Learn Dota 2 - why doesn't anybody ever support in the sub 1k mmr?

why doesn't anybody ever support in the sub 1k mmr?

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 02:14 PM PDT

it's always me in the end who caves in and goes support, the problem is that support is the hardest role to play for me, why is support such an undesirable role for everybody, why does everybody want to be carry?

submitted by /u/zangikutu
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Why build Manta instead of SnY on non illusion carries?

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 04:17 PM PDT

The fuck would I need Manta on Juggernaut for?

submitted by /u/Mag77
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What makes a hero good at hitting buildings?

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 07:40 PM PDT

I've been watching DotA for a few years now and I've been wondering what exactly makes a hero good at hitting buildings?

submitted by /u/frodo54
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Buying midas on heroes that farm poorly

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 10:48 AM PDT

I am thinking about buying midas on heroes that don't have good farming mechanism like CK,Slardar.

Is this a good idea in theory or going my regular early fighting builds with items like armlet on ck and early blink on slardar much more effective.

submitted by /u/gambitflash
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How do you roam properly?

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 11:07 AM PDT

As DAC2017 is running at the moment and you can watch Zai and others destroy the enemy team early with a roaming Monkey King or Earth Spirit.

I totally understand that I cannot replicate these succeses because im about 5000 to 7000 mmr below those guys but so are my opponents and I thought roaming should be successful to some extent at least. Whenever I try to roam though the only result is that I fall behind in farm and levels and start feeding after 10 minutes.

So my question is, what does successful roaming look like and what are my priorities then? How do I identify what I should be doing?

submitted by /u/CreativeCoconut
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Force vs glimmer against clock

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 05:37 AM PDT

now im not really asking this question for me, i still think force is much better then glimmer against clock but the other day i was watching a 4kish game where the Underlord/cm went bm/glimmer against clock, now i thought that this was crazy as the main carry on their team was wk and they were against clock/sniper/sb/invoker/tiny

so which item is better?

submitted by /u/reapr56
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When do you make Shiva's on Alchemist?

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 02:32 AM PDT

So 90% I've seen pro/high level alch players go for the standard Armlet->Radiance->Travels->Manta->Octarine->6th item (generally something like Assault cuirass, Mjollnir or Abyssal). But In what situations would you want Shiva's over AC since the latter gives the same armor as Shiva's while also giving attack speed and armor reduction on enemies which is nice for a right-clicker like Alch.

submitted by /u/EL3kTr1C
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Why is Diffusal getting picked up on alot of Weavers?

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 03:06 PM PDT

Like in the title I have been wondering why diffusal blade was such a common pickup on Weaver. Isn't better to go desolator instead of diffusal.

submitted by /u/fartmickey
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The main event of the Trench League starts today at 11am PST/2pm EST!!

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 08:43 AM PDT

For those who don't know, the Trench League is a Dota 2 tournament for players who are under 3k mmr. Its purpose is to provide a competitive environment for lower tier players where they can practice teamwork, drafting, and communication in a semi high-stakes environment.

Also, the group stage of the tournament has recently finished, and we are moving into the main event starting today!! At 2:00pm EST/11:00am PST, the first match of the upper bracket will take place, Tango Wango vs Tunnel Snakes, followed by Tilted Gaming vs Please Be Gentle later today.

If you want to come watch some fun games, it will be live here:


and you can check out the bracket here:


submitted by /u/ThePippyman
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Started calibration, couple questions about it

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 01:03 PM PDT

Finally figured enough farting around and started solo calibration ... I generally get the process, but wondered if people can fill in a few things from experience.

I was pretty appalled at the MMR of the first match. It was like a 600-700 average game, but it was pretty easy to stomp the dogshit out of it (I was Templar Assassin):


Usually in the unranked games I've been playing, I get mid-high 1k and some low-2k players, with the occasional person below 1k or around 3k.

So - does calibration start you at the low end of your possible scale and raise you until you stop doing well? Or, test you back and forth at both ends of the spectrum to narrow it down (should I expect the next game to be a 3.5k game where I get my ass kicked)? Or is there some other method?

Basically I'm not expecting anything great; probably to land roughly among the same level of people I've been playing against for the past couple months. Anything 2k or above would be a moderately pleasant surprise. Sub-1k would be a pretty big surprise. I know when I started out, I really did suck, but that seems a like it would be a little low given how those kinds of games go now.

Anyway, just wondering if anyone who experienced the process fairly recently has any clue what to expect next.

submitted by /u/l33t_p3n1s
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How many deaths should a Pudge have?

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 11:46 AM PDT

I get so tilted and annoyed when I see a Pudge on my team has like 15 deaths, especially if I can't tell which ones are real deaths and which ones are denies. And even the denies seem like they're PROBABLY not necessary most of the time... like, shouldn't he have better positioning instead of rushing in all the time just because he's a tank and using denial as an excuse? Sure they didn't get anything from killing him but he's still off the map for like 40 seconds or more.

I don't ever play Pudge, so maybe I'm wrong and all the rot denies are justified on him.

submitted by /u/-methane-
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How's sven in this current patch?

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 07:16 AM PDT

I am curious about Sven in this 7.03 patch is he still good or bad? How about his meta?

submitted by /u/DeadInvoke
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Am I doing something wrong or is PL really weak late game?

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 10:02 AM PDT

I always lose fights vs. the enemy hard carries after the mid game. Even when I have good lane phase and a good early game overall. My item progression is also usually better than the enemy carry

submitted by /u/violetviolinist
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Jug Ulti Range Shocked Me Here (picture)

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 09:29 AM PDT

I suck at winning my lane

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 08:22 AM PDT

Hi all, i am stuck at 1k MMR, and I believe i have a higher game sense from those around me. My biggest weakness which is restricting me is successfully winning the lane, i often get zoned out, or end the laning stage at 0-2, then proceed to start dominating after. I usually end the game with twice the last hits of other people and half the deaths. I just need to be able to win the lane to stomp games earlier on. I get the whole harass with spells while also getting last hits with it. I just either end up harassing too much and not last hitting well, or last hitting and losing the lane to their harass. Any tips or ways to practise (not last hitting but winning the lane) would help

submitted by /u/KappaLion
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Is my jugg build viable?

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 02:41 AM PDT

I always play with a friend who is happy to play support role. So he babysit me in laning and stack camps. 90% of the time, we win the lane. I go for phase boots then battle fury to clear out the creeps and stacks. Then diffusal to manta. Then I go for eye of skadi or butterfly depending on situation. Many have told me to go for mjolnir than battle fury. Is my build good or what?

submitted by /u/cymphonyyc4
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How to update dota 2 manually?

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 12:48 AM PDT

I mean is it possible? I am using prepaid gsm packet data for internet with limited quota. I want to download the patch in free wifi hotspot and install the update manually later, any advice?

submitted by /u/lucius100
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Roaming Beastmaster?

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 10:45 PM PDT

I've been getting into roaming heroes lately, and I wondered if roaming as beastmaster could be a thing? You max your boar/hawk and axes first, taking ult when you can, buy orb of venom, tangoes, a faerie fire and an iron branch for starting items, then buy tranquils into blink + hotd. I feel like stacking the slows can get really easy early kills, thoughts?

submitted by /u/KawaiiKurwa
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2 Desolators

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 01:38 AM PDT

Why isn't it good to have more than 1 desolator in a team?

submitted by /u/Goocherino
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