True Dota 2 - Shadow Shaman[Support] optional Race Car build

Shadow Shaman[Support] optional Race Car build

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 11:25 AM PDT

There is a lot games where you wanta Blink Dagger for SS as he is one of the best single target disable in the game, he have hex[instant cast] and shackles[Longest non-ultimate disable], having dagger helps a lot on his initiations, but with the introduction of the talents, going blink is not always the best item for him.

What are his biggest weakness? He is very slow[285 Ms one of the lowest] and his disables have very short cast range[Hex 500 range and Shackles 400 range]. I played some games with Shadow Shaman and then I realised that there is a very effective way to play with him This item build is very interesting when you actually don't need to initiate on them, but wait for them come at you or your team, I go for:

Tranquil > Drums > WindLance | Aether/Euls > any item you heart desire

And for talents I go with 20+ MS and the +100 cast range

Shadow Shaman Total MS with Base[285] + Tranquil[85] + Drums[20 + 6 times 13% active] + WindLance[(20)Euls(40)] + lvl 10 talent(20) = 430[450]MS and for 6[Drum Charge] emergencies situations you have 485[508] MS

If you went for Aether Lens and the cast talent you have Hex with 820 Cast Range and Shackles with 720 Cast Range

Why the 20+ MS and not the 175 HP? You are already pretty slow and also have pretty low armor, it doesnt matter if you survive one second longer with the HP bonus, having more MS however means you can chase and run, 20+ MS is very good vs melee heroes as it is enough to makes you escape as long you are not locked down

Why 100+ Cast range and not 30%XP, to be honest 30% + xp for Shadow Shaman is not amazing as his lvl 20 and 25 talents arent game changing, having the 100+ cast range paired with Aether lens can helps you get some getting max duration shackles as you will be casting from very far and having a good unexpected Hex at night time(Almost every hero have 800 Night Vision and with Talent+aether you have 820 cast range and even if the enemy has linkens you have the Ether Shock which is also instant and will have 920 cast range, so Ether Shock > pop linkens >instant hex, very hard to dodge at night time) which is pretty much undodgeable if they dont have vision on you.

Now the biggest strength about this build, IT IS VERY CHEAP and easy to buy, Tranquil[400+175+325 =900 gold] + Drums [505 + 325 + 250 + 575 = 1655 gold] + Wind Lance[250 gold] = 2805 gold spent and is very effective on a hero like shadow shaman as it gives him HP,Mana regen, armor and a lot of MS.

And even after these items, the next item are also very easy to buy and not very expensive[Aether- 2350gold and/or Euls - 2500 gold as you already have a wind lance], If the enemy has long jumps, such as storm, PA, AM or any hero will get blink going for Euls is better as it increase you MS and gives you an extra disable, else its better go for Aether since the cast range is insane.

TL;DR : Shadow Shaman different build that makes him very fast and makes him more effective at early/mid game without going for an early Blink Dagger.

submitted by /u/kinkosan
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How do you counter the invoker-brewmaster strat?

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 10:24 AM PDT

For the uninitiated, this cheese strat involves alacritying the earth panda who has 300% building damage. T3 towers fall in 7 hits, rax in 5. You can't burst the brew because he's magic immune and there are two other pandas to deal with as well as 4 more heroes. It's essentially the new SD Luna strat with risk free sieging.

submitted by /u/viiraal
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I ranted a Tusk guide while waiting for the next DAC game.

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 07:14 AM PDT

I don't know if anyone cares for it, but I do know that I've played a shitton of tusk and loves playing the guy. AMA!

submitted by /u/IAmBiased
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Windranger should have talents for DPS build

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 08:10 AM PDT

I have an idea how WR's talents can be reworked to make her strong rightclick hero she used to be in the past.

Lvl 10: [ +200 hp / +4 mana regen ]

Lvl 15: [ +30 damage / +40 movespeed ]

Lvl 20: [ +10 armor / +15% spell amplification ]

Lvl 25: [ -7 sec powershot cd / 20% lifesteal ]

May be my talents make her OP but they are slightly weaker than other DPS hero talents. Look at BS talents for example.

Anyway I'm waiting fot your feedback :)

submitted by /u/qComrades
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[Guide] Warding Improved | Dota 101

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 04:02 PM PDT

Hey guys, I just finished a warding guide and would like your feedback. I've been making guides for a while now but this by far took the most research. Any comments or criticisms are greatly appreciated.

Video breakdown:

1: What to get out of wards

Vision of the enemy

Vision of an objective

A blocked camp

Any good ward should accomplish two/three of these things

2: The Perfect Ward

Has full radius

Has full duration

Hinders rotation

Keeps you safe

And has vision over an objective

A lot of these spots are obvious so giving up one or two of these things to make sure the ward stays up for longer is worth it. A bad ward is a "perfect ward" in disguise. It fulfills these requirements but only stays up for a minute cuz its obvious.

3: How To Ward Sneakier

Ward during smoke ganks, move away from obvious routes where wards are, deward common areas, walk up hills so enemies don't see you, and go with allies so you don't die during all of it.

4: How to Deward

Basically just notice enemies and how they move in suspected ward vision. If they run away, go missing, or kill you, there's a good chance a ward is there.

submitted by /u/Enderwhovian
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The main event of the Trench League starts today at 11am PST/2pm EST!!

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 08:54 AM PDT

For those who don't know, the Trench League is a Dota 2 tournament for players who are under 3k mmr. Its purpose is to provide a competitive environment for lower tier players where they can practice teamwork, drafting, and communication in a semi high-stakes environment.

Also, the group stage of the tournament has recently finished, and we are moving into the main event starting today!! At 2:00pm EST/11:00am PST, the first match of the upper bracket will take place, Tango Wango vs Tunnel Snakes, followed by Tilted Gaming vs Please Be Gentle later today.

If you want to come watch some fun games, it will be live here:

and you can check out the bracket here:

submitted by /u/ThePippyman
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Discussion about certain techniques outside of the game to help you raise mmr

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 01:32 AM PDT

This is about a video of pvgna where jenkins explains his "rules" in playing solo q to gain more mmr.

They're pretty neat and all but I'm curious if people actually do these other "outside of the game" to help boost their mmr. Like working out and finding you have a higher winrate when you do, or stopping after 2 losses because of the current pool of players queuing right now is bad, or the 20 20 rule where you kind of reset your mind when you feel you're just auto piloting in a game. Purge also did a video series like this but talked more about the statistics and variance in the ladder and whenever you press the find match button is basically like you rolling a dice and by doing these certain tricks to keep you in your best mental state to win more games.

share me your experiences if you have attempted these tricks, im really interested if they have affected your winrates

submitted by /u/XaeVius31
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Is Visage viable as a mid core?

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 06:37 PM PDT

According to Dotabuff, Visage has one of the highest mid winrates in the game, and has a massive disparity between his winrate for mid and for other lanes compared to the other top mid heroes. It might just be my low MMR every-hero-is-core brain talking but after trying it for myself, it does seem to make a lot of sense, since Visage doesn't need a lot of farm, but is heavily dependent on early levels and his starting items.

It does seem to be popular among the top trending guides, but these players are also the best Visage pickers in the world so they could make a meme strat work with sheer skill for all I know.

submitted by /u/advice-alligator
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How's riki this patch?

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 05:30 PM PDT

Can he still be played as a support? Or just go full carry?

submitted by /u/LeTeras
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Axe a bit too strong?

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 12:13 AM PDT

He honestly has a comparable early laning phase to undying in terms of screwing farm, wrecking lanes.

He then transitions to basically a tankier Enigma with 10 second cooldown on 70% blackhole duration that has a chance to do even more PURE damage + blademail, that isn't channelled.

submitted by /u/Rshrt
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