World of Warcraft - [Firepower Friday] Your weekly DPS Thread

[Firepower Friday] Your weekly DPS Thread

Posted: 30 Mar 2017 09:09 PM PDT

Please post any offers to help, questions, and logs in the appropriate class spot.

Classes: Death Knight | Demon Hunter | Druid | Hunter | Mage | Monk | Paladin | Priest | Rogue | Shaman | Warlock | Warrior

General DPS questions

submitted by /u/Babylonius
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April Fools Patch Notes prediction

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 06:43 AM PDT

Edit: Thank you so much for the gold!!<3

Patch Notes:


  • Players will now properly collide with other players.
  • After comsuming any food, players will now be required to wait at least 30 minutes to engage in any kind of combat.
  • Khadgar has been suspended from service after we found out that the Archmage would deliberately put players in dangerous situations for the sole purpose of making more puns.
  • We would like to take this opportunity to say that Nomi is really trying his best. But come on, at least he didn't burn the beer. Nomi managed to burn the beer.
  • Nomi was granted the Firelord title.
  • The puns made in the world quest "Aw, nuts!" Are now 100% more a-corny.


Death Knight

  • Using Sindragosa's Fury will now correctly cause 169% of weapon damage as Ear damage to players within 40 yards and will immediately cause all magic effects to BEETRAAAY their users.
  • Unholy Death Knights have been renamed Necromancy Death Knights.
  • Frost Death Knight will now deal 50% less damage in hot environments.


  • Druids now have a fifth specialization, Aquatic. Greatly buffing all traits, damage and stats of [Aquatic Form] while fighting in water.
  • Feral druids have been caught and we will make sure we find a very nice new owner for all of them after this expansion.
  • Moonkin Form was removed, instead, Balance druids will now get bonus damage while not in combat.
  • Casting Full Moon now correctly permanently turns any human character within a 40 yard radius into a Worgen.


  • Hunters have been renamed Archers because we feel their name was interfering with the Demon Hunter class.
  • Trueshot Lodge was made 100% more cosy.
  • Archers will now have the option of mounting their pets, at the cost of being able to tame anything but horses.
  • Aspect of the Pack has been brought back for all Archer specs and it now provides a passive 20% movement speed for you party or raid. Taking damage while Aspect of the Pack is active will cause a daze, reducing the movement speed of all affected targets by 98% for 8 seconds.


  • The Mage class order hall was remodelled to no longer look like an adult toy.
  • Arcane Mages will now correctly turn into Withered upon running out of mana.
  • Ice Barrier will now properly melt when taking Fire damage.
  • Casting any Frost spell will now play "Let it Go" by Disney's Frozen™.
  • Fire will now correctly deal single target damage.


  • The Monk class was removed from the game after we found out that Demon Hunters were much more popular. Also we were running out of leather gear. We apologize for this sudden change, and we will compensate all Monk players with a level 110 Survival Archer fully equipped with Ilvl 860 gear.


  • The Retribution Hidden Artifact appearance had it's drop chance lowered, and can now only be looted if you are exalted with every fishing faction.
  • Paladins will no longer be able to ride mounts indoors, we profusely apologize to everyone who had their floors damaged by this. To compensate for this change, Paladins will now be able to fly while Avenging Wrath is active.


  • Shadow Priests will now correctly start cackling maniacally after explaining their master plan to take over Azeroth upon reaching 100% Insanity.
  • Discipline Priest was renamed Disc Priest, because why bother anymore.


  • The Rogue order hall had air refreshers installed because we started to feel just a tiny bit sorry for them.
  • Subtlety Rogues are now 43% more subtle, making them almost completely unnoticeable in all content.
  • Outlaw Rogues now have the options to pick Ninja too.
  • The Outlaw ability [Bribe] now costs 500 gold per attempt.


  • Shamans were horribly nerfed to keep their long established status intact.
  • Shamans are now underpowered, we will try but it's not likely to change.


  • Demonology has been renamed to Zoolock, a name inspired by our Hearthstone franchise.
  • Typing lock while being 20 yards or closer to a Warlock player will now cause your characters legs to lock up. Warlocks are expected to help said players when they start caring.
  • Summoning another player will now automatically grant the Warlock 200 gold paid by the player summoned. This is to discourage slacking.


  • Using any shout spell will no longer cause Warriors to gain the [Sore Throat] debuff.
  • The Protection Warrior Artifact, Scale of the Earth-Warder, will now correctly scale.
  • Arms Warriors will now be encouraged daily to not skip leg days.
  • Fury Warriors can now only use daggers.
  • Fury Warriors now automatically learn [Backstab] at level 4
  • Fury Warriors now deal 60% more damage when attacking from the front.
  • Now that Fury Warriors are properly [Enraged] from reading these changes, all of them have been reverted.
  • Fury Warriors can now only use daggers.

Demon Hunter

  • Fixed a bug where deaf Demon Hunters were completely helpless in some content.
  • Players will no longer be allowed to name their Demon Hunter anything that includes Illidan or similar versions.
  • Demon Hunters will automatically be renamed Hunters when not actively fighting demons.
  • Whenever you enter Hunter stance, Aspect of the Pack is instantly activated, and a random animal will start following you. Your equipped Warglaives will be replaced by a bow, and you gain several ranged attack abilities.
  • We are currently looking at the issue that causes Demon Hunters in Hunter mode to miss every shot because of an obvious design flaw we overlooked. We suspect that it is caused by a bug involving blindfolds.
  • Fixed an issue causing Fel Rush to disconnect people from the ga
submitted by /u/itsdeer
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I am the very model of a Legion semi-casual

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 11:36 AM PDT

I am the very model of a Legion semi-casual,

I have done the current content both normal and heroical,

I know the fights entirely and can quote the dungeon jor-un-al,

From Skorpyron to Gul'dan, so long as they're not mythical,

I'm very well acquainted, too, with matters theory-craftical,

I know my core rotation, though my execution's laughable,

About my cooldowns and priorities, I've read a lot of news…

… but …

I still have no idea which DPS trinkets I'm supposed to use.


(He still has no idea which DPS trinkets he's supposed to use?)

(He still has no idea which DPS trinkets he's supposed to use!)

(He still has no idea which DPS trinkets he's supposed to-posed-to use!)


I pride myself on showing up for a raid almost every week,

I would like to attend some more but am afraid the wife would freak,

I'm trying to be more hardcore, but really to be practical,

I am the very model of a Legion semi-casual.


(He's trying to be more hardcore, but really to be practical, he is the very model of a Legion semi-casual)


I've done all the mythic-pluses from MoS to HoV,

But pushing past m-fifteen just doesn't really appeal to me,

I've gotten my main-spec artifact nearly up to fifty-four,

And don't really do my dailies or order-hall quests anymore,

I've got myself a pair of legendaries and a Sephuz too,

Neither of them are optimal but what am I supposed to do?

I guess I could run all the LFRs and grind m-plus a ton…

… but ...

I already have a job and don't really want another one


(He already has a job and doesn't really want another one?)

(He already has a job and doesn't really want another one!)

(He already has a job and doesn't really want another-nother one?)


I'd like to say that I've geared myself up as much as possible,

To be honest though my item-level is barely passible,

The guild still lets me into raids, but come on let's be rational,

I am the very model of a Legion semi-casual.


(The guild still lets him into raids, but really let's be rational, he is the very model of a Legion semi-casual!)


While my playtime may have suffered since I left university,

And I admit I have problems with current fight complexity,

I still refuse to turn in my hardcore-gamer card just quite yet

And tag along to normal and heroic every chance I get.

So when I make it to a raid I always try my very best

I beat out every alt and tank, and nearly keep up with the rest.

I'll be the first to concede that my numbers could improve a bit...

… but …

At least I know enough to avoid standing in the purple shit


(At least he knows enough to avoid standing in the purple shit!)

(At least he knows enough to avoid standing in the purple shit!)

(At least he knows enough to avoid standing in the purple-urple shit!)


Despite my tendency to whine and whinge upon the internet,

And my dogged insistence that my glory days aren't over yet,

Truthfully I must admit I find it very comfortable,

Being the very model of Legion semi-casual.


(Truthfully he must admit he finds it very comfortable, being the very model of a Legion semi-casual)

submitted by /u/Failer10
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Map I made for "Bringing Home the Beacon" Achievement since the real map sucks at labeling niche areas.

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 08:36 AM PDT

Should we tell them?

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 04:19 AM PDT

[Assault on Broken Shore] Quest -> Let us skip it on alts if you have done it already. ("I've heard this tale before...")

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 08:58 AM PDT

Surprise visit from Illidan in Demon Hunter class hall

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 06:18 AM PDT

So uh, what's with this wooden NPC?

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 06:11 AM PDT

Fixes for raid encounters (e.g. Elisande, Gul'dan) should now be live.

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 12:15 PM PDT

Had some fun after dc'ing on the barrels In NL

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 09:03 AM PDT


Posted: 30 Mar 2017 11:21 PM PDT


Dog is near the innkeeper. His name is Goya, and you can interact with him to pet him.

This is him

submitted by /u/StoneHarbour
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Why Did we Have to Kill High Botanist Tel'arn?

Posted: 30 Mar 2017 09:49 PM PDT

He just wanted to be a plant boy. I don't really think he cared about the Legion. Looking at all the other bosses, it makes sense why we had to kill them. But with poor Tel'arn, we literally go out of our way just to bully him and step all over his plants

Skorpyron: The big scorp was in our way. Collateral damage.

Chronomatic Anomaly: Free our allies at the gate!

Trilliax: Also in our way. But the best voicelines.

Spellblade Aluriel: Powerwalking around the courtyard menacingly, she wouldn't let the Magistrix fall.

Krosus: He was a Legion boy, he had to die. He heckled us at the Broken Shore awhile ago.

Tichondrius: Another Legion boy, he was a commander of the nathrezim or something similar. I'm not that into the lore :/

Star Augur Etraeus: He was scanning worlds for the Legion to invade. I learned this while I was listening to his voicelines today in geometry and it was there!

Grand Magistrix Elisande: To free the nightborne once and for all from the bad trade deal she made with China!! She thought she closed the greatest trade deal, but they were losing!

Gul'dan: The BADDEST Legion boy in the whole tower. He was gonna summon the real Legion boy, the big S.

But the botanist? He just likes his plants. Tel'arn is the reason that Suramar is so beautiful and such a cool place to be. We need justice for Tel'arn. Botanist lives matter. #PlantsOutForTel'arn #StamensOutForTel'arn (shamelessly stolen from /u/DiwrnachTheIrish)

submitted by /u/Only-Malzahar-NA
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Do you guys like Khadgar?

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 05:07 AM PDT

I'm always confused when I see people talk about him. I know there's the "shit wizzard" meme and four thousand, nine hundred and eighty six crystals, but like... Overall do you like him? I do, to me he has a weird sense of humour that caters to me and even though he has a tendency to scream that our world is not, indeed, the Burning Legion, I like him

What do you people think about him

submitted by /u/PM_ME_LESBIAN_GIRLS
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Valeera by Crazy JN

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 01:15 AM PDT

Rogue Class Fantasy Insight

Posted: 30 Mar 2017 07:41 PM PDT

Am I the only one hearing the "Citizens of Dalaran..." dialogue from Legion Dalaran?

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 03:19 PM PDT

Guess it's the April Fools...

submitted by /u/oddlord
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Khadgar dropping lines

Posted: 30 Mar 2017 06:09 PM PDT

7.2 Holy Priest Guide

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 10:30 AM PDT

Found this little guy near a treasure chest

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 10:19 AM PDT

Legendary Trinket, Kil'Jaeden's Burning Wish, is now instant.

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 01:12 PM PDT

Logged on today and when I used the on-use effect, the orb instantly hits mobs rather than traveling towards them slowly, at a certain range. Might have to re-log for this change to go through.

submitted by /u/hjonny
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So I think I figured out why Divine Storm isn't hitting things the way it should.

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 05:49 AM PDT

Playing around last night I noticed something when I was using Divine Storm. I can't fully confirm it until I get home to do more testing, but I think I know why it's not hitting things the way it should.

I jumped around and did the first WQ in the broken shore last night with the murlocs. Out of reflex I was spamming divine storm in hopes to hit things not realizing that it was still breezing right through enemies. Sometimes it would hit them, others it would just go right through and do nothing. I kept using it and I noticed that the farther away I got from the enemies, the more divine storm would hit.

So I stood far back from the next group of enemies and threw DS at them. It hit them immediately. And everytime I did it from a distance away, it hit every single time. Even in dungeons, I would take steps back and use DS, and it would hit everything.

I think the targetting has been knocked off because the drop point for the skill isn't set to your character, it's much farther out in front of you. Something in 7.2 messed up where the skill is being set to drop.

I don't have 100% certainty that this is the case, but from what I did last night with it it seemed to work when I was far enough back. It's possible that it's with every other class having AoE problems too (Though I only have my paladin to test it out).

It's still messed up and needs to be fixed though because I shouldn't have to get distance for an ability to hit when it's not supposed to do that.

submitted by /u/CaptainClincher
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Star Ogre Etraeus

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 04:32 AM PDT

Warlocks: Mor'zul Bloodbringer is back!

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 06:42 AM PDT

The human NPC who was involved in giving warlocks their Dreadsteed quest in Vanilla can now be found in the Dreadscar Rift, standing alone off to the left of the Felblood Altar(where you upgrade your weapon traits, etc.)

So, we can almost guarantee he's going to be involved in our new class hall mount quest!

He also has unique voice-over lines, mentioning Xoroth and demons.

submitted by /u/Vekkul
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What I love the most in WoW are the references

Posted: 30 Mar 2017 11:51 PM PDT

took some screen shots of tomb with the shadow priest insanity pot on

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 02:45 AM PDT

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