Destiny - Destiny 2 - "Looking Back To The Past" Teaser Trailer!

Destiny 2 - "Looking Back To The Past" Teaser Trailer!

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 01:37 PM PDT

Greetings, Guardians.

A few days ago (the 30th, to be exact), we were contacted by Bungie with a very special gift. We've been very busy over the past few days, with all these reveals and announcements and such, but what's one more? It is no secret that Destiny had a rough launch, given that there were many things that didn't make it into the base game.

In recognition of all the work that community leaders do, stretching from /r/destinythegame, to, and even the Twitch Channel moderators ("You're the unseen hand – the unsung heroes." as DeeJ puts it)...they put together 3 very special trailers, gifted to the leaders of each community. Our personalized trailer (given our curiosity for what Destiny could and would have been), looks back on what Destiny 1 was meant to be from the start. And how Bungie aims to prevent this issue from repeating itself once more as we draw closer to Destiny 2.

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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DestinyReddit Discord Splash Image Contest

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 12:20 PM PDT

Hey Everybody!

Did you know that this subreddit has a Discord Server? If you aren't already in there, I recommend that you join us. It's a great place for live chatting about the game, asking rolls on weapons and armour, tips and help on how to do things, and we even have LFG rooms for matchmaking for each of the platforms supported.

Our discord server is also partnered, which means that we get better audio channels (most useful for those playing on PC), better quality server, our own vanity invite lnk, as well as being able to set a custom splash page example of what it could look like.

Custom Splash Image contest

Now that we are partnered, we're going to need a splash image that guardians will see when they go to join the server. An example of what it could look like. This splash image gives us a nice Destiny friendly touch, and makes it more special and unique.

The contest will end no sooner than 2017/04/08 or when we choose to end it.


  1. Dimensions: 2048 x 2048 pixels
  2. Must be Destiny themed
  3. Must include a Reddit flavor to it
  4. Must be 100% Safe For Work
  5. No game spoilers
    • You can use Destiny and Destiny 2 artwork and promotional images such as stuff shown in the Destiny 2 Reveal Trailer, but anything that is a major spoiler is not allowed
  6. Artwork must be original or provided by Bungie, or with proof of permission from the Original Creator. Stolen artwork will NOT be allowed.
  7. A PSD and PNG of the final asset must be supplied


The following assets are available for reference and use. They are not the only things you can use, but something to start or refer to.

  1. DestinyReddit media pack.
  2. Template from Discord on various layout constraints.
  3. Discord Partner Logos.

Other References

  1. DestinyReddit on Twitter
  2. DestinyReddit on Reddit
  3. DestinyReddit on Discord
  4. DestinyReddit on Facebook
  5. DestinyReddit on Twitch

Judging and Reward

We will be judging the entries based their ability to fit the Destiny, and DestinyReddit theme, as well as uniqueness and most importantly RNG. The winner will be provided with a Gift Card to the service of their choice, such as to Sony/Microsoft stores or Stream, etc.

How To Enter

To enter the contest, do the following:

  1. Create your splash image.
  2. Join our server and go to the #partner_splash_image_contest channel.
  3. Make a single comment including a link to the splash image in PNG format.
    • If you are selected as the winner we will reach out for the PSD as well.

If you have any questions, please send us a message or tag @The Vanguard in the Discord server.

submitted by /u/D0cR3d
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A suddenly topical username

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 05:13 AM PDT

I always thought I just was named for one of my favorite football players.

Turns out, I'm Gary, the reason your stuff is gone.

Sorry guardians.

submitted by /u/GaryReasons
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Posted: 01 Apr 2017 08:09 AM PDT

Who else is STILL playing since Day 1?

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 11:03 AM PDT

I just wanted to say the Destiny community and universe has been truly amazing throughout these years. Thank you all!

submitted by /u/return2ozma
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A few wallpapers to celebrate the Age of Triumph!

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 04:29 AM PDT

April Fools!

There are actually way more than a few..

View the Ultimate Collection

New Age of Triumph Wallpapers

submitted by /u/horizon_xiv
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Does anybody else feel like this subreddit should have a countdown for D2?

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 05:39 AM PDT

Would be nice

submitted by /u/GR3Y_B1RD
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On September 8th Shaxx will get his wish.

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 04:15 AM PDT

He says "What I wouldn't give to fight again beyond the walls. I would tear out a Vex heart with my teeth! I would sear the Cabal with my burning Light, challenge the Fallen Kells to personal combat and scatter them! I... I've been watching too many Crucible matches."

Well Shaxx, The Red Legion cometh to grant thy wish.

I hope we get to see some awesome action of Shaxx Vs Cabal

submitted by /u/Hellguin
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Reintroducing: The Left Sidebar

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 07:50 AM PDT

Hey Guardians,

Some of you older users will remember an awesome feature that we used to have, a left sidebar!

This sidebar was great, it housed all the really awesome info you needed as Guardians, and didn't distract or annoy anyone at all!

We want to bring it back for Destiny 2, so we're testing the functionality with this theme right now, and taking your feedback!

Let me know if there's anything you want to share about your experience with the left sidebar

See this comment, this is totally not an April Fools Joke

submitted by /u/Clarkey7163
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Look at what /r/Warframe did

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 09:47 PM PDT

Do all of you guardians think that wearing a complete armor set should grant some sort of bonus? Why or Why not?

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 08:12 AM PDT

I finally reached Gunsmith Rank 50

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 08:03 AM PDT

I'm not even sure what else to say. I'm still pretty stoked that I finally did it. Lighthouse? Yeah, that was cool. Raid completions? Neat-o.

But this... THIS feels like a REAL triumph.

submitted by /u/Tony_Blunder
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I just realized how the Cabal were able to defeat us so easily...

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 06:37 PM PDT

Look at the weapons used by the Vanguard leaders.

Ikora: Shotgun (nerfed), Stormcaller (nerfed)

Cayde: Hand Cannon (nerfed) he Hip Fired (nerfed)

Zavala: Ok, he's alright.

Bungie is the reason the Vanguard were unable to fight back, because of the nerfs they gave to them.

submitted by /u/ZazaZyna
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On r/place, who wants to help build a destiny logo at (777,777)!

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 05:14 AM PDT

Edit: great job everyone! It's coming along great!

submitted by /u/EnderSir
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Our Destiny 1 'Legacy Rewards' should be account based

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 12:59 AM PDT

If you have no idea what I mean by a 'legacy reward', it's basically just some cool stuff we will get in Destiny 2 for doing things in the first game or on the bungie website or something. Much like how halo forum users got special emblems in destiny at release for being a certain forum rank or being on the site for a few years etc. Now that we know D2 will have some cool stuff for the veterans at release (Bungie told us in a blog post a few weeks back I think) I need to say this. Many players will be moving across platforms possibly from XB1 to PS4, vice versa or mostly from console to PC now it's confirmed to be on there too. These legacy rewards shouldn't be platform account locked as this would be a slap in the face to many long term fans who decide to move to whatever platform, especially if a player moves to PC as Destiny 1 isn't even on PC so it's not possible to have anybody with the rewards on there if they lock them to your XB/PSN. Having them tied to your Bungie account would be great and should solve this and many long term players would be happy and for the future D2 PC players we should just get the rewards when we link our steam or whatever it's going to be to play D2 on PC to our bnet account. I really hope you guys at Bungie can do this or are already working on it because it would suck to not have them for whatever reason after playing your game for so long. Thanks for reading and any upvotes and replies are appreciated because the goal here is to have just one person from bungie see it. I posted this on bungie's website with no success so I'm gonna put it here too and see if anybody here can relate to this :)

submitted by /u/Cuxp
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Wizards aren't the only ones who can undo their deaths

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 08:10 AM PDT

Thank you, Age of Triumph, for giving my raid group an unforgettable experience last night

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 12:27 PM PDT

1000 hour Day 1 guardian here. Lighthouser and generally serious guardian. However, i play destiny with my close childhood friends who happen to be much more causal about it. We generally just play for fun anymore, but recently a lot of them have quit and moved onto other games. My one friend had logged about 900 hours in y1-y2, and about 60 since RoI. He agreed to hop back on to raid.

My other friend, Hank, is a Taken Tot. He loves raiding, and we still get a Trials card or two in per month since RoI. We never win, but it's just to reconnect and catch up with what's going on in our lives.

Hank's wife is pregnant, and her due date was approaching. When Hank saw that AoT was dropping, he wanted to finally beat Crota, since no one ever ran it with him. We scheduled a Raid for last night at 10pm EST. it took a bit of time to get a group of 6 of us together, and we finally hit the abyss around 10:45.

Earlier that week, i had joked that we were going to get to Crota and little Hank Jr. Would make a surprise guest appearance. Well, I was wrong.

He decided to make his appearance right before we ran the Ir Yut challenge.

Because of Destiny, I was in party chat with one of my best friends in the world the exact moment that his wife needed to go to the hospital to give birth to their first son. They sent me the picture of their beautiful little boy this morning. He's pushing to name the baby Crota, but I don't think it's likely.

Thank you, Destiny, for granting me such an unbelievable memory. I will never forget that.

Long live Prince Crota.

submitted by /u/Hathematics
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The only poem I know...

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 12:33 PM PDT

A local park has setup a poem tree, so I left the only poem I know.

submitted by /u/Mast3rFl3x
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Queen's Wrath Bounties From Petra Are All Daily Post AoT

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 09:29 AM PDT

SGA might be an overstatement, but all the bounties (Queen's and Take) are resetting daily now. You can do the same Take The Wanted multiple times a week and can do Take Them All every day.

With the "Take" bounties giving a good amount of rep with the NF boost (312?), grind for ship, shaders and T12 is much improved.

BONUS - The "Queen's" are now giving experience to weapon/armor nodes; need more testing on "Take". Save some motes on those sweet new raid drops.

submitted by /u/BillyBarue_psn
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How good would it be if D2 had some reference to it being Norse Fenrir's birthday.

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 07:03 AM PDT

Something small, maybe even something similar to a tower announcement, but from wherever the D2 social space is.

submitted by /u/Rastus22
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Bravo to whoever is responsible for "HAPPY BIRTHDAY NORSEFENRIR" on /r/Place

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 10:28 PM PDT

This will probably get lost amongst Destiny 2 hype, but perhaps some of you will remember me; I made a survey here about a year ago, and over 6000 of you participated. Here, finally, are the results.

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 01:40 PM PDT

The survey in question:

Here are the results!

  • Participants overwhelmingly male, at 96%. Roughly 3% identified as female, with less than a percentage identifying as 'other'.

  • The mean rating of Destiny was 8.4, with the mode being 8.

  • 62% of participants played at least once a day. 26% played once every two days, 8% every three days, and 1% for every variable below that.

  • 26% of players play for around 3 hours per day- this was the mode. 30% of players played for longer than this, 33% played for under 3 hours per day, and 11% of participants considered their playtime too varied to measure.

  • 54% of participants got excited for the weekly reset, with 39% of participants 'sometimes' getting excited.

  • 42% of participants played for longer on the day of the weekly reset, with 33% 'sometimes' playing for longer.

  • 42% of participants get excited for Xur, but find their excitement dying when they see his stock. 33% are excited regardless. Only 5% of participants become excited after looking at his stock.

  • 65% of participants do not play for longer when Xur arrives.

  • 52% of participants prefer to mass decrypt engrams after amassing several of them. This was an interesting point about delayed gratification, as only 20% of players felt that they needed to immediately decrypt their engrams.

  • 72% of players admitted that they had considered themselves addicted to Destiny at some point. This was also an interesting focus in my analysis- though I somewhat expected this, as obviously those who would come upon the survey are naturally going to be those who are more heavily involved in the game than 'casuals'.

  • 56% of participants considered that they had been at least somewhat negatively affected by Destiny's addictive qualities at some point.

  • Only 7% of participants felt that they regretted spending money on Destiny's additional content.

  • 57% of participants felt that Destiny was designed to be intentionally addictive in order to make up for its shortcomings. It has been acknowledged that this question was leading.

  • 58% of participants felt that gaming addiction was a serious issue.

  • 77% of participants felt that there was a negative stigma towards gaming addicts.

Once again, thank those of you who participated very much. I got an A in Media and on this project, and am now studying Media and Communication at my first choice university.

submitted by /u/I_am_Ali_Buba
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Use Knuckles of EAO on Atheon next week for a possible increased chance at Vex Mythoclast

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 12:51 PM PDT

Title. I'm so pumped for VOGs return! [SGA]

submitted by /u/MaaarkyD123
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A shooting range for destiny 2

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 10:56 AM PDT


You know just a few targets or test dummies to give feedback on weapon stability, bullet strength etc.

submitted by /u/BigDogX-X-X
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Is anyone else stuck in a cycle of PVP misery because they used to be good, stopped playing, and now sucks because Bungie is matchmaking them based on their old stats and you have no idea what to do after all the weapon changes?

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 03:37 PM PDT

I just want to kindly ask Bungie to treat me like the scrub I am, I don't know this Crucible, I am new to this Crucible, but the matchmaking suggests they think I'm a pro at this Crucible. I don't win anymore.

Edit: It's a relief to know others feel my scrub pain, and that other people suck with me.

submitted by /u/anonbmd1
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Heard a rumor about the D2 first Raid Exotic...

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 05:22 PM PDT will be the Ghaullarhorn.

shadesteps out

submitted by /u/HillaryRugmunch
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