the way: afk towners, slow paced slackers, undergeared leeches, midway ditchers, 800 paragon powerhouses, etc. Bit by bit, I grew numb, and lost my interest in checking what people are doing...

When I was on the very last round of bounties, this dude appeared:


That is just simply amazing effort right there, and he was pretty efficient with his LoN spirit barrage.

submitted by /u/snow529
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First primal of the season...

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 11:05 AM PDT

Proof Mages AI is broken numerous pictures of them not attacking.

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 06:32 PM PDT

I am not a fan on Cd based builds, I have pushed as hard as I can this season and preseason with pet builds. So this issue has really bothered me.


submitted by /u/OmniBlock
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Challenge Rifts not being global is annoying and disappointing to the max

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 02:09 PM PDT

Blizzard: Please elaborate on why Challenge Rifts aren't global. The only hypothesis I've heard of is that it's "difficult" to take a "real" clear from one region and make it available for all regions. Okay, but "difficult" is not impossible.

I find it also incredibly insulting that there have been 3 blog posts about the top 50 clears on the NA Diablo3.com front page, but exactly zero on EU. Since your interface only allows us to check the previous week, you're telling everyone outside of NA "you don't even matter, stop competing".

But most importantly: it's really annoying when every week there's Challenge Rifts discussions everywhere, videos on Youtube, people streaming it... but you don't know which region. Just from the huge disparity this week (relatively hard CR in NA, one-shot in EU and Asia) you can guess. It's annoying and unnecessarily segregates the community.

@Reddit mods: Can you please remove the "Challenge" flair and replace it with "Challenge EU", "Challenge NA", and "Challenge Asia" for the time being?

(I know I've submitted this plea before, but unfortunately also commented on the difficulty which was then taken as the main point of discussion, which was not my intention.)

submitted by /u/bagstone
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Question For HC Players

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 07:54 PM PDT

Do you find that you enjoy the game more while playing on HC rather than SC? I was thinking of creating a hardcore character for this season and was wondering what people thought about it.

submitted by /u/Dropped_On_4Head
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Legendary Crafting using Kanai's Cube

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 01:25 AM PDT

I made a post a year ago about ancient legendary cube crafting:


The current legendary drop rate table for patch 2.6 is here:


Depending on your farming abilities you can decide on the most efficient method to craft an ancient legendary item using the rare-to-legendary or legendary-reroll recipe.

This is done via this calculator:


All you need to do is to compare the calculated drop chance with the drop chance of the item in the drop rate table linked above.

This is advisable mostly for weapons only. That is because how easy armour slots (-jewelry) can be gambled at Kadala.

submitted by /u/zork-tdmog
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What classes have "num lock" skills?

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 03:27 PM PDT

So since playing necro and people num locking devour (or on console just holding the button down).

What other classes have a similar skill that you'd want to do that with ?

submitted by /u/exphryl
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How many T10 bounty caches do you need to do the avarice conquest?

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 04:13 PM PDT

Blizzard please can we change the weekly reset of the challenge rift to every other day.

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 01:01 AM PDT

I enjoy doing the challenge rifts each week but for a weekly thing to do the reward isn't that great.

Change this to an every other day cooldown for the same reward


Up the amount of mats we get per week from the chest.

submitted by /u/Robwaudby
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[NECRO] I need help reddit, its about a weapon.

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 04:13 PM PDT

What do I do? Theres a link down there. To add is that I have 308 total ess, and without the wep. I have 290. Cuz It adds 18 and the other does not add anything. But It adds 234 damage.


So the questions is... If it is worth to change to the higher dps weapon but only lose 18 ess?

If you there is no one to help me, can I do it myself? Any tips on like a website or something that can do this kind of math?

submitted by /u/Zoxin57
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Died in land of the dead, rezzed and came back invisible video.

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 03:48 PM PDT

New Necromancer Bug - Invisibility !

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 12:37 PM PDT

Quick question: Is there somewhere I can try out skills on monsters and swap them out without going to town?

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 09:19 PM PDT

Playing necromancer for the first time and just got power leveled to 40, and I'm super excited and curious to try out all of his skills and upgrades to skills, and I'm wondering where would be the most fun place to try them out.

submitted by /u/idiodabble
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Super noob question: what is the average DPS top tier people are doing?

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 09:14 PM PDT

I joined a random Greater Rift lobby and this dude was killing Difficulty 60 Rift Guardians in literally one second, doing like 300 billion damage before I could even see the enemy on screen.

You can actually do this crazy shit later?

submitted by /u/DamnNoHtml
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Flesh golem bug

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 11:11 AM PDT

I use the command golem with the extra corpses rune for my speed build in necromancer. Sometimes I notice that after using the ability so the golem can create corpses nothing happens. The golem disappears for a short while and no corpses come up. Is this another bug with necromancer that anyone else has encountered?

submitted by /u/Ringo007
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Unlockable Visual Filters for Cosmetics Menu

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 12:01 PM PDT

For TLDNR: Integrate unlockable visual filters into the cosmetics menu so that players can customize how their game looks.

I posted this on the forums two years ago or so, but I would like to try again.

To begin, I'll explain that I'm one of those people that have been playing Diablo since the first game, beginning in the late 90s. I, one of many, enjoyed my time in the Diablo world as a dark, dreary, doomy, and overall grim experience.

I know that this aspect has created a long-enduring controversy among Diablo players. Some argue that the game is fine the way it is, and others still wish to re-live the more gothic feel of days past.

Don't get me wrong, I love Diablo III to death. But there is still an itch that needs to be scratched...

Sure, I might be beating a dead horse, but here's my idea:

I recall that in Resident Evil (5, I think?), one could unlock visual "filters" by carrying out in-game challenges and/or achievements. Could Blizzard potentially make everyone happy by integrating a similar feature into Diablo III? Especially if we had to actually play the game to make it happen?

Numerous in-game visual "filters" could be integrated into the cosmetics window. One could change to a "classic" filter, which reduced the vibrance and saturation yet increased the sharpness, giving the game its original series look. Perhaps even a "WoW" filter could be added, which did the opposite and gave the game the visual look of World of Warcraft. A black and white filter, a horror filter, an inverted color filter, and many more could be added and unlockable through in-game challenges.

I am not approaching this as a bitter or hostile fan of Diablo III. I love Diablo III (don't let my profile fool you, I have paragon level 500+ characters on my PS4 version). I very much appreciate how Blizzard has constantly adapted to the needs of their players with this game. I would very much love to see a favorable end to the "darker color" controversy of Diablo III. I am merely presenting this idea as a method that could please everyone. Please take it into consideration!

Thank you!

For TLDNR: Integrate unlockable visual filters into the cosmetics menu so that players can customize how their game looks.

submitted by /u/Djedefra
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Why does it lag when I'm playing campaign/soloing adventure mode? Any fixes? I can play Witcher 3 smooth as silk.

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 02:40 PM PDT

Any fixes?

submitted by /u/fantasie
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Please be careful hardcore players, Final Service seems buggy

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 06:40 AM PDT

I have final service as a passive, but still died. (note no final service on cd icon)


EDIT: added the armor I have cubes that has some life based effects, not sure if it has any interaction issues.

submitted by /u/Vampanda
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Tasker and theo?

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 08:29 AM PDT

Best way to get these for cubing for my necro? Tried upgrading all i ever get is set items...think i have ancient gloves for each set by now.

submitted by /u/Jetfox
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