League of Legends - Welcome to The_Merrill!

Welcome to The_Merrill!

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 04:24 PM PDT

Welcome to the forum of choice for the President of Riot Games, Marc Merrill!

As I'm sure you are all aware, Marc Merrill is the Co-CEO and Co-Founder of Riot Games, the greatest company that has ever existed. Marc Merrill is the reason we are all here today, Marc Merrill is the reason we are all united on this front. We owe Marc not only our lives, but also our hearts. In the entirety of mankinds history, never has there been a man so dedicated, so likeable and so god damn handsome to grace the very land we walk upon. This subreddit is from here on out, dedicated to the one and only Marc Merrill, and we are all his loyal subjects.

To celebrate this glorious day, make sure you select your very own Marc Merrill flair!

Marc Merrill: A Tale of Wit and Brevity:

When someone becomes as successful as Marc Merrill, it's no doubt there will be people that dislike him, some will even try to go against him. In the race for world president, there have been many challengers, but none of them have come close to the blasphemy of Gabe Newell. Founder of Steam, the cursed gaming platform which hosts the satanic game of Dota 2. Marc's race has not been easy with Gabe also in the race, there has been a lot of turmoil between the supporters of Marc and Gabe. Some of us just want to #MarcLeagueGreatAgain but others do not share that same view. Nevertheless, we, the loyal supports of Marc Merrill need to remember to stay strong, for Marc himself has decided to combat the blasphemous followers of Gabe. We interviewed Marc and here is what he had to say:

  • "I will build a great firewall - and nobody builds firewalls better than me, believe me - and I'll build them very inexpensively. I will build a great, great firewall on our servers, and I will make Valve pay for that firewall. Marc my words."

  • "When /r/Dota2 sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you, they're sending people that pick up Yasuo and they're bringing those people to us. They're bringing flamers. They're bringing feeders. They're lacking in 13 years of moba experience... And some, I assume, are good people."

These are just some of the beautiful words spoken by President Merrill, and I'm sure we will see many more soon. Thank you all for being here on this glorious day, and may Merrill be with you.

Together we will #MarcLeagueGreatAgain

submitted by /u/SimplifyEUW
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Posted: 31 Mar 2017 04:24 PM PDT

Bang suggests celebrating assist milestones: “I hope support players also get some of the love.”

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 08:43 AM PDT

/r/LoL Survivor Round 3

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 08:57 AM PDT

Rules: Vote 5 champions you want off the game. We are voting and eliminating 10 times for 5 champions, 10 times for 4, 11 times for 3, than we will remove champions one by one. This will make the game feel not rushed but also not last forever. You can vote even for fewer champions. We need somewhere else where to vote, google forms is bad at showing answers. Voting closes 17:00 CEST and starts around 17:30-18:00 CEST.
Champions Eliminated
Round 1 - Yasuo
Round 2 - Fizz, Teemo, Shaco, Riven, Zed

Previous Topics
Round 1
Round 2

submitted by /u/vcbvcb14
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A good support never steals a kill form his adc.

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 04:59 AM PDT

TIL that Lucian had the most badass login theme ever

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 06:48 AM PDT

As a somewhat new league player (started S6), I've never had the pleasure to experience Lucian's login theme, until today I've stumbled upon it on a montage. Let me tell you, this is the most badass thing ever and you must absolutely watch it NOW https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbMCmdSEoaA Also, why did Riot remove voice quotes from login themes? They add a lot of personality to the characters, now champs are just akwardly standing there during loading

submitted by /u/Jerry-36
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Why can't I mute these players ?

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 04:16 AM PDT


holy shit what annoying, the ENTIRE FUCKING game

submitted by /u/trxftw
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Xpecial on Hauntzer: "He’s somebody who is underrated compared to Bjergsen and before that Doublelift as well. Now he’s kind of really shining and being a really strong pillar and tank player for his team."

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 09:54 AM PDT

GIANTS! Gaming vs. Misfits / EU LCS 2017 Spring - Week 10 / Post-Match Discussion

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 12:02 PM PDT


Official page | EsportsWikis | Live Discussion | /r/LoLeventVoDs/ | New to LoL

Misfits 2-0 GIANTS! Gaming

MSF | Wiki | Best.gg | Web | TW | FB | YT
GIA | Wiki | Best.gg | Web | TW | FB | YT


Winner: Misfits in 38m
Match History | MVP Poll | Game Breakdown

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
MSF Malzahar Rengar Elise Ahri Leblanc 74.1k 23 10 M1 I2 M3 B4 B6
GIA Rumble Camille Graves Kennen Shen 60.7k 8 3 I5
MSF 23-8-52 vs 8-23-17 GIA
Alphari Gragas 3 3-2-8 TOP 1-4-4 1 Nautilus Flaxxish
KaKAO Lee Sin 1 3-2-13 JNG 2-6-4 2 KhaZix Memento
PowerOfEvil Orianna 2 11-1-7 MID 1-4-4 3 Taliyah NighT
Hans Sama Varus 2 4-1-8 ADC 1-5-3 1 Ashe HeaQ
IgNar Karma 3 2-2-16 SUP 3-4-2 4 Zyra Hustlin


Winner: Misfits in 40m
Match History | MVP Poll

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
GIA Camille Orianna Rumble Leblanc Cassiopeia 63.4k 8 3 None
MSF Malzahar Syndra Shen Kennen Zyra 71.4k 16 9 M1 I2 B3 M4
GIA 8-16-17 vs 16-8-38 MSF
Flaxxish Nautilus 2 2-2-2 TOP 1-3-8 2 Gragas Alphari
Memento Graves 1 4-4-3 JNG 3-0-9 1 Rengar KaKAO
NighT Viktor 3 1-5-3 MID 9-3-4 4 Ahri PowerOfEvil
HeaQ Ashe 2 0-3-4 ADC 3-0-5 1 Varus Hans Sama
Hustlin Lulu 3 1-2-5 SUP 0-2-12 3 Karma IgNar

G Gold K Kills T Towers
I Infernal O Ocean M Mountain
C Cloud E Elder B Baron

This thread was created using lightbinding | Contact us

submitted by /u/epicxkidzorz
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I am a Yasuo main

Posted: 30 Mar 2017 07:35 PM PDT

Waiting for the loading screen I check lolnexus and see that their Diana has only played 3 games with a 3.1kda. I chuckle silently to myself, knowing the pain this Diana is in for. I'm a Yasuo main, I may be only Gold IV but I have 800 games on Yasuo. I also have an objectively better kda of 3.2. She didn't even take exhaust , I'll be legendary in no time.

The sound of the champions dropping into the rift makes me snap back to the game. Blue side, looks like we have a 53% chance to win already. I quickly purchase dorans blade , a potion , and rush to the the bush to cover our red.

Within seconds in digging my hand into my dorito bag for a quick pre game snack. A sound alerts my attention. I draw my eyes in time to see blitzcranks hook attaching itself to my beautiful blood moon skin. No problem , I'm a Yasuo main, I adapt. I quickly level e as I'm dragged towards the waiting team of five. Using my dorito covered hand i furiously navigate through all 5 members of their team using my dash , dealing insane damage quickly.

I'm dead within seconds. My shit team didn't help block the invade, but no matter , they wasted blitzcrank exhaust. I ping that information , expecting free win bot for my sacrifice.

By time I get back to lane, Diana has already shoved it into my tower. I use my dash to try to lasthit under tower but the lag made me miss most of them. I also ate a Diana q from dashing through the caster line onto her. No problem, just need level 2.

She hits level 2 first , im a quarter health from taking a few Diana qs while trying to dodge with my dash. An unexpected flash by her catches me off guard while I'm refilling my mouths dorito pouch. I flash away but somehow riots code fucks me and the auto follows after the flash 0-2.

I close my eyes to breath. Death is like the wind, and I'm a leaf. I open my eyes and use my reaffirmed senses to Untilt and rush back to lane. I ping Diana flash fully expecting a jungler gank.

The enemy Lucian gets a double kill and I immediently SPAM ? Ping wondering how they lost.


This message clearly indicates my frustration. Unfortunately due to a mixture of Doritos , anger , and slow typing ability I didn't realize I was already walking half way up the lane. Shaco appears behind me and gets a cheese box combo. I get ignited and quickly drop to 0-3.


This shaco has gotten to freely camp all game and my lee sin is busy farming till level 18. I'm already behind because my team didn't stop the invade , and the flash glitch. But it's fine. I'll come back. I'm a Yasuo main.

Back to lane again, as soon as I get to lane I hit level 2. Now Diana is level 5 with triple dorans ring, but she also has no flash. I grin how I expect a samurai would right before he delivers the faster then light execution. I dash through the coming enemy wave , landing a perfect knock up on Diana. I get the auto cancel onto q within seconds. My hearts beating. The dps is pouring in. One more auto and she's down. I hear the sound of a box being dropped behind me and the screen goes grey.

Now I've had it. This entire game I've been carrying the team as hard as I can. But due to a combination of shit junglers, misuse of men baiting blitz exhaust , noob champs and hard camping, I've lost lane.

"Lee Sin: Yasuo - dead "

As soon as the ping comes in chat I react quickly. I close out of the game ignoring the warnings. I go to the restroom and wash off the dorito fingers. I close my eyes and breathe. One. Two. Three. No , I'm not counting my deaths , I'm counting the seconds before I go back and reconnect to the game. This is Gold IV after all. This is not a elo where I would ACTUALLY leave the game. I care to much.

"A summoner has reconnected. "

I let out a sigh. Time to carry this shit team.

submitted by /u/ChorzoGhost
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List of one-trick pony Youtube channels

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 07:49 AM PDT

List of one-trick pony channels for each champion:

"CODE" TO THIS LIST https://jpst.it/WzGO

Aatrox: Lord of Stars (4k), hudzell (210), ML-Jesus (205), RubyxWeapon (554), Mr Tank (175), REFLEX4 (18)

Ahri: Vertigal (57k), Dragahri (1k), Lar ons (2k)

Akali: Professor Akali (63k), Best Kser Fl (3k)

Alistar: N/A

Amumu: Amumu Top (1k)

Annie: Annie Bot (156k), Panda Annie (1k)

Anivia: Trizze (6k)

Ashe: BobboTheJuggle (2k)

Aurelion Sol: DeadSol (60), Lyaphine (73), Lantern LoL (12)

Azir: Drift King Azir (16k), apathylex (7k), Mr Oafa (4), Labo Member 002 (202)

Bard: N/A

Blitzcrank: N/A

Brand: Heaffey (171)

Braum: N/A

Caitlyn: N/A

Camille: N/A

Cassiopeia: N/A

Cho'Gath: N/A

Corki: N/A

Darius: FullADdariusBR (3k), Dreadvisage (1k), Steelhorse (3k), Lord Dunk (1k), Cownpie (24), Epsilon (881),

Diana: Private Scrappy (2k), Only Diana (3k), SDiana2 LoL (1k)

Dr. Mundo: Mundo Stream (58)

Draven: loltyler1 (501k), Binley (3k), Sir Alexander (836), FP dexterous(2k), League of Tai (381), Vicenza LoL (17)

Ekko: Saint Kilian (1k), D-Range Rapper / Gamer (141), Fame Ajax (51), Phase Dive (6)

Elise: N/A

Evelynn: EveLovesLoL (14k), Jezcp_NA (123)

Ezreal: N/A

Fiddlesticks: Amazingsticks (274)

Fiora: Stenbock Gaming (47)

Fizz: Fatefalls (3k), Fizz Used Splash - LoL Guides/Gameplays/Montages (1k)

Galio: N/A

Gangplank: Tobias Fate (321k), most dankplank (429), Mr. Foo Was Here (544), Gangplank (597)

Garen: AMSatellite (9k), ristiuMMask (9k), The Glacierr (9k)

Gnar: N/A

Graves: N/A

Gragas: Woody Fruity (37k), Gragas The Rabble Rouser (2k), PanunuLoL (3k), MR. BoostedNick (30),

Hecarim: N/A

Heimerdinger: RezoneGAMES (15k), Heisendong (4k), Ajido LoL (142), The Daily Donger (127), smitedinger (86)

Illaoi: Ishiivel (1k), Enter Dreamland (31)

Ivern: Mat (20)

Irelia: gbay99 (437k), Irelia Carries U (52k), Blazing Claw (97), 이렐리아린브 (15k)

Janna: N/A

Jarvan IV: King Nidhogg (1k)

Jax: JaxJungy (35), Dunk Master Jax (835),

Jayce: PKB dovah (8k), Credenda (212), LightCrusaderz(2k), Mister Jayce (46), JapaneseKoreanUG (21k)

Jhin: I Keep it Taco (226)

Jinx: N/A

Kalista: N/A

Karma: tonytwobits (161)

Karthus: Kartharsus (30)

Kassadin: N/A

Katarina: Flyerbek (85k), Katlife (23k), Mazrim (5k), Thaliesnb (1k), Burstarina (206), Katastrophical (1k), eightdot (1k), Redophile (198), Alninio9 (3k), Noniv (493), Haduko (17), Katarina God (17), Andy2139 (21)

Kayle: Dawidsonek replays (2k)

Kennen: N/A

Kindred: redKind (18k), Godly Polo (659)

Kled: N/A

Kha'Zix: Consume and Adapt (194), Tinjus (2k), OCE Kha'Zix (5k), Kha Sec(12k), kha evo (2k)

Kog'Maw: Kog'Maw Senpai (273)

LeBlanc: ImRoyal (382), It's Just LeBlanc (818)

Lee Sin: Gripex (53k), Bubba Kush (91k), Heizman (112k), Blem (3k), cellybeary (16k), Bee Sin (303), I OwnLee Sin (237)

Leona: N/A (iOki pls)

Lissandra: Elsa of Garendel (73)

Lucian: Lucian IRL

Lulu: N/A

Lux: 공사현장TV (11k), Tokyo Ai (25)

Master Yi: cowsep (260k), Rei Yi (50k), Yuneshin (1k), YIMO Community (253), GojiSunSin (652), Legendary Fruit (652), Heartbreaker Yi (2k), KR Master Yi (152),

Malphite: N/A

Malzahar: N/A

Maokai: N/A

Miss Fortune: Asura (1k)

Mordekaiser: TastyPotatoX (2k), 페이즈킬러(2k), Raid Boss Morde (35), TheKingofEloHell (735)

Morgana: N/A

Nami: FakieLoL (4)

Nasus: mrbigruss666 (13k), Shirchez (42k)

Nautilus: N/A

Nidalee: Bad Nidalee (4k), Random Nid (49), Chumbles Productions (170)

Nocturne: 쏘핫트 (24k)

Nunu: Candoodle (21)

Olaf: Olaf Only (102)

Orianna: Orianna Mains (47)

Pantheon: Fatpack TV (736)

Poppy: Th3Broodwich (621)

Quinn: Insufficient Sanity (367)

Rammus: N/A

Rek'Sai: N/A

Renekton: SoloRenektonOnly (126k), Godrekton (2k), RenektonTopOnly (48), Dominius Croc (11)

Rengar: l3imbi (23k), ScrubNoob (175)

Riven: Box Box(912K), GTT (143K), TheSwiftExile(83), Yeesha (1), SJK(68), Adrian Riven(68K), hi its viper (10k), Riven God (80), Exil(38k), ElectroKidi(28k), nova (760), italiand0g (6k)

Rumble: RumbleMidGG (1k), Rocoman14 (679)

Ryze: NickInComing (1k)

Sejuani: N/A

Shaco: Shaclone(414k), PinkWard(139k), White Crow (16k), Chinese Jester (175), SethSebass(9), Jiyagi (307), CraiyX (6k), Carry Clown (1k), mesomarket (75), shaco bin laden (138)

Shen: Tricky Travster (3k), Linky317 - Shenpai Gaming (2k), Roy Shen (905)

Shyvana: N/A

Singed: Singed420 (120k), Minishcap1 (3K), Ankan (1k), Jonny Holmes (3k), Adellaide Skyhart (1k), Chimpso (11k), Snuggle (73)

Sion: Tilterella (53k), Soultran (779), iKluzeR (103)

Sivir: N/A

Skarner: EquinoxFox (439), PoV Quiche (49)

Sona: SON4 Main (122)

Soraka: ChannelDima (86)

Swain: N/A

Syndra: Overlord Forte (759)

Taliyah: Drewmatth (1k), iDarkLaw (27), TaliyahGod (127), Etyrnal Twitch (9), Drewmatth (1k)

Talon: N/A

Tahm Kench: N/A

Taric: N/A

Teemo: Ivan Pavlov (3k), HangSim TEEMO (23k), CantBeatThisMeat (34), Beastly Teemo (20k), trmplays (51k), Hikashikun LoL (2k)

Thresh: Rayskat (11k), Foreflay (7k), Flayboy Magazine (2k), Blue Zenith (336), I only hook (11k), Kawaii Thresh (162), RyhDerr (322), SantzGaming (2k), SomeDayMadlife (373)

Tristana: Skelly (53)

Trundle: 트할 (17k)

Tryndamere: Boxer pete (33k), foggedftw2 (500)

Twitch: xTwist3D (13k)

Twisted Fate: Gross Gore (346k), Iraskate (7k)

Udyr: 4everMaxty (2k), AnOldSchoolPro (2k), Num (11k)

Urgot: Chimalpopica (2k)

Varus: N/A

Vayne: Constantine III (2k), Allucky (52), kT Tumbler (27), ness (1)

Vi: Super Metroid (292)

Viktor: N/A

Veigar: TheBossVeigar (51), Sin Sorcerer (702)

Vel'koz 양동s (2k)

Vladmir: Rock3tt (2k), Vladmir Bot (85), 0kills (153)

Volibear: N/A

Warwick: N/A

Wukong: Cloud7z (166)

Xerath: Nvo (2k)

Xin Zhao: N/A

Yasuo: Yassuo (262k), arkadata (90k), Combat Marksman (7k), Baka Prase (24k)

Yorick: N/A

Zac: Flyingbaklava (1k), Gankr (89)

Zilean: Support Carry Zilean (60)

Ziggs: N/A

Zed: LL Stylish (337), Azoh (84k), Death Mark (6k), Majki the General (1K), Kiting Zed (5K), Matezedguy333 (35), Confided Zed (23), FEDOR (27k)

Zyra: Jason Barnett (3k), DWHANGDOODLE (18)

Original List: /r/leagueoflegends/comments/5wza3e/all_most_1trick_youtube_channels/

UPDATE Added Drewmatth, S Diana 2, FiniteHD, Jezcp_NA, Kog'Maw Senpai + small fixes. Also added Lucian IRLHikashikun LoL, foggedftw2, Amazingsticks, ScrubNoob, The Glacierr

added Sivir :)

Yould be nice if you PM me for missing youtubers, I cant rly handle this post.

I wont add BunnyFuuFuu, Trick2G or others like that.. they are well known for a champ but they are not One trick ponies (anymore) - Besides that they are already well known anyways ;)

Fell free to send me even super small channels, Id love to add active Channels with less than 100 Subs. - As long as its a OTP chgannel ofc ;)

submitted by /u/xRuSheR
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Origen vs. H2k-Gaming / EU LCS 2017 Spring - Week 10 / Post-Match Discussion

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 09:55 AM PDT


Official page | EsportsWikis | [Live Discussion]() | /r/LoLeventVoDs/ | New to LoL

H2k-Gaming 2-0 Origen

With this win, H2K finish the spring split in second place of group B.

H2K | Wiki | Best.gg | Web | TW | FB | YT | Sub
OG | Wiki | Best.gg | Web | TW | FB | YT | Sub

MATCH 1: H2K vs OG

Winner: H2k-Gaming in 32m
Match History | MVP Poll

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
H2K talon camille lulu karma 69.4k 20 11 C1 O2 B3 C4
OG syndra elise malzahar zyra orianna 50.6k 8 1 None
H2K 20-8-42 vs 8-20-14 OG
Odoamne shen 2 3-1-9 TOP 0-3-2 1 rumble Satorius
Jankos rengar 1 3-3-7 JNG 3-2-4 2 reksai Cinkrof
Febiven leblanc 3 5-0-9 MID 4-6-2 4 katarina Naehyun
Nuclear varus 2 7-2-5 ADC 1-4-2 1 ashe Tabzz
Chei brand 3 2-2-12 SUP 0-5-4 3 tahmkench xPeke

MATCH 2: H2K vs OG

Winner: H2k-Gaming in 32m
Match History | MVP Poll | Game Breakdown

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
H2K lulu camille talon rumble leblanc 60.5k 11 8 I1 B4 C5
OG malzahar rengar syndra zyra nautilus 53.5k 7 2 I2 M3
H2K 11-7-23 vs 7-11-11 OG
Odoamne kennen 3 2-1-6 TOP 1-1-3 3 gragas Satorius
Jankos graves 1 3-3-2 JNG 5-1-2 2 lee sin Cinkrof
Febiven orianna 2 3-2-3 MID 1-1-2 4 zilean Naehyun
Nuclear varus 2 3-0-4 ADC 0-4-1 1 ashe Tabzz
Chei thresh 3 0-1-8 SUP 0-4-3 1 karma xPeke

G Gold K Kills T Towers
I Infernal O Ocean M Mountain
C Cloud E Elder B Baron

This thread was created using lightbinding | Contact us

submitted by /u/heraldofdeath
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Alistar's passive stops his cowbell.

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 08:46 AM PDT

This infuriates me.

Small Proof

Edit: Using potions and your team getting dragon also stops the cowbell

submitted by /u/RealFredtastic
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[NA LCS Promotion] Team Liquid vs. eUnited || Game 1 Disucssion

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 04:13 PM PDT

TL 0 - 1 EUN

We're in for a spicy BO5 series.

submitted by /u/JaxAnarchy
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Pinging your ult CD when you're dead says its ready even when it's not.

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 05:37 AM PDT

As the title says. I haven't tested this enough to see if it happens 100% of the time or not, but all I know is this happens a lot and has been doing so for quite a few patches now. Hopefully this'll get fixed :)

EDIT: As mentioned by "iArcZ", if you're pre 6 and dead, you can also ping it with it saying "Ready".

EDIT: This is mostly frustrating when you die and you want to tell your team that your ult wasn't ready before you died so you want to ping the CD of your ult to say you didn't have it up

submitted by /u/Sveenix
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Having "Spectate Game" next to the "Send Message" button, without a "confirm that you want to spectate game" option is infuriating.

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 03:17 AM PDT

The number of times I've been meaning to message one of my friends and accidentally clicked on the "Spectate Game" option instead of "Send Message" option, and then had to wait 30+ seconds for the game to load, only to quit out of it straight away, is infuriating! And I'm sure no one would object to having a "Confirm you want to specate Player X's game" button.

submitted by /u/shortyrunner
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Having the NA LCS Promotion Tournament on dual streams makes sense from a production perspective, but really sucks from a viewer's perspective.

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 12:38 PM PDT

First, I'm going to start this off by saying I'm fine with dual stream for regular season. The problems inherent from the system, mainly spoilers, being unable to watch every game live, and a single analyst desk for two streams, aren't as big of a deal during the regular season.

However, those problems become a much bigger issue when applied to a Best of 5 tournament. Since Bo5's are fairly rare, I try to watch as much as I can. Especially for NA since I'm most familiar with the teams, players, and casters. I prefer to watch them live also, since there is absolutely no chance of spoilers this way. Knowing how a Bo5 ends really sucks, and spoilers are almost unavoidable for a dual stream. The analyst desk is a spoiler zone and twitch chat likes to go to the other broadcast and spam the results every time a game ends or a weird pick comes out. Yes, both of those can be avoided, but sometimes even the casters slip up. Also, the analyst desk will be lower quality as they will have to watch both Bo5's simultaneously.

I do understand how this is a lot easier for riot's broadcast team since the infrastructure is already there for dual streams, this is the most Bo5's they've had in a promotion tournament, and they don't have to do two Bo5's in one weekday. However, Riot has done this before - During the 2016 Summer promotion tournament, they ran 2 Bo5's (REn vs TDK and TiP vs APX) on a Thursday. So yes, dual streams would be easier, but it's not like single stream would be impossible.

TL:DR and Summary: Using a dual stream broadcast for a Bo5 tournament results in a worse viewer experience due to the impossibility of watching all games live and avoiding spoilers in the process.

Also, a reminder/PSA, the promotion tournament starts when this post is 2 hours and 20 minutes old (3 PM Pacific, 6 PM Eastern) with NV vs GCU on NALCS1 and TL vs EUN on NALCS2.

submitted by /u/gingerkid427
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FIRST BLOOD: The Stats Behind The Slaughter

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 10:08 AM PDT

The New Algorithm Was Designed To Keep Marc Merrill From The Front Page... But Sadly, That Won't Happen.

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 04:25 PM PDT


When Dota 2sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems to us. They're bringing Slark players. They're bringing Bronzies. They're boosted

submitted by /u/RawStanky
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Update on forgiven

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 06:42 AM PDT


States he is Competing in LGC in order to maintain his skill. Also open to offers from any pro league apart from EU. Also states that he is happy with his life in Greece and is in no rush at the moment.

This could very likely mean that forgiven plays in NALCS summer 2017

submitted by /u/iReactZz
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Second day of last EULCS week coming up: Here are the results the teams need to improve/lock their standings.

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 05:04 AM PDT

So, second day coming up soon, i rewrote all the scenarios to account for the games yesterday

As a reminder: Matches won>Games differential(games won-games lost)>Head to Head>Total games won(This is not sure, it is that way in the rulebook, but the casters said something different yesterday)>Tiebraker match

Group A

  • G2:(12-0)(24-6) Locked in for 1st/bye

  • Misfits:(7-4)(16-10)
    After the loss of FNC against G2 yesterday MSF is now locked in 2nd

  • Fnatic:(5-7)(15-18)
    Fnatic can´t get 2nd place now
    To secure playoffs:
    Scenario 1: ROC loses to G2(Match differential is even, even if FNC loses to MSF, total games won makes the difference here (15 on FNC, at best 13 on ROC))
    Scenario 2: FNC beats MSF (Match differential is even to ROC even if they beat G2 2-0, but Games differential is better for FNC)
    Scenario 3: FNC beats MSF 2-1(Match differential and game differential are even, total games won is better for FNC. )

  • ROCCAT:(5-7)(12-16):
    To get to playoffs:
    Scenario 1: Win against G2 and have FNC lose against MSF (One more match won)
    Ok, this is now only relevant if total games won doesn´t count, otherwise ROC needs to beat G2 and have FNC lose against MSF.
    Scenario 2: ROC loses 1-2 against G2 and FNC loses 0-2 against MSF (everything but games won is the same, Tiebraker happens then)
    Scenario 3: ROC beats G2 2-0 and FNC wins 2-1 against MSF (same as scenario 2)

  • Giants:(2-10)(8-22): Locked in for 5th/relegation.

Group B

  • Unicorns of Love(10-2)(21-8):
    To secure a bye:
    Scenario 1: Win against Vitality(Better match differential than H2K)
    Scenario 2: Have H2K lose against SPY or OG(Better match differential than H2K)
    Scenario 3: Lose against Vitality 1-2, and have H2K win both their series 2-1(Match differential even to H2K, game differential even, Head-to-Head is better for UOL)
    Second place is now the lowest UOL can finish

  • H2K (8-3)(18-8) To get a bye/1st place:
    Scenario 1: Win both matches and have UOL lose 0-2 against VIT.(Match differential is even 10-3, UOL is 21-10 on games, while H2K would have atleast 22-10, even by dropping a game in both series)
    Scenario 2: Win both matches, have UOL lose 1-2 against VIT and drop a maximum of 1 game.(Same as Scenario 1, only with UOL being 22-10, and H2K being 22-9)

    To secure 2nd place:
    Scenario 1: Win atleast one of their series(Match differential better than Splyce)
    Scenario 2: Lose both series, but go 1-2 against SPY. (Match differntial is even, games differential is at worst 19-12 for H2k and is 19-12 for SPY, but H2K is ahead on the head to head)

  • Splyce (7-5)(17-11)
    With yesterdays loss against UOL, SPY can´t get first place
    To get to 2nd place:
    Scenario 1: Beat H2K 2-0 and have H2K lose against OG (Matches is even, but game differential is 19-11 for SPY, to at best 19-12 for H2K

  • Vitality: (3-9)(9-19) Locked in 4th

  • Origen: (0-12)(2-24) Locked in 5th

I really hope that I have every scenario right, corrections are, of course welcome, and i´ll try to push out an update after every day of LCS.

EDIT: So, thanks to u/tehsalmonofdoubt i now have the quote by quickshot comfirming that total games won is indeed relevant, so i´ll edit the post soonTM

submitted by /u/Sarius1997
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Froggen is very insightful on the analyst desk!

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 09:13 AM PDT

I'm actually really liking the passion he's showing and the way he views the game. I mean apart from being a smart player he's probably one of the most consistent control mage players of all time aswell. Hope to see more analysis and/or content from him. Curious what next split will bring for him aswell, hopefully some changes in Echo Fox, wouldn't see him joining another team randomly as he always has been very loyal.

submitted by /u/OntariBE
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Weldon Green: 'One of NA's biggest problems is lack of homegrown talent'

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 08:02 AM PDT

By far the worst hitbox I've seen in a while..

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 09:49 AM PDT

Twisted Treeline In Depth Guide + Tierlist & Builds (League of Legends Season 7)

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 05:30 AM PDT

Fun but useless fact: Yasuo has an astonishing 60% pick rate on the PH Server

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 05:01 AM PDT

...consistently for almost 3 months now, and his win rate usually fluctuates from 47% to 53%. Second is Vayne with only a 37% pick rate. Makes you wonder how many Yasuo mains are there, lol

*PH = Philippines (yes, we do have our own server)

submitted by /u/Exinge
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