True Dota 2 - Why does Abaddon have the highest win rate in all brackets?

Why does Abaddon have the highest win rate in all brackets?

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 04:39 AM PDT

Just checked Dotabuff and Abaddon appears to have the highest winrate in all MMR brackets. What makes this the case? He seems to only excel at single target, which I can see being beneficial in lane, but what about his mid/late game?

submitted by /u/ShoveDemPotatos
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Brewmaster Ulti dispel VS. Lone Druid bear

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 12:12 PM PDT

Just noticed that in my last game, Wind Panda dispel does no damage to Lone Druids bear.

I thought that it did damage to summons like normal, what makes the Lone Druid Bear different?

submitted by /u/Taco86
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How good is the radiance + solar crest combination?

Posted: 30 Mar 2017 11:48 PM PDT

I have been running radiance + solar crest on tanky brawlers like Abaddon and Underlord. Solar Crest comes quickly after a radiance rush since its so cheap.

Its really nice to offer your team +17% miss chance and +25% evasion. Its was great to see an antimage w/ basher overextend after consecutive misses.

Is this a common defensive/farming set?

submitted by /u/9ersaur
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How viable is Bloodstone on Medusa?

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 03:09 PM PDT

On the surface it seems like it would be a pretty good pickup after you've got a decently sized mana pool, especially if the other team has a lot of sustained damage. It seems to offer a lot of sustain in fights, compared to Mystic Snake's (unreliable) burst regen. Plus, Medusa is very tanky, so she won't die very often and will almost always live through the fights long enough to get more Bloodstone charges. Despite this, I've never seen it on any guides. Is the item really that bad, or are there simply better alternatives?

submitted by /u/TheNeuronCollective
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Honestly speaking, is it possible to comeback from mega creeps in pub games?

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 07:22 AM PDT

Seems like it's a sure lose once you get mega'd no matter how hard I try.

Maybe its a certain strategy I'm not aware of?

submitted by /u/DreamingItLoud
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dose mask of madness needs a rework?

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 08:42 AM PDT

most of the heros who like the attack speed and can afford to lose 5 armor and get silenced r the strength carries like Sven and WK but echo saber would be a better choice and most ranged carries r squishy so the -armor will destroy them or they dont like tge silence so i dont find any hero can make a use of it beside sniper

submitted by /u/kakashi41
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Lategame Tango Memes

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 12:27 PM PDT

When you are six slotted, it's hard to get stronger. However, the Tango regeneration buff does not use up an item slot.

Theoretically, when in base, you could buy tango + iron branch, use them, then switch back to your six-slotted build and tp to your team.

Assuming you are in a fight/skirmish for 20 seconds, the tango provides 140hp back, which is equivalent to 7 strength. This is pretty cheesy/situational, but in a small number of cases has the potential to be game winning.

The biggest downside is the time cost: TPing in 3 seconds late to a fight because you were doing dumb shit with tangos can lose you the game.


submitted by /u/blurrr2
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How do you play against KotL as Timbersaw?

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 01:48 AM PDT

So today I played my first ranked solo game (2.5k avg) ( and picked Timbersaw, and the opponent insta picked kotl. I was forced to jungle because one guy last picked AM offlane. Although obviously not as good as his laning, I found jungling with him decent, and rushed a lotus orb after arcanes and soul ring. Even though i could take care of the mana drain, the cd was so low i would always get hit by another very soon after. And then there was the rest of the team as well. So how do you play against kotl? i imagine i'll be facing a lot more of them if i keep playing timbersaw. Offtopic, what heroes are decent for my caliberation matches? Keep in mind i'm 2.5k SEA.

submitted by /u/documania
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When should I be buying blink?

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 11:17 AM PDT

i'm a mid main who plays lots of SF, Invoker, and Ember and i almost never go for blink. I see lots of high tier players going blink on these characters and i'm wondering what the thought process is and if i'm missing something. Heroes like invoker to me just don't need a blink and i'm lost on why it's built. People in my bracket are often not as observant as say a 6k player so maybe it has to do with buying blink so you can gap close before using spells. It also may have something to do with invoker (or ember/SF) lacking mobility can cause problem but i have problems finding when and where to build this item. For example as ember you typically want an early veil and travels + whatever early game items you have (wand, aquila, PMS,etc) and finding the farm for a blink in between getting veil, BoTs, maelstrom, radiance, or whatever else just seems like going off track. Maybe i just underestimate the item. if you have any thoughts on when/why to build or whatever lemme know. Thanks for reading :)

also feel free to talk about any other hero don't feel limited to those examples. when i play heroes like centaur who benefit fairly well from early vanguard and hood blink seems like it can get in the way.

submitted by /u/UnderlordJungler
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Any offlane guide ?

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 10:56 AM PDT

I'm 4k scrub wants to improve my offlaning skill. How to play against trilane, best offlane heroes, any guide or tip, hero specific guide, also love to know hero spammers thoughts.

submitted by /u/watahellaruwaitnfor
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My thoughts on Puck

Posted: 30 Mar 2017 08:45 PM PDT

Im playing a bunch of puck games. I started off being super stubborn and always playing him mid. Games go super well if I stomp my lane, if I die twice during the laning stage, my games pretty much over.

Ok so pucks kit is super control oriented. A nice silence/nuke in an aoe. An ult that is pretty hard for me to understand it's uses tbh. But it's nice with the fact that, instead of successfully ganking one enemy, it's possible to land kills on multiple enemies. In team fights, it creates a lot of pressure on enemies (stay in the area, or get stunned) and the initial ministun can cancel long cast time spells from enemy heroes, ( reapers scythe, hoof stomp, QOP blink, bara ult). Illusory orb is this heroes bread and butter. Easily one of the most unique spells in the game, and gives opportunities to outplay enemies at all stages of the game. And finally phase shift just brings his kit together with a nice invulnerability spell.

Although his spells deal considerable nuke damage, they are very underwhelming as damaging nukes. Especially compared to heroes like Lina and death prophet who just excel at the "nuking". This problem is solved by buying items like veil, dagon and eblade. I wanna give my 2 cents on these items


Probably the best item out of the 3. This item gives armor, stats, damage, and hp regen. It has an active that buff all magic damage from your team by 25%. I would by this after blink. This scales infinitely well, making the heroes nukes do more damage, and the hp regen helps him stay active on the map. This makes one of the squishiest heroes in the game able to survive that one stun that would have killed you. I would always buy this if I was in the midlane.


This item is super popular on this hero. I used to always buy this item when I'm super ahead. I'm able to eliminate one squishy support before a fight even breaks out. However, I'm slowly starting to second guess this item. Stats are nice but mediocre and I feel it's not playing to pucks strengths, but solving his problems. Waga is one of the best puck players that I know of, and I don't think he ever gets this item. I think thug also never gets it in pro games. The build up isn't awful, but it's expensive as hell. You're better off getting a better item like hex.


Don't have any experience with this item, but I hate it. First off puck is not an agi hero, so the active burst is nothing. It renders puck useless after he uses 2 spells and a dagon. I'm pretty sure there is no core that will die from full hp with dagon eblade and pucks spells used together. This item I think is too single target oriented and defeats the purpose of this hero entirely. Not to mention, puck gets a nice +50 damage talent which makes this hero decent with his right clicks. Why fuck that up with an eblade? Rant over

Basically if I went puck mid, and went my usual item build, bottle>treads>blink>veil, I will fall off. These items are meant for you to be aggressive, and if I'm unable to secure a good enough advantage through kills and rotation, I fucked up for my team big time. I'm left thinking, I would have had more impact if I drafted a TA, or SF.

I experimented getting a Midas on it. Awful idea. Puck needs to be able to fight early, he will not stand a chance without​ some extra mobilty. I would get it after blink, but it seems to late. By then, the enemy cores would have had an extra tier 2/3 item.

In conclusion, puck is very difficult to make it's presence more than just that ellusive cunt. Were forced to rework the hero with items and force it to go a route that generally doesn't usually work all games. Which is why I think this hero is rarely picked.

Then I started playing him offlane. And I've got to say, it's the most fun I've had in DotA for a long time. The stress of me being unable to carry my team is gone, and am able to freely create space for my team without worrying too much on my late game. Ever since Universe played puck that one game against liquid I think. I decided this was how I was gonna play this hero.

In the offlane, puck is pretty easy to zone until level 3, so he might need some help in the early stages, after that though, you have super high kill potential on most safelane carries and supports. The damage buff is also extremely effective when trading even without a null talisman. Try to get some cs, try to zone out or kill enemy safelaner, try to get lvl 6 and start moving around asap.

Before I get into that. The philosophy that, if puck loses his lane hard, he will not recover still applies here. He doesn't need to be ahead, but he can't afford to be behind. Just get your levels somehow and try your best.

Once you get your 6, that's your time to force the enemy to abandon lanes. Your job is to force the midgame to an earlier timing. And pressure the shit out of the enemies late game in doing so. Once team fights start breaking out, that is your time to shine.

By then my items would be wand, null (if I was super ahead during the laning stage) treads, blink, bottle, and euls. These items help me land my spells safely.

If my team wants to go late, I would get a Midas after blink.

Why does Midas work in the offlane?

Your timings aren't as precious anymore. Your spells are more than enough to set up for your team to finish off enemies. Mid heroes don't have a choice but to create as much impact when they're supposed to. Offlaners traditionally go about games with the assumption that they would have a bad start. Naturally their kits are suited to be effective without the use of many items, but are improved with them. Think of the meta where core phoenix was a thing, Midas was a popular pick up. Try to think of the heroes similarly in that regard.

With every patch I tried to see what icefrog is doing to change the meta. Pucks buffs make me believe that he shouldn't be played mid anymore, because of that cheeky +420 gpm talent. Midas is rarely bought on mid heroes other than invoker. In the past Midas was bought for heroes who needed farm, but couldn't farm like a traditional carry. That's still the case. So many support heroes get this item just to stay relevant in this fast pace meta. But the main reason behind this Midas thing, is the fact that you can give moonshards to your teammates. How perfect is it to have a hero get 420 gpm and not in dire need of many items. It makes too much sense to do this.

If I was a mid puck, I would hog all the gold to myself, if I was an offlane hero, I would sacrifice myself to making my team stronger. Think of it like a permanent pseudo bloodlust.

I feel like this is the future of this hero. Mid puck can work in some scenarios, but if I spammed this hero, I would primarily play offlane.

I skip getting a veil and get a euls instead. I skip dagon for hex. I get items like linkens and lotus orb to help my teammates. I get aghs when I get too outmanouvered. I get octarine when I'm ahead, and atos when I'm behind. Anything to win me the game.

The only time I would play him mid is when it was an ideal game where I was with an early tempo team vs a late game oriented team. Against squishy heroes and immobile cores. So barely ever.


Puck should almost always be played in the offlane. This opens up possibilities for items like Midas, and lotus orb. Items that mid puck can't afford to get.

I'm sorry if I'm a bit all over the place, but this hero needs some love from the community. And I feel that he's still misunderstood on how to play him. Please let me know what you think. And forgive any grammar/spelling mistakes.

submitted by /u/HowIsBuffakeeTaken
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Thoughts on windranger in 7.04?

Posted: 30 Mar 2017 05:12 PM PDT

Is the hero back due to Maelstrom being better than battlefury now? And 5 man push was nerf, leading in solo pick off and split pushing back. Any thoughts?

submitted by /u/Vemelo
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Thanks Guys for BS Guides :)

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 04:56 AM PDT

Thanks for your advices and guides. I got +200 mmr already. I cant really play that much because i have my graduation practices and such things but when i play. I literally just win and win. I cant post a proof tho. But a lot of thanks for the guides. I hope i can get 3k. PS: I Got 1 Rampage with on my other account. Thats a fucking first for me on my whole dota2 life :)

submitted by /u/baestealer
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How to play carry in ranked

Posted: 30 Mar 2017 07:58 PM PDT

it seems carrys are useless for mmr.

sure you can play defensive and not feed, but your other lanes are feeding.

You can push, but then they tp and you back and your team does nothing.

You fight with your team, and they let you die.

There is no beneficial trades

At the end of the day, I dont understand how carries win games. Im 4.6k right now just playing offlanes becasue u win the lane and the game is won

EDIT: If you die in pos 3, 4, 5 for a pos 1, 2, 3 it is inately worth it. Your team will make use of the space whether they mean it or not as a carry

submitted by /u/orange_fuckin_peel
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